8 The Role of Cross-Cultural Business Communication in the Era of Globalization

Business communication is communication that is used in business activities both in the form of verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Business communication is useful for increasing productivity in the business world. In addition, effective business communication also makes it easy for a business organization to reach agreed goals. (Also read: Cross Cultural Business Communication )

Business has entered the era of globalization because business is carried out not only involving an area in one country, but the business world today has cooperated with other countries. The business world in Indonesia has entered the era of globalization where our country has a lot of cooperation with foreign countries.

Cross-cultural business communication does not only involve international regions, but business communication also involves regions in the country itself. (Also read: Cross-Cultural Business Communication Objectives )

For example, the country of Indonesia, which has business relations with the United States in the mining business. This is in the category of international cross-cultural business communication. As for domestic cross-cultural business communication, such as cooperation between the Jakarta and Yogyakarta regions in the textile industry. (Also read: Examples of Cross-Cultural Communication in Business )

Factors affecting business in a country in this era of globalization are developments in technological sophistication related to the production process of a company, communication skills such as developed countries that can follow the cultural development in a business area, and developing insights in the business environment. (Also read: The Importance of Intercultural Communication in Business )

Following are some of the roles of cross-cultural business communication in the era of globalization, namely:

  1. Promotion

Promotion is one of the ways or strategies taken to increase sales figures in a business. Promotion is the product marketing process to consumers in various ways so that consumers are interested in buying the product.

Cross-cultural business communication has an important role for the promotion process especially products in business today are not only offered to consumers in the same country but also include consumers from outside the country. (Also read: Cultural Influences in Business Communication )

  1. Advertising

Advertising is one of the promotion methods to market products produced by a company. Advertising does not only involve domestic product models, but outsiders can also be used as models for product promotion.

The aim is that the products being marketed are in demand by consumers. Consumers will see that domestic products can be trusted because of quality and have been used abroad. This advertising increases the interest of consumers to try the products produced by the company. (Also read: Business Communication )

  1. Negotiation

The business world in this globalization era does not only involve people from within the country. Many companies are collaborating with foreign products to boost the popularity of the products produced.

Apart from foreign countries, companies engaged in the development of natural resources tend to cooperate more with regions that are well-known for their regional beauty such as tobacco for cigarettes produced from the collaboration of regional farmers with large companies that produce these goods.

This cross-cultural business communication makes it easy for a person to establish relationships with other companies and is easy to negotiate in the affairs of other businesses. (Also read: Cross Cultural Communication )

  1. Increase business productivity

Cross-cultural business communication has a role to increase productivity in a business. This cross-cultural business communication encourages a person to understand the character and culture that exists in a different area.

The production process in a business will run smoothly if the people in the company can establish relationships in understanding the culture of their colleagues. (Also read: Business Communication According to Expert )

  1. Improve employee work performance

Cross-cultural business communication also plays a role in improving employee work performance. Cooperation between developing countries and developed countries motivates employees to improve their work performance to achieve predetermined targets.

This affects the process of producing goods or services in a company. High motivation in employees makes work performance better and the goods or services produced are of higher quality. (Also read: Cross Cultural Communication Management )

  1. Utilizing technology in the production process

Different cultures require everyone to understand these diverse cultures. Cross-cultural business communication is used by every company to advance its business towards free markets faced with various cultures.

This communication utilizes technology in the production process to achieve business success. (Also read: Effect of Business Communication in Companies )

  1. Add insight in doing business

Business in this globalization era plays an important role in gaining insight in terms of culture. Each country and region has a different business process. Therefore, this cross-cultural business communication is used by every company in the production process in order to understand other cultures in business. (Also read:  Cross-Cultural Business Communication Objectives )

  1. Easy to interact

The role of cross-cultural business communication makes it easy for someone to interact. The business world does indeed involve many different cultural communities. Understanding these cultural differences by using cross-cultural business communication makes it easier for a company to collaborate with other regions and countries. (Also read: Types of Business Communication )


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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