How can I increase my child’s immune defenses

How can I increase my child’s immune defenses? “. This is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions.

For example, a few days ago I received this email: I am the mother of a 1-year-old girl. I read your book on pediatric vaccinations and I did not vaccinate the child. However, I am now in difficulty .
I wonder if it is not necessary to do still something to minimize the risk of contracting diseases. Tomorrow I would be able to answer to my daughter of my choice not vaccinarla with strong motivation and having perhaps taken of alternative measures.
In addition, soon I will have to put it in the nursery and the regulation requires that children are in compliance with vaccinations at the time of enrollment.
In a few days I was scheduled the last vaccination appointment before the Prevention Department sanctions me.
I have heard that homeopathic vaccines are used in Germany which are proposed as valid. I don’t know what ‘moral’ or legal value they have.
I kindly ask you to answer me … to reassure me about these problems.
Thanking you, I offer my best regards and best wishes for the year that has just begun.
PG ”


Before giving an answer, it is good to make a premise.

Given that mass vaccinations cannot be personalized, even if infrequently, they can cause serious damage to immunologically weak individuals and since they provide only temporary and specific immunity, protecting, if it is okay, only against certain types of germs, already from several years I am affirming (in my books on vaccinations or in conference reports) that instead of practicing these mass vaccinations it is much more logical, useful, safe and economic to act by enhancing the child’s non-specific immunity which will protect it not against some types of germs, but towards all germs (obviously not absolutely).
In fact, if we strengthen the immune system, we act in the most obvious and rational way and certainly do no harm. Furthermore, given that, especially in children, the immune system is intensely connected to all the other organs and systems, its improvement will positively affect the nervous system, the digestive system, body development in general and then also the future hormonal development (the immune system is a focal point of PNEI: the famous PsicoNeuroEndocrinoImmunologia ).

What is the real great difficulty of this intervention?
There is only one major difficulty: in order to obtain a true and lasting immunostimulating effect, the therapy must be strictly personalized. In order to achieve this latter goal, it is necessary to:
– know the biopatographic history of the child;
– visit the child;
– understand what is its main weakness;
– understand why the immune system has weakened.

As always in medicine, a precise diagnosis must first be made. In fact, the causes of immune weakness are many: problems during pregnancy or childbirth, genetic alterations, poor nutrition, excessive use of drugs (immunosuppressive species), poor life hygiene, family stress (divided parents, quarrels, misunderstandings, etc.). ), damage from vaccines (even if not evident), previous pathologies not correctly overcome and many other less frequent causes.
Therefore, it is certainly not possible to give a phone or email advice and those who do it will certainly not be able to set up personalized therapy and therefore, if the therapy is not personalized, the final effect on the immune system will be weak and short-lived.

But what are the main points on which to base a pediatric immunostimulating therapy?
In summary, I would say that this therapy must be based at least on the following essential points:
– it must always be personalized;
– must eliminate disturbing or weakening factors in the immune system;
– must restore or in any case guarantee a good hygiene of life considering in particular a peaceful and adequately prolonged rest, a correct diet, an adequate intake of liquids, an adequate life in the open air and, according to age, an activity sports that is not a source of excessive stress;
– must try to promote a peaceful family atmosphere where the child feels understood, protected and essentially loved;
– must aim to replace drugs with natural medicines (where possible) and in particular with a personalized medical treatment based on all the characteristics of the subject and not chosen only on the basis of evident pathological symptoms;
– it must be checked over time, both to verify its effectiveness and to evaluate whether it must be modified on the basis of the physiological changes a growing child is experiencing.

In concrete terms, what are the most important immunostimulant substances?
My thirty years of clinical experience has taught me that today children need more than ever not so much and / or not only immunostimulant substances, but all those substances that are needed by their organism for normal and adequate growth . In practice, what you really need is a complete diet with a correct balance of nutrients, especially the essential ones.
In any case, the most important nutrients and towards which it is necessary to pay special attention when immune disorders are highlighted are the following:
– intestinal probiotics and prebiotics;
– vitamins A, D, E and C;
– salts of magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, iron;
– omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
– antioxidants (glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid, melatonin, some polyphenols);
– amino acids (glutamine, cysteine, arginine, methionine, phenylalanine, histidine, tryptophan).

It is not necessary to administer all these substances, but it is necessary to ensure that the diet is provided. Almost always, in immunologically weak children this goal is achieved more easily (and in some cases mandatory)by suspending cow’s milk and its derivatives and, in particularly weak children, also by reducing (but not by suspending) cereals containing gluten (wheat, rye, barley, oats).
Finally, we must not forget some natural supplemental treatments aimed at helping liver functions, due to ubiquitous pollution (especially in children who present the clinical signs of even mild liver dysfunction).


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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