Are the Quran, Bible, Torah and Psalms parts of a single book?

 Someone I know who is not a sunnah scholar claims that the Quran, the Bible, the Torah and the Psalms are parts of a single book. The claim is as follows:
“There is only one book in the presence of Allah. The Quran, the Bible, the Torah and the Psalms, which we call holy books, are the parts of this book. In fact, those who do not believe should look at verse 177 of the Surah Al-Baqarah, which talks about the conditions of faith. In this verse, the expression “those who believe in the book” is mentioned, not “in the books”. This proves that the book is one in the sight of Allah; the Quran, the Bible, the Torah and the Psalms, which we call the holy books, are the parts of this book.”
– I went to the verse mentioned here and saw that the relevant verse does not actually contain the expression “books” but rather “those who believe in the Book”.
– Is what is claimed here true?
– There is only one book in the sight of Allah, and are the Quran, the Bible, the Torah and the Psalms, which we call holy books, parts of this single book?


Our dear brother,

The information provided in the claim is absolutely false.

The word “al-Kitab” in the 177th verse of the Surah Baqara  refers only to the Quran . (see Maverdi, interpretation of the relevant verse)

Even if the statement here looks at both the Quran and other heavenly books (Razi, Samarkandi, relevant place), it still means that we cannot say that all the heavenly books are a single book. Because it is stated in the Quran that each of these books was sent separately to a prophet.

For example, the following is stated about the Quran :

“Indeed, this Quran is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds. The trustworthy Spirit (Gabriel) has brought it down to your heart in a clear Arabic language, so that you may be among the warners.” (Shuara, 26/192-195)

For Torah , see. Baccarat 2/87; Müminun 23/49 / As a book, Al-i İmran 3/93; Maide 5/43.

For Torah and Bible, see. Al-i Imran 3/3-4; Purgatory 7/157; Conquest 48/29.

For Torah, Bible and Quran, see. At-Tawbah 9/111.

“We granted him (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob, and gave prophecy and the book to his descendants . We gave him his reward in this world; “He will be among the good people in the afterlife.” (Ankebut, 29/27)

In the verse above, the word “Book” is mentioned in the singular, but it also includes four books (Torah, Bible, Psalms, Quran) . (Zamakhshari, relevant place)

For the Bible , see Maide 5/46-47; Hadid 57/27.

For Psalms, see. Nisa 4/163.

This means that each prophet’s book was sent to him separately.

However, in the Quran, attention is repeatedly drawn to heavenly books in the form of “Kütüb” (Books) . For example: We see it in the verse that starts with “Amene’r-resulu” that we read all the time :

“The Prophet believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and so did the believers. Each of them believed in Allah, His angels, His books and His prophets and said: ‘We do not distinguish any of His prophets (from another) .’ They also said: ‘We heard and we obeyed. O our Lord! We ask for your forgiveness. In the end, the return is only to you.’ ” (Baqara, 2/285)