Cellulite, which is coyly called “orange peel” in cosmetics advertising, is present in most women. It is often considered a “defect” that needs to be corrected, although in fact, dimples and bulges on the hips and butt are natural for women’s skin. We figure out what cellulite is, why it appears and why it does not require treatment. And we tell you about proven ways to make cellulite less noticeable, if you still want to.
What is cellulite and what does it look like?
Cellulite is a skin condition in which bumps and dimples appear on the skin. Its texture can resemble cottage cheese. Cellulite usually appears on the thighs and buttocks, but can also appear on the stomach and upper arms.
Cellulite can look different. For some, dimples are always visible. For others, they only appear if you squeeze a part of the thigh or butt slightly. Dermatologists distinguish several degrees of cellulite:
— 0 degree. There is no cellulite on the body.
— 1st degree. The skin looks smooth when you stand. When you sit down, small dimples appear.
— 2nd degree. There are small depressions on the skin both when you stand and when you sit.
— Stage 3. There are deep depressions and bumps on the skin. They become more noticeable when you sit.
Why does cellulite appear more often in women than in men?
Cellulite affects 90% of women and only 10% of men . This happens for two reasons. First, women have a higher percentage of fatty tissue than men. Moreover, fat primarily accumulates on the legs, thighs and buttocks, that is, on the same areas of the body where cellulite usually occurs. This is normal. Women need fat to protect internal organs, store vitamins and ensure the functioning of the reproductive system. If a woman loses too much weight, her periods may stop .
Secondly, men and women have different skin and subcutaneous layers. All people have a small layer of fat under their skin. Fibers pass through it that connect the skin to the muscles. When these fibers are compressed and the fat cells, on the contrary, swell, bumps and dimples become visible on the skin.
Men have more connective tissue than women. Moreover, its fibers are not located vertically, but diagonally. As a result, the dermis is better supported, and even swollen fat cells do not protrude and do not create bumps on the skin. This is why cellulite occurs less often in men.
Is it dangerous? Should cellulite be treated?
Cellulite is not a disease, but a cosmetic feature. From 80 to 90% of women encounter it already during puberty, that is, almost everyone has dimples on their skin. It is not dangerous to health, does not cause discomfort and does not require treatment.
It is important not to confuse cellulite with lipedema. This is a disease that causes excess fat accumulation in the lower part of the body. Lipedema looks like cellulite: the skin on the stomach, legs and thighs becomes bumpy. However, with cellulite, touching the skin is not painful. With lipedema, on the contrary, the skin becomes sensitive, cold to the touch, bruises and swelling often appear on it. If you suspect that you have lipedema, this is a reason to consult a general practitioner or dermatologist.
Why does cellulite appear?
It is not exactly known why cellulite appears . But there are factors that increase its likelihood:
– Gender. Women are more likely to develop cellulite than men.
– Age. As we age, our skin becomes thinner and less elastic, making cellulite more noticeable.
— Hormonal background. As estrogen levels decrease, blood flow to connective tissues and their oxygen supply deteriorates. The fibers become less elastic and tighten the skin.
– Heredity. Congenital metabolic features can make cellulite more noticeable.
— Lifestyle. Poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and smoking can trigger cellulite.
Although excess weight makes cellulite more noticeable, Mayo Clinic experts do not consider it the main cause of uneven skin. Dimples and bumps are also common in thin people if they are genetically prone to cellulite or do not move much. Therefore, to prevent cellulite, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle: eat right , drink enough water, get enough sleep , exercise and not smoke . These techniques are unlikely to get rid of cellulite completely, but they will definitely help you feel more energetic and be healthier.
How to get rid of cellulite if you still want to?
It is impossible to get rid of cellulite completely. But you can try to make it less noticeable. Experts from the American Association of Dermatologists consider surgical methods to remove cellulite to be the most effective. These are difficult and painful procedures, so it is important to consult a dermatologist and weigh the pros and cons.
Laser therapy
The finest needles are inserted under the skin and the laser destroys the inelastic connective fibers. The skin becomes thicker and firmer, and cellulite becomes less noticeable. The effect of laser therapy lasts up to six months. Afterwards, the dimples on the skin usually return, although they may become less noticeable.
Subcision treatment
This is a surgical treatment that is also suitable for removing scars and acne. A needle is inserted under the skin, which destroys hardened connections and removes bumps on the skin. This method helps get rid of cellulite for two years or more.
Vacuum massage with point tissue release
This method combines vacuum massage and the removal of connective tissue using tiny blades. The effect of the procedure lasts up to three years.
Carbon dioxide is injected under the skin, which destroys the adhesions. To achieve the effect, 8-10 procedures are needed, during which bruises may appear on the skin. After healing, cellulite becomes less noticeable, although it does not disappear completely.
Is it possible to make cellulite less noticeable with massage and anti-cellulite cream?
According to the American Dermatology Association, anti-cellulite creams with caffeine and retinol can make your skin smoother. Caffeine draws moisture out of your cells, which helps reduce dimples and bumps. Retinol stimulates collagen production, making your skin firmer and smoother.
It is worth remembering that anti-cellulite creams work only with long-term daily use. To notice the first results, you need to apply the cream for six months or longer. Before the first use, test the anti-cellulite cream on a small area of skin to make sure there is no allergy.
It is not possible to significantly reduce cellulite with massage . Some methods (for example, massage with a special roll or dry brush ) do not work at all. Vacuum and lymphatic drainage massages are slightly more effective. They improve blood circulation, which helps make connective tissue more elastic. However, the anti-cellulite effect is barely noticeable and does not last long. Once you complete the massage course, the skin will return to its normal state.