Welcome to our guide to know all the Master Tactics (TFT) characters, what is their price and their different abilities, classes and origins.
Fran G. Matas / Daniel Verdasco ·14:48 11/18/2021
In a Teamfight Tactics match , players place characters they buy from the store or obtain from the carousel on the battlefield separated by hexagons. These champions move around the stage, attack each other, and use their abilities automatically. The key is to know how to manage those hexagon squares , the gaps between characters, identify which ones to place in front and which ones behind … And for this, you have to know the skills and statistics of each of the more than 50 characters.
Each Master Tactics champion has eight basic stats:
- Life:how much damage you can take before dying.
- Range:how far away they must be in order to attack an enemy.
- Attack Damage:How much damage your attacks deal.
- Attack speed:how often they attack.
- Skill Power –How strong are your skills.
- Armor:reduces damage dealt by attacks.
- Magic Resistance:Reduces damage dealt by abilities.
- Mana:Determines how often their abilities can cast (a lower mana stat equates to a lower cost of the ability, allowing it to be cast more often).
- Stars and Rank – How are they different?
- Akali
- Blitzcrank
- Braum
- Caitlyn
- Camille
- Cho’Gath
- Darius
- Dr. Mundo
- Ekko
- Ezreal
- Fiora
- Gallium
- Gangplank
- Garen
- Bass
- Heimerdinger
- Illaoi
- Janna
- Jayce
- Jhin
- Jinx
- Kai’Sa
- Kassadin
- Katarina
- Kog’Maw
- Lioness
- Lissandra
- Lulu
- Lux
- Malzahar
- Miss Fortune
- Orianna
- Poppy
- Quinn
- Samira
- Seraphine
- Shaco
- Singed
- Zion
- Swain
- Tahm Kench
- Talon
- Taric
- Tristana
- Trundle
- Twisted Fate
- Twitch
- Urgot
- Vex
- I saw
- Viktor
- Warwick
- Yone
- Yuumi
- Zac
- Ziggs
- Zilean
- Zyra
Stars and Rank – How are they different?
Before entering the list of all the champions, there are two other aspects that must be taken into account for each of them: the star level and the rank .
Every champion we buy from the store or pick from the carousel has a star. When you buy three units of the same champion , they become a single two-star unit . If we manage to have three units of two stars of the same character, these will be transformed into a single unit of three stars , the maximum level.
A two-star character will have more life, attack damage, and a more powerful ability than a one-star character; likewise, a three-star one will also have these improved characteristics compared to a two-star one.
Rank is the way to identify the quality of a champion in Teamfight Tactics . High-ranked champions are comparatively stronger than lower-ranked champions, but also rarer (less will appear in the Shop) and more expensive .
As the game progresses and the player levels up , more high-ranked characters will appear in the store.
The prices and colors of the ranges are as follows:
- Rank 1:No Color – 1 Gold.
- Rank 2:Green – 2 Gold.
- Rank 3:Blue – 3 Gold.
- Rank 4:Purple – 4 gold.
- Rank 5:Orange – 5 Gold.
Having made these basics clear, let’s move on to detailing each of the champions in alphabetical order. Before starting with the list of all the heroes it is important to know that each one can have a different origin or class that will grant different benefits or advantages in combat if we combine them with other champions of the same type, therefore TFT champions are they can be divided into:
- Characters by class.
- Characters by origin .
These are currently all the TFT champions :
- Rank / Cost:5 (5 gold).
- Ability:Akali cuts through the greatest number of enemies in a line, dealing 225/350/2000 magic damage and marking them for 7 seconds. When a marked target falls below 15/25/90% Health, Akali launches again, dealing 225/350/2000 magic damage to enemies it passes through and executes the marked target.
- Origin: Mafioso .
- Class: Assassin .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Blitzcrank launches his grappling hook and drags the farthest enemy away, dealing 200/350/999 magic damage and stunning them for 2.5 seconds. His next attack after this knocks him out for 1 second. Allies within range prefer to attack Blitzcrank’s target.
- Origin: Scrap .
- Class: Protector and Bodyguard .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:Braum smashes his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those hit by the fissure are stunned for 2.5 / 3.5 / 7 seconds and take 100/125/1000 magic damage.
- Origin: Mafioso .
- Class: Bodyguard .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Caitlyn targets the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet at them, dealing 800/1200/2000 magic damage to the first enemy it hits.
- Origin: Agent .
- Class: Sniper .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Camille gains a shield that blocks 300/400/600 damage for 4 seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing 150/200/300 magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield is maintained, Camille’s attacks restore 30 health points.
- Origin: Mechanical .
