Aglia tau

Aglia tau. It is native to Europe . Very striking due to the color of its wings, on which a kind of relatively large eye is drawn.


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  • 1 He dwells
  • 2 General characteristics
  • 3 Playback
  • 4 Food
  • 5 Curiosity
  • 6 Fountains


It is widespread in some regions of central Europe.

General characteristics

It is of medium size, it has a wingspan of 65 mm. This showy butterfly flies in the evenings and usually appears in the spring in April and May. Its pectiniform antennae, that is, comb-shaped or toothed, can be seen with the naked eye.

Their color is showy, they are yellowish with thin, curved and dark stripes that harmoniously separate the outer edge of their fore and hind wings, which gives it a nice chromatic balance. Circles of the same color are joined on their wings, which are They resemble relatively large eyes.

The male flies very quickly and in a zigzag and it is very common to see the female perched on fallen trunks or near the ground.

Its caterpillars live from May to July in beeches (timber trees of the Fagaceae family , which can grow up to 30 m in height, whose petiolate leaves are alternate, oblong, with a sharp point and jagged edge). These larvae are greenish, with yellowish white bands and other lateral longitudinal ones. The chrysalis is often in a loose cocoon .


The birth of the larvae begins with very small eggs that the adult butterfly deposits on the leaves .


Later the leaves will serve as food in its development, necessary to reach metamorphosis.


All butterflies are characterized by having mouthparts modified into a long proboscis that they use to suck nectar from flowers


by Abdullah Sam
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