How to Complete Each Challenge in Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2: Tips, Tricks and Tricks
In addition to the main story quests and collectibles, each location in Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 offers secondary challenges, usually associated with completing main objectives. In this guide, I will give practical advice on how to complete each.
Zinda Province
- Undermine Antvan Zarza. All these goals are quite simple – use explosive rounds for a sniper rifle and hit the enemy.
- Kill Antvan Zarza without raising the alarm. Take the moment and shoot Antvan while no one sees. Or shoot at the mount on the container so that he falls down and crushes Zarza while he goes under him. This will be considered an accident.
- Kill Antvan Zarza with a shot through his office window. Kill the enemies on the roof of the building on the left. There is also a shield responsible for the operation of the cooling systems. Hit it. This will attract the attention of Antvan, who will run into the building and go up to the second floor. Shoot the mount on the container to make it fall down. So you will see Antvan standing outside the window. It remains to hit the target.
- Kill Antvan Zarza as he fled. First, use your binoculars and identify all targets until you find Antvan Zarza. As soon as you do this, raise the alarm by killing one of the soldiers in full view of the other. And then take the moment and kill Antvan, who will try to escape. By the way, there is a gate on the right. After the merchant arrives, an armored personnel carrier, standing by the building to the right, will pass through them. There is an electrical panel on this building. If you get into it, you will block the gate and no one will be able to leave the base. This is much more convenient, otherwise Antvan will get into the car and hide from the base.
- Kill everyone in the port without raising the alarm. I will not focus on such tests, since everything is very clear here. First, mark all the targets, then kill so that no one sees the death of your partner.
- Blow up Ronald Payne. All these goals are quite simple – use explosive rounds for a sniper rifle and hit the enemy.
- Kill Ronald Payne without raising the alarm. Read carefully the description of the transport lift test below.
- Destroy the convoy before it reaches the hill. In one of the locations, if you raise the alarm, a convoy of three armored personnel carriers will move to your sniper position. Use EMP Sniper Rifle Ammo to stop all three armored vehicles. The task will be completed.
- Kill Ronald Payne in a sniper position. If the alarm is raised, Ronald will leave the base and run outside to his sniper position. Then kill the enemy. You can use explosive ammunition to complete two tests at the same time.
- Kill Ronald Payne using the transport lift. Shoot at the armored personnel carrier located on the lift. An alarm will go off. Payne will be approaching him soon. Wait until he is under the armored personnel carrier, after which, as soon as the enemy moves away from the shield on the left, shoot him. The lift will drop down and crush Ronald Payne.
- Kill everyone in the training camp without raising the alarm. Mark all targets and kill enemies in the indicated place so that none of them see the death of their partner.
- Blow up Fyodor Novikov. All these goals are quite simple – use explosive rounds for a sniper rifle and hit the enemy.
- Kill Fyodor Novikov when he leads a distraction. Hit the four electrical panels on buildings “1-1”, “1-2”, “2-1” and “2-2” to disable both antennas. So you will lure Fyodor Novikov out. Now kill him to pass the test.
- Kill Fedor Novikov without damaging the antennas. It is necessary to raise the alarm for Novikov to leave the building and run outside. Try to shoot your target now.
- Disable satellite dishes without raising the alarm. Everything is clear here – get into the four panels that turn off the antennas without raising the alarm. You can pre-kill nearby enemies. The shields are installed on buildings “1-1”, “1-2”, “2-1” and “2-2”.
- Kill the merchant that Antvan met. Wait for the merchant to come to Antvan, and then shoot him at any convenient moment. You can, for example, shoot at the shield to raise the roller blinds and see how Antvan communicates with the merchant. Shoot so as to shoot both at the same time.
- Kill Fedor Novikov without raising the alarm. Use the option to turn off satellite dishes.
Mount Kwamar
- Destroy 5 combat vehicles. This can be done with C-4 explosives or frag grenades. Fortunately, there are many such cars on the assignment. These include both jeeps and armored personnel carriers. Buy explosives in advance, and also look for additional charges directly during the task.
- Kill 10 enemies with the sniper turret. By analogy with the previous point, make sure to purchase a turret and install it in the gadget slot. And then kill any enemies, as you did in the tutorial.
- Kill 5 enemies by firing the frag grenade at their belt. It’s more difficult here. We’ll have to look for targets and shoot grenades hanging on their belt. However, this can be done with enemies located 50 meters from you. It’s much easier that way.
- Kill everyone guarding the entrance to the citadel from more than 200 meters away. Kill all opponents without getting closer to them closer than the specified distance. Where necessary, go around enemies and move away at a given distance.
- Deactivate all suppressors within 5 minutes after defusing the first. It is best to clear all areas without turning off the jammers. Then go back to any, turn off and go over two more.
- Shut off all pumps in the refrigeration shop without raising the alarm. Everything is simple and clear here. You can complete the mission without pursuing this goal to figure out where all the generators are.
- Kill Lars Helstrom using Death From Above. Climb up to Lars from floor B1 and jump on top of him. You can use bait to get him to come to the right place.
- Kill Lars Helstrom while the elevator is moving. When you go up to level B1, shoot at Lars, located in the distance.
- Complete all contracts, killing enemies with only a sniper rifle with regular ammo. That is, you cannot use any other weapon, not even explosives and grenades!
Tajmid Heights
- Kill Isabella Sanchez in the cell. Raise the alarm and wait for Isabella to run into the building with the prisoner. Shoot when she stands next to him and prepares to kill him.
- Kill Isabella Sanchez while she is chasing the prisoner. The alarm needs to be raised. As soon as this happens, Isabella will run to the prisoner’s cell. Kill her at this moment.
