The boredom that we will talk about in this article is an existential condition, which originates from a profound experience.

It is that state of mind that arises from the inability to feel interest in the world, for the people around us, for the things we do and which results in the absence of emotions and apathy, which in turn they contribute to the sedimentation of a negative experience about oneself, which can only fuel boredom and apathy again, giving rise to a vicious dysfunctional circle that must be interrupted.

Those who get bored in this way live a daily life where nothing excites them, involves them and excites them, they feel inadequate and unable to reach life goals and goals.

Where does boredom come from?

The inability to feel pleasure and interest hides a depressive experience and negative beliefs about oneself, as well as a deep sense of inadequacy and inability, which have ancient origins.
Boredom signals an altered relationship with one’s deepest needs: those who are bored cannot find dreams, a purpose, something that truly motivates them. In other words, those who get bored in this way have learned to repress emotions, needs, desires.

The absence of desire, typical of boredom, can protect you from the frustration of wanting things that you feel are impossible or beyond your reach. If I want something that is important to me, I strive for it and I can’t, I suffer. But if I don’t want, I don’t suffer. So basically boredom is configured as a form of protection, defense against the unrealisability of one’s needs.

How to manage boredom, some operational strategies:

  • Learn to value what you do. The weary not defeated always trying new ideas but trying to derive enjoyment and pleasure from small positive things of daily life, recovering the ability to feel and express positive emotions.
  • Try to be yourself by  recognizing and giving value to your own needs and emotional experiences. This attitude allows you to carry on your desires, to choose spontaneously, and to establish authentic and satisfying relationships.
  • Give your best in the current situation. To overcome boredom it is necessary to commit and give the best of oneself in the current situation, without waiting for an ideal utopian situation (for example having the perfect job)
  • Do not take anything for granted , if you look curious and open to new things, it facilitates the involvement and the emergence of new interests, in itself a powerful antidote to boredom.

When to contact a psychotherapist

If you find that boredom prevents you from living your life to the full and you are stuck in the vicious circle of negative thoughts that fuel apathy and mood deflection and you can’t get out of it on your own, you should go to one specialist who will help you manage this dysfunctional vicious circle, reconstructing an image of yourself as adequate and capable that will allow you to take back your life.

Boredom arises when we have stopped dreaming, growing, setting ourselves goals and our life has become static and without prospects.
We have achieved stability but we take everything for granted: work, partner, friends, family. Human nature is made to grow, to evolve, to improve. Trying to improve and learn new things is a powerful antidote to boredom.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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