Why Babies Like to Suck Fingers?

Moms, have you ever had your baby put his finger in his mouth? Yes, this condition is common, but not infrequently makes some mothers feel anxious. One of them for fear of fear that this habit will continue until your child grows up.

Even so, you actually do not need to panic too much when you find a baby sucking his finger, Moms. Because, this is normal for all babies. In fact, Dr. Citra Amelinda, SpA (K), M. Kes., IBCLC, Pediatrician and breastfeeding consultant said that babies like to suck fingers because of their natural reflexes which can sometimes even be seen while in the womb through ultrasound examination.

“Finger sucking actually has benefits for babies. Such as providing a sense of comfort, calm, happy, and safe, especially when going to sleep or stress separated from their parents,” said Dr. Citra in Kulwap ‘Health Assistance Class with JCDC’ some time ago.

Baby Sucking Thumb Photo: Shutterstock

Mouth Healthy’s official website also states the same thing. The condition of babies who love to suck their fingers generally occurs because they want to calm themselves and this also helps them to be able to fall asleep.

Meanwhile, quoted from the Mayo Clinic, the cause of babies like to suck his fingers because he has a natural reflex to suckle and this will help babies suckle from the breast easily. The act of sucking itself has a biological role because it allows the baby to get food, physical comfort, and safety. In addition, this condition usually occurs when they feel tired, hungry, bored, sick, or even upset.

“It’s okay (babies like to suck their fingers) while it’s still within reasonable limits,” said the doctor who practices at Siloam Hospitals Purwakarta, West Java.

Baby Sucking Thumb Photo: Shutterstock

Nevertheless, you still have to monitor whether this habit continues or not until the age of the child is rather large. Because, it is feared that this condition can affect the composition of their teeth. Generally, the habit will stop by itself at the age of about 2-4 years.

“If you get a finger or nail wound, if the habit continues to be above normal age maybe you can consult further with the relevant doctor,” he concluded.


by Abdullah Sam
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