Better know first! Herbal capsules … yes, what brand can you eat?

Treatment of illness And various diseases currently occurring We will be familiar with medication as a primary means of treatment, but there are still ” alternative therapies ” to help. Which substances found in nature are selected for alternative treatment called Biologically Based Therapies or treatment with biological substances. Or chemicals such as herbs, vitamins, Chelation Therapy, Ozone Therapy to healthy food, etc.

Using herbs is an increasingly popular alternative. Most people accept it. Whether they are medical personnel Or the general public can have knowledge that is more accessible than ever before For this reason, it helps people turn to use. Herbal products for health more. Either used as a treatment or as an aid in the prevention of future diseases

In addition, the results and properties of the medicinal herbs are of the same quality as the drugs. Which has the same good treatment result But still we need to understand how to choose the right herb By studying knowledge Have good information about the herbal medicine. This will help create more security for the buyer himself.

For convenience and suitable for the current environment Herbs are then packed into capsules. In order to be able to eat more easily In addition, the advantages of the capsules Also suitable for people who are difficult to take medicine This will help cover up the unpleasant smell and taste of the herb as well.

Yes, you can take any capsule.

In producing quality herbal medicine The external capsule itself is important to be given attention. It is like a container that comes in direct contact with the drug. Therefore, the materials used must be standardized. It is safe for consumers.

Most capsules in use today The outer shell is usually made from gelatin. Which are at risk of being an easy source of food for microbes, fungi and bacteria Therefore, a good capsule must be made from quality gelatin. Which has been verified that it is free from contamination of all kinds of microorganisms There is a standardized production process. Through quality control and cleanliness in every process

If the capsules produced are not selected and control the quality of gelatin raw materials. Including the production process that is not good enough Need to put a preservative Preservatives such as Parabens, Sodium Bisulfite (Sodium Bisulfite) in capsules, or ethylene oxide may be used in the manufacturing process. If the preservative is placed beyond the standard May cause harm And adversely affect the health of consumers

In Thailand, the Ministry of Public Health determines the amount of parabens used in capsules should not exceed 1,000 ppm. If we get a very small amount of preservatives The body will be able to get rid of it through urine normally. But if received in large quantities every day Will result in heavy liver and kidney work The deterioration of the said organ Until being followed by an illness

But from the laboratory examination of the Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science and Technology Thammasat University It was found that many capsules commercially available contain parabens. In the proportion expected to exceed the specified amount

Choose capsules that are standardized and made with superior quality gelatin.


In addition to knowledge of herbs and attention in production We should have an understanding of how to read drug labels in accordance with the principles of the FDA by observing the following information.

  1. Should buy herbal medicine. From a licensed pharmacy and the product must have the drug formula registration number.
  2. You should not buy herbal medicine from the market or on the market. Including buying from the telling of others, word-of-mouth By not doctors or experts with direct knowledge Because there is a risk of substandard herbal medicine Are contaminated by microorganisms Followed by negative effects on the body in the future
  3. Before buying herbal medicine Always look at the drug label to see if it has the following messages or not.
    • Drug name
    • Drug registration number or code Which is the drug formula registration number
    • Quantity of herbal medicine packed
    • Production number or letter
    • Name of the manufacturer and the province of the drug production site
    • Date of manufacture of the drug
    • There are words “traditional medicine”, “home medicine” or “external medicine” “local medicine” in red letters. That is clearly seen, etc.
  4. Must not put preservatives But should use good quality gelatin grade Or pharmaceutical grade To meet the standards of the Pharmacopeia (Pharmaceutical grade) because it will help reduce the accumulation of microorganisms, fungi and bacteria growing in the gelatin capsules to be less.
  5. Is safe There is no need to worry about the residue of the preservative that will accumulate in the body. Causing long-term side effects

In conclusion, you can see that Capsules that are used to produce herbal medicines must be given the attention of the manufacturer. This is important that consumers like us should not be overlooked.

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Ouai An Osoth Company  We are a company that produces herbs for more than 30 years, with very high expertise and experience in herbal production. Produce herbs according to GMP PICS principles and are certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the company also realizes the importance of capsules used as the main herbal products of the company. Ouai Un Osot has chosen to use gelatin capsules. High quality, A grade Meets the principles of pharmaceutical grade Consumers like us can be confident that If choosing to buy herbal products from this company The buyer will be safe. Ensuring that there will be no preservatives And is certainly contaminated with bacteria


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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