- Class: Contender .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Cho’Gath devours the enemy with less health within range, dealing 500/750/1500 magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho’Gath gains a Feast stack, until 12/6/999. Each stack of Feast grants a 2% health and size bonus permanently.
- Origin: Mutant .
- Class: Colossus and Fighter .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Darius swings his ax in a circle, dealing 100/150/200 magic damage, then heals himself for 50/75/100 health for each enemy hit.
- Origin: Mafioso .
- Class: Bodyguard .
Dr. World
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability: Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring 20% of his maximum health and becomes energized for 6 seconds. While energized, it restores an additional 65/75/200% of your maximum health and deals 30/50/100 magic damage to a random nearby enemy. When the “medicine” expires, Dr. Mundo expels a blast of electricity that deals 20/25/30% of his health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.
- Origin: Technochemical and Mutant .
- Class: Fighter .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Ekko summons an afterimage that beats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals 200/325/450 magic damage to enemies within it and applies 35/35/50% movement speed reduction for 4 seconds. Allies inside gain 30/50/70% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
- Origin: Scrap .
- Class: Assassin .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Ezreal fires a missile at his target dealing 125/200/350 magic damage. If the missile hits, a 30% bonus to attack speed is granted, up to 150% with 5 stacks.
- Origin: Scrap .
- Class: Innovative .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:Fiora becomes untargetable and hits her target’s vital organs 4 times. Each hit deals 200% of her attack damage as Physical, 75/125/400 Bonus True Damage, and heals her for 15% of the total damage dealt. If the target dies, Fiora will switch targets to the nearest enemy.
- Origin: Agent .
- Class: Contender .
- Rank / Cost:5 (5 gold).
- Ability:Galio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing into the largest group of enemies. Enemies in a wide radius take 200/300/2000 magic damage and are knocked down. The lower the enemy’s maximum health compared to Galio’s, the further they are knocked down.
- Origin: Celebrity .
- Class: Colossus and Bodyguard .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Gangplank fires at his target, dealing 225/250/300% of his attack damage. If this kills a champion, Gangplank takes 1 gold.
- Origin: Mercenary .
- Class: Double shot .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Garen shields himself from all CC effects, causing his next hit to deal 225% of his attack damage, plus an additional 20/25/30% of his health missing in bonus physical damage. This ability can be cast while stunned.
- Origin: Academy .
- Class: Protector .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Graves launches a smoke grenade at the enemy with the highest Attack Speed. The grenade explodes on impact, dealing 150/250/400 magic damage to nearby enemies, who cannot attack for 2 / 2.5 / 3 seconds while inside the smoke cloud.
- Origin: Academy .
- Class: Double shot .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Heimerdinger fires 3 waves of 5 rockets that converge on his target. Each rocket deals 30/45/75 magic damage, reduced by 30% for each target hit. Every third pitch, Heimerdinger summons 3 waves instead.
- Origin: Yordle .
- Class: Scholar and Innovator .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Illaoi strikes her target, binding her soul to him for 5 seconds, dealing 175/300/500 magic damage. While bound, Illaoi heals for 30/35/40% of the damage taken by her target.
- Origin: Mercenary .
- Class: Fighter .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:Janna summons a Monsoon that knocks back nearby enemies, stunning them for 1/1/4 seconds. Monsoon heals your team for 400/550/2000 health over 3 seconds.
- Origin: Scrap .
- Class: Sorcerer and Scholar .
- Rank / Cost:5 (5 gold).
- Ability:Melee Form: Jayce smashes his hammer on nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resistance. Ranged Form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus attack speed to allies in the same row, and fires an orb of electricity at the largest group of enemies.
- Origin: Agent .
- Class: Transformative and Innovative .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:Jhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals 175/250/444% of its Attack Damage as Physical damage, reduced by 33% for each target it passes through. The fourth shot guarantees a critical hit, dealing 44% more damage based on the target’s missing health.
- Origin: Mechanical .
- Class: Sniper .
- Rank / Cost:5 (5 gold).
- Ability:Jinx rides her rocket in the sky. After a moderate delay, she crashes close to the most central enemy, dealing 400/600/3000 magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and 50% to all other enemies in a wide area. The epicenter burns all units except Jinx for 5 seconds, dealing 2 / 2.5 / 3% of the target’s maximum health as true damage, and reducing healing for the duration. She switches to her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal 100% bonus attack damage in a small area around her target.
- Origin: Sister and Scrap .
- Class: Double shot .
- Rank / Cost:5 (5 gold).