- Kill everyone in the village without raising the alarm and then save Taj Tahir. Mark all targets and kill enemies in the indicated place so that none of them see the death of their partner. Only after that it is necessary to release Taj Tahir. That is, the enemy standing at the entrance to the building with Tahir must be the last to die. Otherwise, Tahir will search his body and open the camera.
- Kill Hamza Khan and Zhivko Dragovich with an explosion. You can shoot barrels next to them, or you can use an explosive projectile. If the alarm is raised, both will run alongside the red barrels. You need to explode both, but not necessarily at the same time
- Kill Hamza Khan and Zhivko Dragovich at the same time without raising the alarm. Just wait for them to meet and shoot so that you hit two targets with one bullet.
- Kill everyone in the oasis without raising the alarm. Mark all targets and kill enemies in the indicated place so that none of them see the death of their partner.
- Disable all piping without raising the alarm. Use binoculars to mark the pipelines, and then destroy them so that no one will notice (first kill all enemies standing next to them)
- Shut off all pumps without raising the alarm. Use binoculars to mark all the pumps, and then destroy them so that no one will notice (first kill all enemies standing next to them)
- Complete a contract without taking damage. Here, too, everything seems to be clear. Although difficult to implement.
- Destroy the entire infrastructure of the oil field. This applies to the pumps and pipelines indicated above. It is necessary to destroy everything that is on the base.
- Kill all enemies in the oil field without raising the alarm. Mark all targets and kill enemies in the indicated place so that none of them see the death of their partner.
- Kill Isabella Sanchez during the execution. Sooner or later, Isabella will come for Tahir, take him to the scaffold and try to execute him. When he is on his knees, kill the mercenary.
- Escort Taj Tahir out of his cell to safety when the alarm is raised. Raising the alarm, kill the enemies that stand in front of Tahir. This can be done, for example, when Isabella enters his cell. Kill her, and then accompany the man.
- Kill Hamza Khan or Zhivko Dragovich without raising the alarm. Everything is simple here – it is enough to kill one person.
- Kill Hamza Khan or Zhivko Dragovich while escaping after setting the trap. When you raise the alarm, wait for one of the targets (pre-mark each with binoculars) to run up the steps to the suspended concrete slabs. Shoot at the mount of these plates so that they fall down and crush Hamza or Zhivko.
- Destroy 3 waves of enemy reinforcements. When you destroy equipment in an oil field, raise the alarm. In this case, opponents will run to your point. Deal with all three waves of reinforcements.
- Kill Hamza Khan or Zhivko Dragovich while escaping. Make sure that the alarm is raised, and at the same time Hamza or Zhivko is alive. And then finish off your target.
- Kill Isabella Sanchez outside the main building. When you find Isabella and she enters the building, take the moment and hit the mercenary by shooting through the narrow gap between the opening and the door. She periodically appears there. You can also kill Isabella at the building to the left of the place where Tahir is being held. She will stand outside and look through binoculars. As I understand it, both buildings are considered to be the main buildings.
Rashida Kvalat
- Shoot 10 enemies with Marker Ammo. As you can imagine, first you need to take a rifle that supports these cartridges. Carefully study the offered assortment, go to the settings of the selected rifle by hovering over it and clicking on X, and set the marking ammunition in the cartridge slot. You don’t need to kill 10 enemies that have ammo markers installed. You need to mount this ammo on 10 different opponents.
- Kill 10 enemies with the dual optics module. Buy such a module before starting the mission, and then use it to shoot 10 opponents.
- Obtain the chip within 45 seconds after it appears on the map. As soon as you appear at the main spawn point, run to the indicated location and jump into the water. Swim underwater to the partially submerged container that contains the chip.
- Steal the cargo waybill without killing anyone in the depot. Use your mask to get around all enemies. Previously, you can mark targets with binoculars, being in the distance. It is best to enter the territory through the hole in the fence in the far left corner. That is, first go along the outside along the left wall. You are interested in the building in the far right corner, second floor.
- Install EMP on all three missiles without raising the alarm in the port area. Everything is extremely simple here. To begin with, you can go through the task as it turns out in order to understand where the missiles are. But I’ll tell you just in case. One rack is located in a warehouse with a turret. On the second floor of the adjacent building with video cameras, there is a lever that opens the entrance to the interior of this warehouse. Other missiles are located in the warehouse in the far right corner. You need to get inside through the hole in the wall from the side of the bank. The third missiles are located on a concrete hill to the left of the previous warehouse. Directly outdoors. Mark all targets so that you know where the enemies are, and carefully go around them.
- Complete all contracts in one playthrough without downloading the game. Everything is clear here. You need to complete all of the above steps without restarting the game. That is, without making mistakes. It is especially difficult with those moments when you need to complete missions without anyone recognizing you.
Malad Wadi
- Kill an identified target while escaping. First, use your binoculars and find the three bald men in suits. Identify the desired target when one of them lights a cigarette. After that, kill any enemy so that the alarm is raised, and shoot the target before the messenger leaves the village.
- Kill everyone in the village without raising the alarm. Mark all targets and kill enemies in the indicated place so that none of them see the death of their partner.
- Kill Taj Tahir on the plane. Identify Tahir and wait. Sooner or later, in 6-7 minutes, he will enter the plane through the cargo hold. There is a porthole in the side door. Use a mask or pre-mark Tahir, and then shoot him when he walks past the door. Shoot through the porthole.
- Kill Taj Tahir and two of his guards with one shot. Use armor-piercing cartridges and shoot so as to simultaneously kill two armored soldiers and Taj, who will communicate with them. This is the first thing Tahir will do after getting out of the car.
- Kill everyone at the airport without raising the alarm. Mark all targets and kill enemies in the indicated place so that none of them see the death of their partner.