Arnica Montana: Botany, Properties’ ingredients and indications

Arnica Montana: Botany, Properties’ active ingredients and indications of uset

Arnica Montana: the traditional natural remedy for bruising, bruising, inflammation and circulation disorders. In fact, to arnica anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-eclectic properties.

Arnica Montana basics of botany

Arnica Montana is part of the Corimbifere family and there are over 30 different species. The most famous is the Arnica Montana, which grows mainly above 1000 m in non-fertilized meadows and on generally marshy and acid soils. Plants are generally between 20 and 60 cm high. The flower is usually unique and orange-yellow. The flowering starts from May and arrives until late July. Currently in many countries the Arnica is threatened with extinction: on the one hand due to the uncontrolled harvesting of the plant itself, on the other due to the transformation of the land by agriculture that made them less favorable to its development.

The action of the Arnica and common uses

Arnica is attributed with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-schymotic properties. Laboratory tests have proven that Arnica acts on the circulation by strengthening the arterial and poisonous vascular system. 
Positive effects are also reported on cardiac efficiency, stimulating the blood supply to the heart itself and regulating its electrical activity. The components that affect the beneficial effects on circulation and the heart are mainly due to flavones contained in Arnica.
The safer modern use is of external applications against the bruises resulting from bruises and distortions by applying properly diluted Arnica.
Arnica can also be used successfully in numerous diseases of the mucous membranes of the skin. Valid oral antiseptic using as a mouthwash , making gargles starting from a few drops of mother tincture.

Precautions in using Arnica.

Internal use is more dangerous. It is recommended to do it only under medical prescription . In fact, some components of the plant, in the event of an overdose, can have a toxic effect on the heart. In fact, medicinal plants such as Arnica have a possible toxic effect if the dosages become too high, even in the case of external use. In this case, special attention must be paid to DIY, especially in people with fair skin, more sensitive to allergic reactions and skin irritations. As for external creams regularly sold on the market, the maximum dosages of the active ingredient are already “safe” and established by specific laws.

The active plant ingredients contained in Arnica.

As often happens with healing plants, the overall effects of the plant are the synthesis of complex mechanisms in which the various components act in synergy. In fact, very often the real mechanisms of action that justify the multiple properties are mostly unknown. This also happens for Arnica. It is easier to divide the plant based on the active ingredients it contains and to verify its effectiveness and methods of action individually. In Arnica Montana there are four classes of active ingredients contained:

Flavonic glucosides, essential oils, bitter substances and tannins

The Flavones of Arnica

It is these principles that justify much of the action of the Arnica: theyaffect circulation and cardiac activity. In fact, at low doses they cause vasoconstriction and an increase in blood pressure. Flavones are responsible for the yellow coloring of flowers.

Essential oils

The oils are contained in the flowers, seeds, bulbs and roots of the plant. Their composition varies a lot like their effects. They stimulate blood circulation and are disinfectants.

Bitter substances

Bitter substances have the primary function of regulating gastric and intestinal functions and have a spasmolytic action. Arnica is rich in elenalina, able to stimulate the skin and mucous membranes. It is assumed that this bitter substance is responsible for the therapeutic effects on the skin.

The tannins

Tannins are effective against rashes and act on inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa.

Arnica-based products in trade.

The number of complex preparations containing Arnica is very large:

  • Arnica mother tinctures
  • Arnica infusions
  • Arnica gel
  • Arnica ointments
  • Dry extracts
  • Arnica soap
  • Arnica hair lotions
  • Arnica body care creams
  • Arnica diluted homeopathically
  • Drugs containing Arnica

An example of modern herbal techniques: Arnica gel + devil’s claw

Plant studies and modern production techniques, sometimes manage to express the maximum potential of the plants, minimizing the risks associated with their use.

Here is a good example of a gel you find in herbal medicine produced by Cosval: PC 28 Gel. A quick-absorbing all-rounder gel with a remarkable soothing action . In this gel we find a synergy of plants and natural extracts: Arnica, Devil’s Claw , Essential Oils, Birch and Perna Canaliculus. The effects of Arnica are anti-inflammatory and anti-sphymotic, and are therefore useful for stretching, sprains, bruises, crushing, bruising, burns, rheumatic pains and muscle pains. The action of the Arnica is associated with the similar one of the Devil’s claw which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

by Abdullah Sam
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