- Ability:Kai’Sa runs to the hex furthest from all enemies. He then fires a volley of 14/18/40 missiles evenly spread across all enemies, dealing 50/75/150 magic damage to each. Kai’Sa fires an additional missile for each time she has attacked in this combat.
- Origin: Mutant .
- Class: Contender .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing 200/275/340 magic damage, dealing 35/50/65% mana, and granting Kassadin a shield that reduces damage taken by 30% for 4 seconds.
- Origin: Mutant .
- Class: Protector .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Katarina blinks behind the lowest health enemy within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing 175/225/300 magic damage. Katarina gains 20/20/40 mana for each enemy killed by the ability.
- Origin: Academy .
- Class: Assassin .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:For 3 seconds, Kog’Maw gains infinite attack range, 80% attack speed, and his attacks deal 3/4/6% of the target’s maximum health as bonus magic damage.
- Origin: Mutant .
- Class: Sniper and Double Shot .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Leona summons a beacon of light, granting herself a 500/800/1300 health shield for 4 seconds. Leona and her allies within 2 hexes gain 30/50/80 Armor and Magic Resist for the same duration.
- Origin: Academy .
- Class: Bodyguard .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Lissandra wraps her target in an Iron Maiden, stunning them for 1.5 seconds and dealing 250/400/700 magic damage to enemies in a wide area. Iron Maiden’s damage reduces enemies’ attack damage by 40% for 5 seconds. If Lissandra is below 50% Health, she locks herself into place, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and becoming untargetable and invulnerable for 2 seconds.
- Origin: Technochemical .
- Class: Scholar .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Lulu beautifies 1/2/3 low health allies, granting them 300/350/400 health bonuses and knocking down nearby enemies. If the ally is already beautified, he is healed instead.
- Origin: Yordle .
- Class: Sorcerer .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing 350/500/1337 and reducing enemies’ Magic Resistance by 40/40/80% for 4 seconds.
- Origin: Academy .
- Class: Arcanologist .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Malzahar infects the mind of the closest unaffected target, dealing 800/1100/1500 magic damage over 8 seconds and applying 40% Magic Resistance for the duration. If an affected target dies, Malzahar’s evil visions are extended by 1/2 unaffected targets for the remainder of the duration.
- Origin: Mutant .
- Class: Arcanologist .
Miss fortune
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets around a random enemy, dealing 200/300/450 total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by 50% for 6 seconds.
- Origin: Mercenary .
- Class: Sniper .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:Orianna sends her ball towards the largest group of champions, then orders it to release a shock wave. Allies within two hexes gain 175/375/750 Shield for 4 seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked down for 350/550/1500 magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are pulled inward, stunning them for 1.5 / 1.5 / 5 seconds.
- Origin: Mechanical .
- Class: Sorcerer .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Poppy hurls her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing 200/250/300% of their Armor as magic damage. The buckler bounces off, granting Poppy a shield that blocks 250/375/525 damage.
- Origin: Yordle .
- Class: Bodyguard .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Quinn sends courage to his target, dealing 150/250/350 magic damage to the target and nearby enemies. Primary target is unarmed for 3 seconds and all nearby enemies have their attack damage reduced by 40/40/80% for 4 seconds.
- Origin: Mercenary .
- Class: Contender .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes her sword in a cone towards them, dealing 150/160/175% of their attack damage as Physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor by 5 / 10/15. This armor reduction can stack. Otherwise, he fires an empowered shot at his target with the same effects and returns 20 mana.
- Origin: Imperial .
- Class: Contender .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Skill:Seraphine projects her song to the largest group of units. The song deals 200/300/1000 magic damage to enemies and applies a 35/35/50% Speed slow for 4 seconds. Allies who pass through are healed for 200/300/1000 Health and gain 30/50/100% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
- Origin: Celebrity .
- Class: Innovative .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Shaco plunges into the shadows, briefly becoming unreachable. His next attack is boosted to deal 250/260/275% of his attack damage as Physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically hit targets below 50% health.
- Origin: Mafioso .
- Class: Assassin .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Singed launches a nearby enemy towards the largest group of enemies, stunning their target for 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take 125/175/250 magic damage and are briefly stunned.
- Origin: Technochemical .
- Class: Innovative .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:Sion twirls for a moment, then slams his ax down. All enemies within a wide area are knocked down, stunned for 1 / 1.5 / 4 seconds, and take 400/600/2500 magic damage.
- Origin: Imperial .
- Class: Protector and Colossus .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Swain unleashes penetrating bolts of power in a cone toward his target, dealing 300/425/575 magic damage to enemies within and heals Swain for 200/275/350 for each enemy hit.
