Asbestos and eternity: the importance of removal of disposal

The disposal of asbestos and eternity is still a widespread problem in the Bel Paese and which alarms many people. In fact, although the dangerousness of these materials has been demonstrated, many buildings and constructions still have them. This can endanger the health of those who come into contact with it. In fact, it seems that in Italy about 100 million square meters of asbestos remain to be disposed of.


In general, over the years, only about 3% of the asbestos present on the territory of the boot has been disposed of and reclaimed. These are frightening figures, which cannot fail to make us think. But where can these dangerous substances be found? For about 20 years, starting in 1965, asbestos was used in construction for the construction of reinforced concrete or eternity.

Therefore, it is present in many roofs (roofs and slabs), caissons, partition panels, flues, fireplaces, boilers, stoves, linoleum floors, water tanks and much more. Given the high distribution, it is not strange to find dangerous elements in condominiums, workplaces or homes that must be adequately eliminated .

What are the costs for the removal and disposal of asbestos and eternity?

Providing for the disposal of asbestos and asbestos is essential, but before proceeding it is necessary to inquire about the expected costs for removal per square meter and disposal per kg, so as not to encounter unpleasant surprises. In fact, the removal costs are borne by the property owners . Furthermore, it is essential to keep in mind that asbestos remediation has been regulated since 1992 with the Law of 27.03.1992 n. 257 and with subsequent decrees, in which precise directives are given, which must not be overlooked.

First of all, private individuals cannot personally provide for these delicate operations, but must necessarily turn to professionals , to whom it is better to ask for different estimates. In general, however, to remove asbestos the expected prices per square meter are around 10-20 euros . For disposal, however, it is necessary to think in kilograms, therefore we are talking about 0.2-0.3 euros per kg for quantities not exceeding 1500 kg (100 m2). This is a rough estimate of the costs. This is why it is important to ask for explanations in this regard before starting work.

Why is asbestos dangerous?

Asbestos, also known as asbestos , is a mineral characterized by a structure composed of fibers. These, if inhaled or ingested, can lodge themselves in the lungs, leading to the development of extremely dangerous diseases. First of all, asbestosis can occur , which involves compromising the normal structure of the lungs, as a fibrous tissue is generated that prevents oxygen from being reached in the blood.

This pathology involves heart disease and breathing difficulties. However, inhalation of asbestos fibers can also cause several types of cancers, the most famous of which is mesothelioma , a particular lung cancer that, in most cases, leads to death. Finally, exposure to asbestos can cause the appearance of pleural plaques , which, however, do not alter the functions of the lung and do not often have a malignant course.


by Abdullah Sam
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