BLUE FISH: The Healthiest Meat

Various studies have been able to show that oily fish is essential in the prevention of heart, circulatory and inflammatory problems. The incorporating oily fish into your daily diet can be very simple and practice, being able to be consumed in various dishes and accompanied by a large number of vegetables or whole grains.

Medicinal properties

Among the various contributions that blue fish can make through the Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D can be highlighted:

Reduction of blood pressure and normalization of the circulatory system preventing the formation of clots and heart attacks.

Decreases the level of cholesterol and fat in the blood.

Lowers the risk of paralysis (stroke).

Relieves pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis and the bones are not so weak.

It is useful for ulcerative colitis (inflammation of the intestines).

In oil, it reduces and relieves psoriasis and dermatitis.

Protects the body from cancer of various types.

What fish are in the category of “blue”?

The blue fish are: salmon, which has a high vitamin content D being very valuable to people who do not have enough in the organism due to lack of exposure to the sun; the sardine which is a very high calcium; the sprat that contains Calcium and Vitamin E; the mackerel and the herring. Tuna also has omega-3 fatty acids but their quantity in proportions is extremely insignificant.

Conservation, preparation and consumption

These fish can be kept fresh or cold-smoked because with the cooking does not lose the properties of omega-3 fatty acids. Those who know eaten with thorns such as sprats and canned sardines are generators with a high calcium content. If a large quantity of Oily fish should also increase the intake of Vitamin E, either through through sunlight (through exposure of the skin to the sun) or from additional foods such as almonds and sunflower oil, to avoid the Oxidation of fatty acids. On the other hand, it is advisable not to forget that smoked fish should be consumed with lemon juice (vitamin C) to protect the body from the products used in the process of smoked – which are usually harmful to health.

The ideal way to consume any variety of blue fish is baked or grilled on the grill, seasoned with aromatic herbs, and accompanied Made of veggies.

by Abdullah Sam
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