Basic lines for the speech therapy care of schoolchildren with dysarthria

Basic lines for the speech therapy care of schoolchildren with dysarthria . There is an insufficiency in the innervation of the organs involved in the emission of speech. It usually arises as a symptom of cerebral palsy , they occur more frequently in early age, caused by trauma or inflammatory processes of the brain ( meningitis , meningoencephalitis, vascular disorders, embryopathies). In 80% they are recognized by prenatal trauma and become more complex at delivery due to physical trauma to the brain , hemorrhages, delayed caesarean section anoxias, dehydration, hypermature children, others.


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  • 1 Manifestations of dysarthria:
  • 2 General speech therapy care strategy in case of dysarthria
  • 3 External links
  • 4 Bibliographic sources:

Manifestations of dysarthria:

  • Affecting neuropsychological and psycholinguistic processes: comprehensive and expressive language difficulties .
  • Voice disorders : sudden and uncontrolled variations in tone, trembling voice, changes in intensity.
  • Breathing Disorders: Frequent inspiration from overspending.
  • Acceleration or slowing down of the rhythm in speech segments.
  • Accentuation reduction.
  • Alterations in general motor skills, which implies disorders in muscle tone and movement: Uncoordinated and precarious gait, due to his exaggerated movements with his arms and hands, his constant grimaces and his difficulty in eating and speaking .
  • Articulatory motor disorders.
  • Pronunciation disorders.
  • Insufficient development of the phonemic ear.
  • Reading and writing disorders.
  • Impacts on vocabulary and grammatical construction.
  • Alterations in psychic development.

General strategy of speech therapy care in case of dysarthria

Objective: Correct and / or compensate for the alteration of the sound component of language and general and articulatory motor skills , as well as the formation of personality.


  • Development of general and articulatory motor skills.
  • I work with pronunciation through the stages of corrective treatment of dyslalia .
  • I work with the qualities of the voice.
  • I work with my breath.
  • Active and passive vocabulary development.
  • Development of the lexical-grammatical and pragmatic components of the language.
  • Development of the phonemic ear and mastery of the technique of reading and writing.
  • Correction and / or compensation of personality disorders, secondary to verbal disorder.

The speech therapist teacher must carry out permanent work and during the exploration it is necessary to determine the character of the disorder in the motor sphere. Habits have to be createdcorrect motors, eliminate spasticity, decrease hyperkinesis and muscle weakness, develop mobility of the fingers and limbs, as well as muscle control. In the development of joint motor skills, emphasis must be placed on the use of involuntary movements, massage of the articulatory organs, passive gymnastics. Another aspect of particular interest is related to massage of the articulatory organs, which can be applied to the lips, tongue, neck, cheeks and the veil. Its objective is to activate or inhibit the movements of a certain organ. The ideal method for speech therapy in people diagnosed with dysarthria is the methodcomprehensive work. Due to its complexity, it requires teamwork (neurologist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, orthopedic, psychologist, speech therapist). This joint work should be carried out both for research and for speech therapy care. Your prognosis depends on the severity of the disorder.


by Abdullah Sam
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