Age of Wonders 4 cheat codes

Age of Wonders 4 cheat codes are a handy way to change the game in your favor. We have a complete list of cheat codes and how to use them in the game.Age of Wonders 4 is a strategy game for PC and consoles that has a variety of cheat codes that you can activate. Keep reading to find out the full list of codes and all the bonuses they will give you in the game!

Age of Wonders 4 cheat codes 

Here are all working Age of Wonders 4 cheat codes currently available in the game! This is a big list so you have a lot of options to change your game if you want to use cheats or console commands. Just press CTRL+ALT+C and enter cheat codes.

This is a list of cheat codes for the game, each representing a specific function in the game. Cheat codes provide the player with various benefits in the game, such as an instant victory in an auto battle, exploration of the entire map, getting gold, unlocking research, and much more. Some cheat codes also affect relationships with other players and independent cities. If any more codes are introduced into the game, we will add them to this list below.

Important:  At the end of the match, you will not be credited with the experience of the pantheon after entering the cheat codes.


cheat code Description
allheroes Adds all heroes outside the map to the pool for hire.
barentz Explores the entire map and toggles visibility over it.
coehorn Penetrates the walls of a target city under siege.
cruyff Enables infinite turn points.
demons Adds -20 to alliance.
doctor who Increases the turn counter by 1.
concord Increases Unity Beacon building count to win through expansion.
unit Completes the task Occupy provinces to win through expansion.
angels Adds +20 alliance.
freepop Adds +1 population to the selected city.
Hell Spawns a random hero outside the map.
gencrypthero Spawns a random hero in the crypt.
genprison hero Spawns a random hero in prison.
hauer Increases the level of all heroes and units in the selected army.
hein Causes victory.
huygens Unlocks empire development.
iamcode Enables automatic victory in automatic combat.
I mean everything Includes knowledge of all spells.
improverelation Moves to the next level of alliance with the selected free city.
instantskills Includes instant exploration.
lion’s corner Ends the current research.
makeally Forms an alliance with the empire of the selected city.
makeangry Adds -100 relations for 20 turns with the empire of the selected city.
makecoop Sets the relationship with the free city to Cooperation level.
makehappy Adds +100 relations for 20 turns with the empire of the selected city.
makeintegrated Integrates the selected free city.
martin Enables/disables the 999 hero limit.
masterskills Researches all skills.
oldenbarnevelt Adds 100,000 Imperium.
optimalprime Enables instant casting spells.
philips Includes instant production.
questmaster Includes assignments.
rallythelieges Starts the next rally of lords.
rembrandt Adds 100,000 gold and mana.
rider Adds one item for each hero.
thrift yarn Unlocks empire development if not already unlocked.
tasman Explores the entire map.
unexplore Hides all parts of the map.
damnation Increases the construction of Affinity province upgrades.
voorhees Includes an infinite amount of skill points.
warlord Declares war on all factions.
willem Ends the game in defeat.
demo Activates masterskills, philips and rembrandt at the same time.
flyingdutchman Activates cruijff, barentz and rembrandt at the same time.
defeat1 Ends the game in defeat.
defeat2 Ends the game in defeat.
defeat3 Ends the game in defeat.
defeat4 Ends the game in defeat.
defeat5 Ends the game in defeat.
victory1 Ends the game with a win.
victory2 Ends the game with a win.
victory3 Ends the game with a win.
victory4 Ends the game with a win.
medic Heals the selected army.
switch_tm Toggles between step-by-step and simultaneous moves.