Benefits of Research: Functions, Types and Examples

Scientific papers must always be structured, such as the benefits of research need to be considered to produce a good scientific paper. This article will discuss the types and examples of research benefits for researchers, the community and students.

Those of you who are studying must often be faced with the task of writing scientific papers. Regarding the understanding of the benefits of research, do you understand it well?

It is indeed not easy to do scientific papers, even though the task has been given many times. As a result, many students have difficulty writing scientific papers, one of which is a thesis, internship report or dissertation.

As a graduation requirement, the thesis must be written carefully and in accordance with the rules for writing scientific papers.

Understanding the Benefits of Research

The definition of the benefits of research in a thesis or other scientific work is usually not as long as the background. However, it is not as short as the formulation of the problem which sometimes takes more time to complete.

Generally, this sub-chapter on the benefits of research is ignored and filled in as is by researchers. Even though this sub-chapter is also important in a thesis. 

Chapter I in the thesis consists of background, problem formulation, research objectives, and research benefits. This first chapter has an important and big role as the foundation of your research.

In the background, you need to explain the general picture of what you are researching and the urgency or reason for choosing the topic for the thesis. Then the problem formulation is a question that covers the entire discussion of your thesis.

The research objectives themselves are also formulated before the research benefits. Because the understanding of research benefits can be interpreted as the potential results of research after the research objectives are achieved. For that reason, ideally you can formulate research benefits only after the research objectives have been achieved.

You can find many examples of research benefits from the internet, online archives of theses and your campus library. However, do you know why research benefits must be included in scientific papers?

Basically, the benefits of research exist because of the provisions of the structure of writing scientific papers. Research is very important for universities. First, to develop teaching materials. Second, to support community service.

Third, improving the reputation of the campus through research results that have an impact on the wider community. The wider the influence of the research results, the better the reputation of the campus.

These three things are related to each other. All three lead to the development of science and research results being returned to the interests of society.

Function of Writing Research Benefits

In relation to the importance of research for universities for these three reasons, the benefits of research in a thesis serve to clearly explain and emphasize the potential of the research results.

There are three functions of research benefits in a thesis, namely:

  1. Inspiring further research, further research can use similar topics by looking for gaps in previous research that can be developed for further research.
  2. Inspire further research using one or some components of previous research. For example, research variables, cases, research methods, etc.
  3. Being a consideration in making government policies

Application of Content to Research Benefits

There are three main points of research benefits that need to be applied in a thesis, namely: 

  1. Benefits are described clearly and systematically. The benefits of the research are compiled after the research results are achieved. So that the description of the benefits of the research is based on the results of the research, not merely the personal opinion of the researcher.  
  2. Rationale. The benefits of research are the rational impact of solving the main research problems through the chosen actions. The description of the benefits of research is attempted to be appropriate and balanced with the reality of the research results.
  3. Not a hypothesis. Describes anything obtained from the research results. Hypotheses are not described in the benefits of the research because they are located in the research proposal, while in the thesis it must be from the results that have been researched.
  4. The pragmatic side of the research results. The description of the benefits of the research is intended to be applied in real terms or developed into further research, so it is important that the purpose of the research can be conveyed effectively through the benefits of the research.

Types of Research Benefits

Next, what you need to know are the two types of research benefits and their uses (Soekidjo, 2010). These two types of research benefits are what you need to include in your thesis. 

1. Theoretical Benefits

Theoretical or academic benefits are the benefits of research for the development of science. So that these theoretical benefits can develop the science being studied from a theoretical perspective. The theory used is of course based on previous researchers or writers.

This theoretical benefit serves to explain whether the theory used is still relevant to the author’s research, generally relevant, or not at all.

However, it can also be used to strengthen or refute the theory after knowing the research results. 

2. Practical Benefits

Research is conducted because there is a problem that needs to be solved or resolved. Practical benefits explain the benefits that are useful for solving the problem in a practical way.

