8 Scientific Benefits of Love

Falling in love doesn’t just make your heart flutter. You can also experience many health benefits as a positive effect of falling in love.In addition to making your heart bloom and creating pleasant feelings, the benefits of falling in love for health are many. Moreover, if the same feelings are also felt by the person you love.

Below are a series of benefits of falling in love according to medical perspective that you need to know.

Falling in love can reduce anxiety. Falling in love can affect the production of dopamine hormones in the brain.

According to research published in the Journal Archives of Sexual Behavior , the feeling of falling in love causes the brain to produce more dopamine. Dopamine is a compound that triggers feelings of pleasure and happiness.

2. Relieves Stress

The benefits of falling in love can relieve stress. Because, the sensation felt when falling in love can support the production of dopamine and serotonin hormones that play a role in triggering feelings of happiness.

Therefore, your stress can be reduced when you are in love. Although it is not a cure for mental illness, falling in love and having a healthy relationship with your partner can improve your mental health and reduce stress and depression levels.

3. Better Immune System

Because it can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, falling in love can also help optimize the function of the immune system.

In turn, this benefit of falling in love can help protect you from the risk of contracting infectious diseases, such as the flu.

4. Supports Heart Health

Married people are at lower risk of dying from heart disease , compared to single or divorced people. This is thought to be because the autonomic nervous system is more active when someone is in love.

The function of falling in love also makes the sympathetic nerves work better, thus reducing the body’s response to stress. Ultimately, this can lower the pulse rate and blood pressure.

5. Accelerates Wound Healing

When the love you cultivate with your partner is based on positive feelings and mutual support for each other, this can help optimize the regeneration of body function tissues.

This benefit can help speed up the wound healing process.

6. Maintain Lung Health

Not only is it good for your heart health, falling in love also has positive benefits for your lung health. According to research, someone who is married has a 13 percent lower risk of developing lung infections, such as pneumonia .

Of course, this needs to be balanced with a healthy lifestyle, yes! 

7. Lowers Blood Pressure

The next benefit of falling in love is reducing the risk of high blood pressure or hypertension. This positive effect can be obtained when you have a good relationship with your partner.

These benefits can also be felt by those of you who have positive relationships with the people around you.

8. Helps Relieve Pain

Falling in love can actually help relieve pain. A study found that married people have a lower risk of experiencing headaches and back pain. 

This is because the benefits of falling in love can support brain function. The brain can control pain.


After knowing the 8 benefits of falling in love for health, are you ready to fall in love again? Fall in love with the right person, OK? 

Don’t forget, #JagaSehatmu and go through the day with your partner by supporting each other to create a positive relationship.