Believe in yourself? Here’s how to (re) find security day after day

How to be sure of yourself

If self- confidence isn’t your thing, it’s time to cut the blocks that slow your growth. Find out what makes you feel insecure.

Low self-esteem does not allow free self-expression: usually this low self-esteem is intimately implicated in motivations related to our body, character or insecurities that we did not solve in the right way as a child. One thing is certain: if from an early age we are raised in a constructive environment, which helps us evolve, as adults we will be more serene and balanced.

However, there is no more appropriate age than others: self-  confidence  is something that accompanies us on the journey of existence, a  resource to  be learned day after day.

The first step? Do away with the guilt ! You can discover the others by continuing to read.


Accepting yourself is the best strategy for increasing self-esteem


Turn your weaknesses into strengths

Analyze what makes you feel insecure and …  befriend your insecurities ! Start looking at them with sympathy. Reflect on all the times you have censored yourself and imagine how you would have liked to face a certain situation: you will realize that there is no need to reset what is your character. Just transform, step by step, your shy smile into the look of a self-aware woman. Self-confidence is learned through experience and awareness . Learn to accept yourself as you are , with your mistakes and defects: write a short diary , in which to write down your achievements and adventures of each day.

Read also Gratitude journal, the art of cultivating happiness

Rediscovering your inner child can help you let the great truths and tender weaknesses emerge that, however, form who you are. To smile at life with newfound confidence.

Listen to your heart  and learn to read the sensations

Once you’ve identified the reasons behind your insecurities, try changing old habits. You have to break the mold!  A large percentage of our behaviors are directly linked to some sort of programming within us, which we have built over the years, starting with the way we have been raised by the family. Stop thinking you don’t have enough potential to emerge. When you notice these thoughts try to repeat yourself: “This way of thinking belongs to the old me, now  I act differently .” This way you are already starting to love yourself and working on your self-esteem .

Get a new perception of your body

Such as? Starting with a few, fundamental daily gestures to be applied day after day, because your body talks about you. Straighten your shoulders and back. Don’t you feel a pinch stronger already? Learn to breathe calmly , keep an upright and fluid position. Start speaking out loud instead of whispering what you want to communicate. A little effort is needed at first, but every revolution needs an intimate will to change . And you want to get involved, right? Experiment with a passion, a hobby or a new sport : they will allow you to meet new resources of yourself, renewing your self-confidence. To dance for example, it awakens personal self-esteem and lets the most unpredictable sides of our personality emerge into the open. Are you ready to let yourself go?

Compare yourself and start exporting

And learn to do it in a balanced way. Do you often feel like you’ve missed an opportunity to say the right line, that you had in mind from the start, or the clever remark that could have set the tone for a conversation? Instead of hiding, start exposing yourself . Start looking each other in the eye: it will be a real revolution . And if at first it is difficult for you, try to imagine your interlocutor in a funny situation, for example in his underwear, or imagine him getting smaller and smaller. It works!

Choose a look that makes you feel beautiful

Work on self-esteem through your beauty . What is the look that makes you feel best in your skin? Often people with low self-esteem use clothes that do not enhance them: start choosing accessories in line with what you like and …  have fun daring!  Take care of your body by enhancing your shapes: create your own beauty ritual, try masks and scrubs, keep your hair clean and adopt a makeup that helps you  express your character and your best sides. Taking back our body serves to increase our self-esteem.

Act like a confident person

It seems obvious, but it works. Don’t confuse real self- confidence with displaying masks, a behavior that is often apparently viewed in a positive way. Accept who you are . And at the same time ask yourself what you would like to improve in your way of being and acting. What has prevented you from making that change so far?    This transformation is within your reach – try doing something your old self would never have done, like smiling at a stranger, or responding to a joke. You can do it!

Think positive

Create a space within yourself that you can  return to whenever you feel you have to face something difficult. It can be a happy memory, or a place that makes you feel safe: they will give you the energy to behave more confidently, finding solidity and support in your oldest roots. Start feeding yourself with positive emotions and repeat to yourself: “I am a positive and confident person,  I deserve what I need .”

Get involved and experience the unexpected

Take yourself less seriously and live the challenges of every day with enthusiasm and irony . Are you wrong? Don’t be afraid of your mistakes: fear blocks us . The experience of failure is one of the most vital achievements since it means that we have lived and from every mistake we can learn something new, useful for the future. Start taking risks : jump and make mistakes, fall, have a laugh. Laughing at oneself  denotes a certain self-  confidence  and the transformation of some defects (accepted and loved) into real strengths.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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