Bucketlight, the lighting that also brings plants to the office

Bucketlight was born , a special lighting system suitable for office or office plants . Growing potted plants inside offices helps to improve the quality of life of workers , as well as positively influencing productivity and mitigating stress . However, not all offices are really suitable for growing plants. They are not always equipped with adequate lighting and sufficient space.

Often it is necessary to find alternative spaces where to place plants in pots. So why not try hanging vases from the ceiling ? This is the original design solution proposed by Roderick Vos , accompanied by a special lighting system dedicated to potted plants to be placed in the office.

It’s about Bucketlight . Potted plants are literally hung from the ceiling, as if they were chandeliers, while special bulbs take care of ensuring the necessary lighting in the office, creating a relaxing atmosphere. The ideas proposed by Roderick Vos also aim to mitigate the feelings of coldness and excessive rigor present in some offices.

Roderick Vos stresses that the presence of plants is able to bring about a positive change from the point of view of well-being in the workplace. In addition, plants contribute to the oxygenation of the rooms and the purification of the air .

The idea of hanging plants on the ceiling was born after finding that the floors of the offices did not offer enough space to place the plants. Furthermore, the need for more lighting was evident.

So Roderick Vos created the Bucketlight system, to which stratagems have been added to better arrange and hide the PC cables, in order to make the workplaces more pleasant and comfortable . All parts of the Bucketlight system have been made with water and rust resistant materials .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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