All-Russian event “Night at the Museum”: participants and program

In 2024, an interesting program is expected at the Night of Museums, and in order to have time to prepare, you should find out in advance when the events will take place. The main theme of the “Year of the Family” is “From generation to generation. Family heirlooms.” The organizers offer to print out letters, photographs and diaries kept by grandparents, share them, and talk about established traditions. And the most interesting memories will be published on the museums’ web resources and on social networks. And based on the collected materials, a virtual gallery of family heirlooms will be created on the website of the Russian Ministry of Culture.

All-Russian event “Night at the Museum

When will Museum Night take place?

In 2024, the All-Russian action will be held throughout the country on May 18. All museums across the vast country will open their doors. These are not only local history and historical museums, preserving the memory of events and phenomena related to the history of the region, but also art galleries and libraries.

Visitors can expect:

  1. Exhibitions with unique exhibits, many of which will be specially taken from the funds.
  2. Meetings with interesting people.
  3. Author’s excursions.
  4. Master classes.
  5. Quizzes and quests.
  6. Performances and concerts.
  7. Performances and quests.

A list of events that will take place in each museum can be found on the Ministry of Culture website. The live broadcast will also take place here.

If you are unable to attend an exhibition or concert that you have long dreamed of on Museum Night, you can connect online.

Cities participating in the program

Museums from all Russian cities will take part in the annual event. Feedback about visits can be left on the Ministry of Culture website.


The most intense program is expected in the capital of Russia. The following will open their doors to visitors:

  • Kremlin Museums;
  • Tretyakov Gallery;
  • Manege;
  • Basil’s Cathedral;
  • Historical Museum.

You can touch cultural treasures for free.

You will be able to attend other interesting events:

  1. This is a tour of the Moscow embassies – the guides will tell you about ancient mansions.
  2. You will be able to get acquainted with the backstage of the Bolshoi Theater and learn about the lives of famous artists of past years.
  3. Visit the mansions of Ryabushinsky and Morozov.
  4. Get acquainted with the exhibitions of the Cinema Museum.
  5. Listen to jazz at the Music Museum.

This is not a complete list of events. You can get acquainted with them on the websites of the city and the Ministry of Culture.

Cinema Museum, Moscow

Saint Petersburg

Even the city zoo will be waiting for guests in the cultural capital of Russia. The guides will tell you where the “exhibits” came from and how they lived in their homeland.

But the most visited, as in previous Museum Nights, remain:

  • Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS;
  • Anna Akhmatova Museum in the Fountain House;
  • Naval Museum;
  • Russian Ethnographic Museum;
  • Museum of Theater and Musical Art.

You need to take care of tickets in advance. They will not be distributed on Museum Night. Visiting is by sessions only. Ticket holders will be transported on free buses.


Free events you can attend:

  1. In the panorama museum “Battle of Stalingrad”.
  2. At the Memory Museum, children will enjoy a master class, and adults will enjoy the “Stories in the Museum” competition.
  3. The celebration will begin with a concert at the Memorial Historical Museum.

Museum “Memory”, Volgograd

The Volgograd Planetarium prepared an equally rich program.


The Night of Museums will introduce guests to the “Legends of the Philharmonic” during excursions around the State Concert Hall named after A.M. Katz. The House-Museum “Fairy Tales” and Central Committee 19 prepared many events. Every hour is a new session.


In addition to the main topic, visitors will be able to learn about the life and work of the Ural storyteller Pavel Bazhov – his 145th anniversary is celebrated in 2024. Pushkin readings are also expected.

Main sites:

  • Museum of the History of Yekaterinburg;
  • Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore;
  • Center for Traditional Folk Culture of the Middle Urals;
  • Yekaterinburg Museum Center of Folk Art “Gamayun”;
  • sites of the United Museum of Writers of the Urals, etc.


Guests can expect:

  • house of Pavel Kuznetsov;
  • Museum of A. N. Radishchev;
  • Museum of Local Lore – prepared not only exhibitions, but also a quest;
  • For the first time, the K. A. Fedin Museum will conduct a tour of the director’s office.

Museum of A. N. Radishchev, Saratov

Exhibitions and excursions are paid, quests are free.

Nizhny Novgorod

Festivals, concerts and exhibitions are expected in the region and the capital. The most significant – in the underground parking lot of the Sheraton Hotel on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya on May 17-19 – the graphic fair “Contour” and the exhibition “Russian Fair. From museum and private collections in Russia” in the Exhibition Warehouse.


In addition to the main topic, an additional topic will be covered – “History and History”. Walking tours will be held at the E.D. Felitsyn Museum-Reserve; museum named after Kovalenko will open 2 exhibitions – “The Art of Teaching Art” and “Russian Art of the 16th – Early 20th Centuries”. A master class for portrait painters will open in Repin Square.

Unpleasant news for residents and guests of the city – in 2024 libraries will not take part in the All-Russian event.


The cultural world of Bashkortostan will be presented by the National Museum of the Republic. Visitors will be able to visit exhibitions and participate in master classes. In the museum. IN AND. Lenin will host a screening of pioneer films; tactile exhibitions will open at the Museum of History of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.

National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Museums of new territories are also joining the All-Russian action. The first children’s center with multimedia technologies was opened in Lugansk on this day.

Brief history of origin

The idea of ​​introducing people to culture arose in the 20th century. In May 1970, the best European museums opened their doors to free admission – the event was called “Spring of Museums”. The initiative was taken up by cultural institutions in Germany, and by 2002 events were already being held all over the world.

In 2006, 2,000 museums from 38 countries became participants in the project.

In Russia, the first night of “open doors” appeared in Krasnoyarsk – the museum center received 5 thousand people. And already in 2015, “Night of Museums” began to be held in all regions. This night allows people to explore not only cultural values, but monuments that are located in closed areas. Therefore, future visitors make plans in advance to attend as many events as possible.