Benefits for political prisoners and tortured

It details the benefits to which individualized persons are entitled in Valech reports.

What are the benefits?

  1. Monetary
  2. Doctors
  3. Educational
  4. Housing
  5. Others

Who are the beneficiaries?

The victims directly affected by human rights violations individualized in the “List of political and tortured prisoners” prepared by the National Commission on Political Prison and Torture.

The individuals identified in the annex “Minors born in prison or detained with their parents” of the list of persons recognized as victims.

The people directly affected by political imprisonment and torture, individualized in the list prepared by the Advisory Commission for the classification of Disappeared Detainees, Political Executives and Victims of Political Prison and Torture, which operated between 2010 and 2011.

Monetary benefits

Reparation pension for the benefit of the victims directly affected.

  1. For those under 70 years of age, the monthly pension is $ 179,349.
  2. For those over 70 and under 75 years of age, the monthly pension amounts to $ 196,106.
  3. For those over 75 years old, the pension is $ 205,265 per month.
  4. This pension is readjusted annually according to the CPI
  5. It is incompatible with pensions for political exemption, granted by laws 19,234, 19,582 and 19,881. There is, however, the right of option between the pension for exemption and that contemplated by this law.
  6. It is compatible with any other pension that corresponds to the beneficiary, as well as with respect to any other social security benefit established by law.
  7. It is not attachable.
  8. It can be assigned in favor of legal persons whose purpose is the caution, promotion and promotion of respect for Human Rights and fundamental freedoms.

Option bonus : it was a bonus of $ 3 million that was granted only once to the victims directly affected by human rights violations, who received a political exoneration pension, granted by Laws No. 19,234, 19,582 and 19,881 .

Bonus to minors: Bonus of $ 4 million and was granted to minors born in prison or detained with their parents, included in the list of persons recognized as victims and tortured in the Valech Commission report. They also receive the reparation pension described above.

Widowhood pension for the surviving spouse of a victim of torture or political prison who enjoyed the benefit of the pension, corresponding to 60% of the pension that the affected person would receive.

Medical benefits

  1. Right to free medical benefitsgranted by the Comprehensive Health Care and Repair Program (PRAIS) in the country’s health services. To access these services, the person must go to the hospital or health office corresponding to their home and register at the corresponding PRAIS office.
  2. Technical support and physical rehabilitationto overcome physical injuries that are the product of political imprisonment or torture.

Educational benefits

This benefit consists of the free continuity of basic, intermediate or higher studies . The body in charge of guiding people to exercise this right is the Division of Higher Education of said ministry.

A single child or grandchild of the beneficiary, and as long as the original beneficiary had not made use of it, may apply for the Bicentenario, Juan Gómez Millas, Nuevo Milenio scholarships or those established for outstanding students who enter the pedagogy career, in the form and conditions established by the regulations of said scholarships.

Housing benefits

Access to housing subsidies. The Ministry of Housing and Urbanism ordered reparation measures through housing subsidies. For more information, you can consult the housing and subsidies section on the website.

Other benefits

Exemption from performing Military Service for the children, grandchildren, siblings and cousins ​​(relatives up to the fourth degree in collateral line) of persons recognized as victims. To do this, they must send a request in this regard to the General Directorate of National Mobilization, attaching a birth certificate stating the identity of their parents.


by Abdullah Sam
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