9 common mistakes that smart people never make?

The old Kung-fu hero Bruce Lee was right – “mistakes can always be forgiven if you have the courage to admit them”.
Everyone makes mistakes – but few of us dare to admit them. Here are 10 mistakes we like to make too many times and unnecessarily.

1. Believing in something that sounds too good to be true – because it always turns out to be too good to be true
Give yourself time to think. Question what is said and offered. Do not be stressed out to make decisions just because someone wants to rush you. It really is as it is said – if it sounds too good to be true, you can safely count on less good things hiding under the surface.

2. To do the same thing over and over again and expect a different (and better) result

It was Albert Einstein who once said that “Madness means that you do the exact same thing all the time and still expect different results”. How can you change your habits and routines to create new conditions and thus and different results?

3. Believing that everything will fall into place immediately
In the modern society where all people are used to getting everything they need at the touch of a button, it’s time to remind ourselves that not everything is really that simple. It takes planning, hard work and sacrifices for a long time to achieve real goals. Patience is a trait we need to dust off again, as is self-discipline. Realize that there is no quick fix to achieving long-term goals.

To close your eyes to “The Big Picture”
They are easy to lose the big picture and the big perspective when you become too focused on right here and now. The details right now overshadow things that need to be focused on later. You can avoid this by becoming better at aligning your daily priorities with what your ultimate goal is about. Are you doing the right things now to get the right results even later?

5. Believing that shortcuts are a smart way is a good, long-term solution
Everyone cheats and looks for quick fixes sometimes – and that’s okay. But do not deceive yourself into believing that it is a good long-term solution. Keep in mind that there are no shortcuts to succeeding at anything. Make sure you do everything you can to prepare yourself and do the job properly – whatever it is about. Do your homework, as mom and dad used to say when you were a child and went to school.

6. Trying to be someone you really are not
We are good at putting on different masks to fit in and meet people’s expectations of us. All people have different masks for different occasions and it is completely natural. We behave differently towards different people in different situations – it is a part of the social game called “life”. Strive to be honest with yourself and with your values. You can fool others, but never yourself in the long run.

7. Believing that you can make everyone happy and satisfied
It’s a mistake we all make, over and over again. Smart people realize that it’s a fight they can never win. It is impossible to make all people happy – do what you can to help others, but dare to stick to your own demands and needs.

ALSO READ: TEST YOURSELF: How good are you at laughing at yourself and your mistakes?

8. Playing “victim”
Also one of the most common cards we play against other people in the social game. If we feel sorry for ourselves and feel that we are always unlucky, are treated unfairly and diminished, we automatically assume that other people will feel sorry for us and help us fix everything. Some manage to manipulate their surroundings and make this trick work – for a while at least. Remember that it is you who must take responsibility for your life and actions. Do not expect others to always support and help you.

9. Trying to change other people
The sooner you realize that it is an impossible project, the better you will feel yourself. Do not waste valuable time believing that you can change other people. If they do not want to change themselves, they will not let you or anyone else change their behaviors, values ​​or habits.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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