Antistatic wristband

Antistatic wristband. It is a protection element that is used as a bracelet that is placed around the wrist, equipped with a cable with a clamp that is fixed to the ground , in order to keep us unloaded and prevent the components from being damaged.


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  • 1 Functions
  • 2 Use of the bracelet
  • 3 Technical characteristics
  • 4 Sources


The antistatic bracelet helps us that some computer cards do not burn the circuits due to static. The bracelet has a cable that must be attached to any earth connection or to the metal chassis of the PC case. In case of not having the bracelet, we must previously unload by simply touching the chassis before handling the components.

It is essential when you are fixing a PC. Only working with sensitive electronic components (integrated circuits or transistors.

Wearing the bracelet

  • Connect the cable to the computer chassis.
  • Wind the contact to your wrist. The connection will keep your body at the same voltage as your computer.
  • Hold the cable of your wrist on the same side of the equipment, in order to keep the cable on the same side that you are working on.

Technical characteristics

  • Resistance of 1 – 1.2 Ohm. 1/4 w.
  • Cable length: 1 m.
  • Alligator length: 5 cm.
  • Bracelet weight: 50.2 g.
  • Elastic band 25 cm long and 18 mm wide.
by Abdullah Sam
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