- Origin: Imperial .
- Class: Arcanologist .
Tahm kench
- Rank / Cost:5 (5 gold).
- Ability:Tahm Kench devours his target, storing it in his belly for 1000/2000/30000 seconds, dealing 3 magic damage over the duration. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes 40% reduced damage. If they die while inside, Tahm Kench spits out a random item component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, it spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning the targets they hit.
- Origin: Mercenary and Glutton .
- Class: Fighter .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Passive: Talon’s first attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for 450/600/1000 magic damage over 7 seconds. Every third attack on a target applies an additional bleed.
- Origin: Imperial .
- Class: Assassin .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Taric heals himself and the lowest health ally for 200/300/600. Any overheating turns into a shield that lasts for 4 seconds.
- Origin: Celebrity .
- Class: Sorcerer .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Tristana fires a huge cannonball towards her target, dealing 200/210/225% of her attack damage plus 150/200/250 physical damage to the first enemy she hits. If the target is within two hexes of Tristana, it recoils 1/2/3 hexes and is briefly stunned.
- Origin: Yordle .
- Class: Sniper .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Trundle bites his target, dealing 175% of their attack damage, applying 50% slow for 3 seconds, and stealing 20/30/50 attack damage for the rest of the fight.
- Origin: Scrap .
- Class: Fighter .
Twisted fate
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Twisted Fate launches three cards in a cone, dealing 150/225/300 magic damage to each enemy they pass through.
- Origin: Mafioso .
- Class: Arcanologist .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Twitch fires a powerful beam at its target that pierces through enemies hit, dealing 175/185/200% of their damage as Physical and dealing 50% serious wounds over 5 seconds.
- Origin: Technochemical .
- Class: Assassin .
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:For the next 5 seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of 5/7/15 attacks per second. Each attack deals 30% physical damage AD * 30% physical damage (the damage from this ability scales with Attack Damage and Attack Speed).
- Origin: Technochemical .
- Class: Double shot .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Vex shields against 500/700/900 damage for 4 seconds. When the shield expires, it deals 150/250/350 magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and an additional 150/250/350 damage if it hasn’t been destroyed. If it was destroyed, the ability becomes 25% stronger in this fight. This effect can stack.
- Origin: Yordle .
- Class: Arcanologist .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Vi empowers her next attack to smash through her target, dealing 350/500/750 magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their armor by 40/50/70% for 8 seconds.
- Origin: Agent and Sister .
- Class: Fighter .
- Rank / Cost:5 (5 gold).
- Ability:Viktor summons multiple singularities to fire bolts of death that sweep across the battlefield in a line, melting enemies’ defenses. Enemies caught in its path take 300/400/1500 magic damage, 25/33/100% of the remaining shields are destroyed, and take 40/50/70% armor destruction for a few seconds.
- Origin: Technochemical .
- Class: Arcanologist .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Passive: Warwick’s attacks deal an additional 6/9/12% of his target’s current health as bonus magic damage, and heal them for damage dealt.
- Origin: Technochemical .
- Class: Contender .
I ne
- Rank / Cost:4 (4 gold).
- Ability:Yone summons his spirit to attack distant enemies for 4/5/20 seconds. The spirit is an invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him of its damage for 40/50/100% of the damage it deals. If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him.
- Origin: Academy .
- Class: Contender .
- Rank / Cost:5 (5 gold).
- Ability:Yuumi fires 4/6/33 waves towards the farthest enemy, each dealing 60/80/247 magic damage and stunning enemies for 1 second. She then rejoins the closest ally.
- Origin: Academia and Adorable .
- Class: Scholar .
- Rank / Cost:3 (3 gold).
- Ability:Zac stretches his arms up to three hexes to draw the two closest enemies towards him, dealing 450/600/999 magic damage. Zac takes 60/70/80% less damage while using this ability.
- Origin: Technochemical .
- Class: Fighter .
- Rank / Cost:1 (1 gold).
- Ability:Ziggs throws his bomb and deals magic damage. (250/350/475).
- Origin: Scrap and Yordle .
- Class: Arcanologist .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Zilean places a bomb on the nearest enemy, stunning them for 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 seconds. When the stun ends, or the target dies, the bomb explodes, dealing 200/300/450 magic damage to adjacent enemies and applying 20/35/50% slow for 3 seconds.
- Origin: Mechanical .
- Class: Innovative .
- Rank / Cost:2 (2 gold).
- Ability:Zyra summons roots in line with more enemies, dealing 200/300/500 magic damage and stunning them for 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 seconds.
- Origin: Mafioso .
- Class: Scholar.