8 tricks to take care of your diet in summer

The Report on Food Consumption in Spain 2019 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food , confirms that during the summer months purchases of soft drinks and beer soar. This coupled with the fact that many people stop exercising and pay less attention to what they eat, usually leads to a slight increase in weight (between 3 and 5 kilos) .

Food in summer is altered by changes in habits. During the summer period, vacations from work, meal times and healthy day-to-day customs are usually partially or totally abandoned, and this can have a series of consequences for our health.

The sun, heat and the beach can lead us to resort to inappropriate foods and drinks, such as soft drinks or ice cream, especially when they are abused. Next, we are going to give you a series of tips so that you take care of your diet during the summer period.

The importance of hydration

On many occasions you will have heard about the need to maintain good hydration of the body , something essential in weight loss diets to be able to achieve a more efficient diet to lose weight . In summer, it is even more important, since the heat and humidity can promote dehydration.

Maintaining an appropriate level of hydration is very important, being necessary to ingest between 1.5 to 2 liters of fluids a day . It should not necessarily be water, but it should be healthy liquids such as juices, lemonade, herbal teas or unsweetened soft drinks.

Distribute the meals

One of the great problems related to eating in summer has to do with meal times. It is common for recommended habits such as eating five light meals a day to be put aside , since the activities that are carried out can lead to a great mismatch in schedules.

If you go many hours without eating, you can suffer from some anxiety or hunger that leads you to consume little or no healthy products or eat excessively in the main meals.

Fruits and vegetables

The fruits and vegetables of this time of year are characterized by being low in calories and very rich in water, so their intake can contribute to maintaining a good state of hydration . Also, if you are doing a slimming diet to lose weight, they will help you keep your diet under control.

It is essential that you include them in your diet, since they also contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber, and their digestion is very light. Whenever possible you should consume them raw to preserve all their nutrients.

Stay away from heavy meals

During the summer period it is necessary that you avoid eating very copious dishes and also consuming large amounts of food, a tip that you should apply, even if the food is healthy.

In this sense, it is advisable to moderate the intake of red meat and replace it with fish, consuming about 5-6 servings per week, with at least three of them blue fish. It is also important that you minimize the consumption of fat, and that the one you introduce into your body comes mainly through olive oil .

Mediterranean diet

When preparing your summer diet, it is advisable to follow the usual guidelines of the Mediterranean diet, which helps to keep the body healthy and acts positively in the prevention of the development of different diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even some types of cancer. In addition, it is also useful for all those who are looking to lose weight.

It is very important to maintain this diet throughout the year, not just in summer. To do this, you should use olive oil as the main fat and consume bread, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals daily, moderating the intake of red meat, and avoiding processed foods .

Ways to cook

To enjoy a healthy diet, in addition to choosing appropriate foods, you must pay close attention to the way you cook them. It is advisable to bet on grilled, baked, steamed, grilled dishes…, so that you facilitate digestion . In this way your diet and body will feel greater well-being.

Moderate meat consumption

As with any of the weight loss diets that you may have ever followed throughout your life, it is recommended that during the hottest months of the year you moderate your meat intake.

It is advised that you limit meat dishes, especially those with red meat, taking more servings of fish than meat, since these have more water, thus contributing to the hydration of the body, and also their digestion is faster. In addition, the essential fatty acids in oily fish help to nourish the skin.

Beware of desserts

Desserts are a delicate subject in the summer diet and a great enemy for weight loss diets, which is mainly due to poor choice and excessive consumption of these.

To beat the heat, you may want to eat ice cream. You can do it, but occasionally and as long as you value its nutritional composition to bet on the healthiest option possible .

In any case, it will always be preferable, especially if you want to lose weight and not increase it, that you replace ice cream with fruit or dairy desserts such as yogurt or yogurt ice cream without cream. You can also have a sorbet or ice cream.

However, you should know that ice creams are not important foods in a balanced diet, so as long as you can do without them it will be the most advisable, except in the case of fruits, since the rest usually have little beneficial ingredients to health.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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