Bed bugs: what they are, how to recognize the bites and remedies

Bed bugs are tiny insects that can nest in mattresses , pillows but also in fabrics and walls. They can be seen with the naked eye and their bites have symptoms and signs that can be easily confused with mosquito bites . It is important to find the presence of these insects, to disinfest the areas where they have nested and remedy any bites.

Some subjects show a sort of insensitivity to the sting, not presenting any obvious skin symptoms. The lesions are usually located in uncovered areas of the body (those not covered by nightwear) and mostly legs, arms, neck and face. In many cases they have a linear distribution because bed bugs tend to feed on blood multiple times in multiple places, not just once like mosquitoes . The lesions appear from a few minutes to a few hours after the bites, depending on the subject and the type of immune response, and can last up to twenty days.

Bed bugs: what are they?

Bed bugs are small, reddish-colored insects that feed on  human blood . They are part of the Cimicidae family, a species of wingless hematophagous ectoparasitic insect that hides in mattresses and cracks in walls and cracks in furniture during the day and sucks the blood of those who sleep. They do not have a great parasitological value as their bite does not cause infectious transission but only allergic reactions with symptoms that are at times common with that of mosquito bites. Its hematophagous activity determines in humans the onset of highly itchy stroofuloid-type lesions caused by a hyperimmune reaction against some substances contained in salivaof this insect.

They are attracted by the smell emanating from human skin and by the carbon dioxide that is expelled during the night. The bites, not recognizable the instant the bed bugs attack, appear as reddish patches with a white dot in the center. They are hardly single, but at least three or four close together and are itchy.

When do they proliferate?

Bed bugs tend to proliferate and be viable at temperatures between 15 ° C and 37 ° C. Below 15 ° C and above 37 ° C their development stops.However, it is difficult for the temperature in the bedroom to drop below this threshold , let alone exceed the maximum resistance of the insect. In infested environments, bedbugs usually take refuge in wood, paper materials and fabrics. They are very often found in mattresses, especially the edges and seams of the mattress , in wooden slats and in spring nets. The bed, in essence, is their habitat. They attack indiscriminately at all ages, but mainly young people and adults.

Symptoms of stings

The characteristic symptoms of bed bug bites are:

  • reddish patches present on the skin upon awakening, in groups
  • small skin sores ,
  • itch
  • large redpatches with more or less swelling
  • allergic reaction.

Bed bug bites can appear quite similar to those of many insects. The symptoms, if treated for a few days, resolve without any consequence or sign, if serious allergic reactions or any infections resulting from inflammation of the skin lesions appear, it will be necessary to contact your doctor who will be able to indicate the most suitable drug therapy for the treatment.

How to recognize the presence of bed bugs

The presence of bed bugs is recognizable to the naked eye, despite the size of the insects in question. To try to find them, it is recommended:

  • carefully observe mattress and pillows with a flashlight, but also structure and headboard of the bed and walls
  • observe the sheetsfor small black spots (this could be the excrement). Using light-colored linens can make catching easier
  • check that there are no small traces of bloodcaused by the possible crushing of the bedbug on the sheets.

In case of bedbugs, sheets, pillowcases but also mattresses should be washed with sanitizing, pesticide and antibacterial products. In case of recurrence or massive presence of such insects or outbreaks, it is recommended to rely on an expert exterminator who uses  liquid nitrogen or dry saturated steam . they

Treatment and Remedies

In case of bite from bed bugs, and the appearance of red spots, the presence of pain or excessive itching, it is good to contact your doctor who may prescribe the application of a hydrocortisone -based cream , and the intake of an  antihistamine via oral  to relieve itching.

However, there are some natural remedies to relieve symptoms until they disappear within 24-36 hours, and they are:

  • Cinnamonhas anti- inflammatory properties
  • Honeyhelps moisturize the skin. Q
  • Witch hazelanesthetic action that helps to calm the itching caused by bites.
  • Aloe verahelps relieve itching and burning sensations.
  • Iceis a great remedy for any bite, even from the bed bug.
  • Oatmealis famous for its soothing properties on the skin. Reduces redness and swelling. It is recommended to immerse yourself in a tub for about 30 minutes by dissolving the flour in warm water, or to wet a tablespoon of oatmeal with water to create a sort of paste to be applied on the bites.