8 Signs He’s Cheating on You

8 Signs He’s Cheating on You?.Being capable of cheating and cheating are, fortunately, two different things. However, a number of your man’s characteristics can tell you when you don’t even need to worry about infidelity, and when letting the situation go would be too frivolous.

8 Signs He’s Cheating on You.

8 Signs He's Cheating on You

He has cheated before

This point may seem too obvious, but many girls take wishful thinking for reality. If a man was caught cheating in a previous relationship/marriage, you shouldn’t convince yourself that your relationship with him is “different.” Face the truth: is he capable of cheating? Definitely yes. By the way, according to a 2017 study, those who have cheated before are three times more likely to cheat again. Such are the disappointing statistics. Of course, the context needs to be taken into account, but vigilance doesn’t hurt either.

He is a sexual narcissist.

Sexual narcissism refers to a range of beliefs in the intimate sphere. For example, such a man believes that he deserves any sexual experience he wants. He uses his partner for his own sexual satisfaction, but he cannot boast of empathy at all: he does not care about a woman’s feelings in the context of sex. Finally, narcissists, as a rule, believe that they have no equal in sex. If any of these traits seem familiar to you, be careful. Research shows that the more sexually narcissistic a person is, the more likely he is to cheat.

He is emotionally detached.

If the intimacy between you is limited to physical contact, this is a reason to doubt your partner’s fidelity. From a psychological point of view, emotionally detached partners are much more loyal to the idea of ​​​​having new romantic relationships in addition to the existing ones. They simply do not feel an emotional attachment to their partner and are not afraid of losing her, even if the deception is revealed.

His parents cheated on each other

This fact from the biography, of course, is not something to share on the first date. But if you are close enough to a man to discuss his family and childhood in a confidential manner, you may have already heard a couple of such stories. Alas, but if his mother had an lover or his father was a womanizer, a man is unlikely to live with the thought that he must correct his parents’ mistakes. Rather, on the contrary, such behavior will seem normal from childhood, albeit condemned. Pay special attention to the man’s words like “everyone lives like this.”

He is afraid of loneliness

You would think that the fear of loneliness would strengthen the bond in a long-term relationship, but experts are sure that things work a little differently. People who have always had at least some kind of relationship in their lives are more likely to cheat than those who have calmly survived periods of absence from a romantic partner. The thing is, irrational fear makes them look for a “backup airfield”. Yes, it sounds terribly selfish, but they feel the need to maintain a relationship on the side, even if everything is fine in the “main” relationship.

He feels inferior.

In this case, the problem is definitely not in you or the relationship: if a man feels inferior, it all comes down to his need for approval. Your praise and recognition depreciate over time. At the same time, numerous affairs give a sense of superiority, which they so desperately strive for. And each new partner becomes a “trophy”.

He is tolerant of other people’s infidelity.

Sometimes the hardest thing to admit is the obvious: talking about other people’s cheating is not just talking. Especially if the hero of the story is somehow freed from responsibility by the man. Cheating can be presented as a “call of nature”, an accident, the result of the partner’s insidious actions, and so on. Male solidarity is appropriate if not everything is clear in the couple under discussion, for example, if the cheating is mutual. But “hypothetical” approval can lead to practical actions.

He has poor impulse control.

Aggression, impatience, impulsive behavior are the most common traits of men who have poor self-control. Such individuals, obviously, often have poor self-control in the sexual sphere. Cheating is caused by an unconscious desire for immediate satisfaction. Unfortunately, impulsive actions do not allow one to properly consider the long-term consequences of momentary desires, so remorse comes when it is too late.

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