The purpose of this practical benefit can also be directed to more than one subject. For example, benefits for students working on similar thesis topics, academics conducting the same research, and so on. This subject is adjusted to the researcher’s research.

Benefits of Research for Researchers, Students and the Community

Usually in theses or papers it is often written about this. What can be discussed in it?

1. Benefits of research for researchers

The benefits of research for researchers are usually to identify a problem that is happening, for community service, for the benefit of society and for personal experience. The focus is like that.

2. Benefits of research for students

As one way to apply the knowledge gained to prove in a research. In addition, it is also as a personal experience to conduct research.

3. Benefits of research for society

Well, for this society, research must have a big impact. Whether it is in analyzing social symptoms that occur in society and can be observed to draw conclusions or make research that is useful (appropriate) for society in the future.

Examples of the Benefits of Research Papers, Proposals and Theses

After knowing and understanding the meaning, importance, function, and types of research benefits, pay attention to the following examples of research benefits.

The first example is taken from a thesis research on the influence of the size of the Public Accounting Firm (KAP), type of audit opinion, audit firm tenure , and company size on audit delay simultaneously in 2014.

The second example is taken from research on the use of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Home Learning Portal as an online learning model in Elementary Schools in 2019.

The last example is taken from research on the effectiveness of the active knowledge sharing method when applied in learning to respond to broadcasts for high school students.

Examples of Benefits of Research Papers

Theoretical Benefits

This research is expected to increase insight and knowledge regarding the factors that influence audit delay in financial sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and is also expected to be a means of developing scientific knowledge that is theoretically studied in lectures. 

Practical Benefits

  • For the author, this research is expected to be a useful tool in implementing the author’s knowledge of auditing, financial reports, and audit delay. 
  • For further researchers, this research is expected to contribute to the development of theories regarding the factors influencing audit delay, for those who wish to continue this research. 
  • For auditors 7 This study is expected to help auditors in analyzing the factors causing audit delays. So that auditors in the process of auditing the company’s financial statements can work more effectively in reducing the delay in issuing audited financial statements.
  • For financial companies, this research is expected to be a consideration for management so that the presentation of audited financial reports can be published on time, so that the economic decisions chosen are more accurate.

Examples of Benefits of Research Proposals

Theoretical Benefits

The results of the study are expected to be used as a reference for developing knowledge about the use of the Rumah Belajar Portal as an online learning model in elementary schools. 

Practical Benefits

  • The development of more innovative learning with an online learning model that utilizes the Rumah Belajar Portal as a learning medium.
  • It can be used as a consideration for teachers in determining learning media that suit students’ interests and follow current developments. 
  • Able to add knowledge and provide inspiration about the use of the Home Learning Portal in learning activities in elementary schools.

Examples of the Benefits of Thesis Research

For Writers

This research activity is used as a valuable experience in an effort to improve the author’s ability to develop knowledge and can provide an overview of the learning outcomes of responding to broadcasts or information from electronic media using the active knowledge sharing method . 

For Schools

With this research, the benefit for schools is that they can apply the methods used in the teaching and learning process, especially in learning to respond to broadcasts or information from electronic media. 

For Advanced Researchers 

The results of this study can be used as a basis for further research and as a basis for thinking about developing learning to continue research in improving learning to respond to broadcasts or information from electronic media using the active knowledge sharing method .


Scientific papers must always be structured. Each element needs to be considered to produce a well-integrated scientific paper. In addition, the process of working on it or research must also be carried out in a structured manner. Those of you who are studying must often be faced with the task of writing scientific papers.

Thesis is a graduation requirement. Through thesis, your understanding of the lecture material is tested based on the thesis topic that you have determined. It may seem scary or heavy, but you are expected to be used to thinking critically and structured from the task of making the paper.

Moreover, this assignment is usually given every semester since the first semester. So it would be better if you work on scientific papers earnestly and seriously on the assignments given during college.

Also read: 9 Recommendations for the Best Research Methodology Books

After understanding the three examples above, hopefully you can understand the meaning of the benefits of research and apply it in writing a thesis or other types of scientific papers.