Animal Crossing New Horizons fossil list

Discover the complete list of museum fossils in Animal Crossing New Horizons for Nintendo Switch.

This is the complete list of fossils in Animal Crossing New Horizons for Nintendo Switch

‘ Animal Crossing New Horizons ‘ maintains its museum, which is made up of a total of 3 sections dedicated to local fauna (with bugs and fish) and a third dedicated to fossils. And it will be this that we will talk about next, since we are with the section, which, to a certain extent, you can complete more quickly. And to make this task easier, we offer you the list of fossils from Animal Crossing New Horizons .

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Regarding this, it must be said that fossils are divided into several categories, depending on whether they are made up of 1 part or more. In the same way, the museum rooms in this section are divided according to the period in which they lived on Earth. However, for a quicker understanding, we have divided them according to their parts.

How to get fossils

Starting with the basics, it must be said that to obtain fossils you need a shovel . In this way, once you have it, you will have to go around your island looking for cracks in the soil in which you can find these fossils.

It must also be said that there will be a total of 4 daily fossils on the island, which constantly change location every 24 hours. However, there is a trick to get more, which is to go to desert islands. In some of these you can find an extra hole with a fossil.

Individual fossils

Here you will find the fossils that are not made up of several parts, that is to say, that just by delivering one you will have already completed it. These are:










Dinosaur footprint 


Shark jaw



2-part fossils

For its part, the fossils  of ‘ Animal Crossing New Horizons ‘ that will be completed by delivering only 2 parts are:

Archelon : Tail, Body.

Deinonico : Tail, Body.

Dimetrodon . Skull, Body.

Mammoth : Skull, Body.

Megaloceros : Right half, left half.

Ophthalmosaurus : Skull, Body.

Pachycephalosaurus : Tail, Body.

Saber Tooth Tiger : Tail, Body.

3-part fossils

Being the standard fossils of the game, you can find them in the intermediate room. These are:

Ankylosaurus : Tail, Skull, Body.

Brontoterio : Tail, Skull, Body.

Spinosaurus : Tail. Skull, Body.

Stegosaurus : Tail, Skull, Body.

Iguanodon : Tail, Skull, Body.

Parasaurus : Tail, Skull, Body.

Plesiosaur : Tail, Skull, Thorax.

Pteranodon : Right Wing, Left Wing, Body.

Quetzalcoatlus : Right wing, left wing, Body.

Tyrannosaurus : Tail, Skull, Body.

Triceratops : Tail, Skull, Body.

+4 part fossils

On the other hand and to finish, there will be two dinosaurs that are larger than the rest, these being:

Brachiosaurus : Tail, Skull, Pelvis, Thorax.

Diplodocus : Tail, Skull, Neck, Pelvis, Tip of the tail, Thorax.

In this way, when you manage to gather them all, you will have completed this section of the Museum  of ‘ Animal Crossingt New Horizons ‘.


by Abdullah Sam
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