How bad intimate health affects your relationship and self-esteem

Good intimate health is essential for our well-being and for enjoying a full sex life.

When all is not well in this area, several aspects of our daily lives are affected and this can result in physical and emotional consequences.

Therefore, it is always good to be attentive to the signals that our body sends us when something is wrong. In this article, I will explain how bad intimate health can affect our self-esteem and disrupt even our relationship, as well as giving tips on how to overcome this problem.

Although we have advanced in several areas and managed to conquer our space in society, we are still afraid to speak openly about our intimate health.

When we get sick with the flu or fever, we say without restrictions to those we know, but when it comes to an intimate disorder, like a vaginal infection, we avoid the subject at all costs, out of shame and fear of what others will think.

In today’s text we will cover the following topics:

  • Bad intimate health x relationship 
  • Affected self-esteem
  • It all starts with good intimate hygiene
  • Some common intimate problems
  • Tips for good intimate health
  • Hiding is not the solution
  • Chat

Bad intimate health x relationship

When a woman’s intimate health is not good, it can negatively affect the couple’s sexual relations. Women lose their self-esteem and begin to be reluctant to have sex due to the shame they feel and start to feel insecure and unwanted.

Men, on the other hand, can reject women, believing that they do not take care of their intimate hygiene (due to discharge and bad odors) or feel frustrated by the growing distance from their partner.

Affected self-esteem

Inadequate intimate health can directly affect a woman’s self-esteem .

In some cases, she begins to experience pain during sexual intercourse, which results in voluntary withdrawal from her partners. She starts to feel inadequate and “less woman” and her self-esteem is getting lower and lower.

In some cases, such as vaginal infections, the stench and discharge cause discomfort and she may even feel disgusted by her own body and feel ashamed of having sex.

It all starts with good intimate hygiene

Often, poor intimate health can be directly linked to poor intimate hygiene, which results in several problems. Intimate hygiene should be part of the daily routine, as well as brushing your teeth and washing your hair.

Society expects people to have good personal hygiene and is uncomfortable if someone gives off unpleasant odors.

If you do not have adequate intimate hygiene, it is possible that family, friends and especially your partner do not want to be by your side.

Here are some of the problems that can arise if intimate hygiene is not adequate and that can lead to poor intimate health:

  • Continuous mucosity;
  • Vaginal irritation;
  • Vaginal infections;
  • Bad odor;
  • Social problems;
  • Urinary infection.

Some common intimate problems

Bad odor

One of the most uncomfortable problems that makes women uncomfortable is the bad smell produced by the vagina. This odor in some cases is not limited to underwear, sometimes it can overtake clothing and reach people around you, causing discomfort.

Having sex in these conditions can result in a less exciting experience than usual, as the partner may feel uncomfortable due to bad odors.

Some women, especially younger women, often mask the characteristic odor of the vagina and vulva with soaps, deodorants and even perfumes. Only instead of improving, it can make the situation even worse, since it causes a change in the vaginal flora.

These unpleasant odors may be the result of poor intimate hygiene or may be indicative of a medical condition such as vaginal infections. Other factors that can also cause changes in the odor of the intimate region are inadequate nutrition, which can cause a change in vaginal PH. The ideal is to seek a doctor to solve the problem and indicate the appropriate treatment.


Endometriosis occurs when parts of the endometrium come out of the uterus and leak into the other areas of the pelvis (such as the bladder and ovary). This out-of-place tissue causes severe pain and can alter the anatomy of the region and this can make intercourse uncomfortable.

There is yet another important aspect: certain treatments for this problem interfere with the excitement or lubrication of the vagina, for example.

In these cases, it is important to talk to the partner to explain the problem and try to find a solution together.

Vaginal Dryness

This dryness is known as atrophy and is generally associated with a decrease in the estrogen levels that accompany aging and menopause. Due to this problem, the vaginal walls become thinner, drier and less elastic.

This results in itching, discomfort and pain during intercourse, as there is no lubrication.

This can greatly affect a woman’s self-esteem, as she begins to believe that she will no longer be able to enjoy sexual intercourse. Treatment includes systemic or topical hormonal therapy and should always be accompanied by a gynecologist.

Vaginal infections

Vaginal infections are more common than most people believe, however, they need to be treated. Many women do not see a doctor and the infection progresses, which can have serious consequences in the future. They usually occur due to changes in PH and vaginal flora.

PH generally tends to be acidic and protects the intimate area from infections, but it can be affected by the use of antibiotics, depression, stress, menopause, illnesses or treatments that lower the body’s defenses.

Infections cause pain when urinating, itching in the intimate area, discharge with or without a bad smell and redness of the entire area. In addition to all the discomfort, the woman with infection feels pain during sexual intercourse.

The most frequent cases are vaginitis caused by bacteria that are specific to the colon area, which reach the vagina when the girl or the woman cleans her face from the front to the front. Fungal or yeast infections are also common, which happen when something changes the vaginal flora.

Tips for good intimate health

  1. At least once a year, you need to go to the gynecologist for a complete preventive check-up.
  2. The Pompoir or female intimate gymnastics, helps keep the pelvic floor in shape, which helps in your sex life and avoid future problems with incontinence.
  3. Menstruation is very variable in each woman. Some suffer from abdominal pain, others with heavy and irregular rules. To decrease menstrual symptoms, maintain good nutrition and a healthy life, if it doesn’t work, consult a specialist.
  4. Birth control pills are one of the most common methods used by women to prevent pregnancy. But they are not only used for this, they also help to control irregular periods. See a doctor so that he can indicate the most suitable for your situation.
  5. To maintain your intimate health, there are habits that you should put into practice on a daily basis. For example, synthetic underwear can cause infections, as it does not allow sweating to occur properly. Opt for cotton lingerie.
  6. The total removal of pubic hair is very modern, but remember that body hair serves to keep the intimate area protected. There is no need to stop shaving, but it is advisable not to remove all hair.
  7. Maintaining care and cleaning of the vaginal area is important. It is recommended that it is washed once or twice a day, however, do not use vaginal douching, as they can destroy the vaginal flora and increase the likelihood of infection. It is not recommended to use antiseptic and bactericidal soaps, give preference to neutral soaps

Hiding is not the solution

Hiding a common intimate disorder, such as a vaginal infection, for example, is not the solution. Over 70% of women suffer from an intimate problem during their lifetime, but some of them do not seek help.

For fear of being judged, some women avoid going to the doctor and end up putting their health at risk and aggravating problems that could be simple.

If you have an intimate problem, see a doctor to talk about it and start treatment.


One more tip on how to deal with bad intimate health: talk to your partner about the problems you are going through, otherwise it may affect your relationship.

After all, it is better for him to understand what is going on, that his intimate health is bad than to believe that the relationship is going through some more serious problem.

Most intimate disorders are easy to cure, so with proper treatment, your intimate health will be as it was before and you will be able to enjoy your sex life without worry.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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