8 Kale Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

To lose weight it is worth betting on tasty and creative tips to break the extra pounds you ended up gaining, without compromising your health. And one of them is to rethink your consumption of leaves, especially cabbage.

In general, we do not sufficiently consume the vitamins that come from green leafy vegetables because we are not in the habit of choosing them frequently in our meals, or even choosing them only in minimal amounts. So, many times we get sick, we gain weight and we are victims of systemic diseases. Remember that our food is also less nutritious than ever, as it is grown on poor soil, stored for a long time, and transported across the globe.


And one of the most suitable vegetables when starting a detox or losing weight is cabbage, considered one of the most complete in vitamins and nutrients. Its ingestion alleviates the fragile diet of the human being, in general, poor in food with rich properties of an anti-inflammatory and immunological diet.

An interesting option of consumption to lose weight is to make juice and cabbage, which promotes several benefits in addition to weight loss to health. Learn a little more and check out some recipes below:

Index of this article:

Health Benefits of Cabbage Juice

In addition to the strong anti-inflammatory effects that help the joints, kale juice strengthens nails and bones, even eliminating white spots on nails. It is important to know, if you have young children, that milk is not the best way to provide calcium and build stronger bones. But this juice, because it has a better effect, in addition to providing global protection from systemic diseases and obesity for your little ones. Further:

  • Helps to detoxify the body and boost the immune system;
  • Helps protect against cancer;
  • Protects skin and vision. It is especially important for the elderly, who are more susceptible to these problems;
  • Helps you lose weight naturally;
  • It provides a high amount of fiber, contributing to a better functioning of the intestine, and is extremely rich in folic acid, potassium, beta-carotene and hydrokinamic ester acid (an anti-aging compound).

Tips related to kale juice:

  1. First of all, try recipes that mix cabbage juice with carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. You don’t have to drink 100% pure kale juice. If you are not used to it, start with a smaller amount for consumption;
  2. So that the nutritional properties of the juice are not lost, consume the juice at most after 30 minutes of preparation;
  3. If you are taking anticoagulants, be careful. Kale contains so much vitamin K that it can alter blood viscosity. This should not stop you from drinking cabbage juice, you just need to drink the same amount every day and ask your doctor to adjust your medication if necessary. The amount of blood thinners can double for people on a plant-based diet, but that shouldn’t stop us from doing it!
  4. Depending on your juicer, vegetables like kale can be a challenge to crush. So, if your juicer doesn’t make leaf juice well, mix together hard vegetables like carrots. You have other alternatives, like apples, for example. Use the pulp that comes out of the juicer to bake and make broth. Carrot pulp and kale leaves (without stems) are excellent in cakes!

Below, some recipes and variations of kale juice for weight loss that you can try to make at home:

1. Cabbage and lemon juice

Two antioxidant and vitamin C rich foods that will contribute not only to eliminate unwanted pounds but also to prevent degenerative diseases and premature skin aging.

In a blender, blend the juice of a lemon, with a glass (300ml) of water (replace with coconut water if you prefer), two cabbage leaves and some mint leaves.

2. Kale, ginger and orange

Ginger is a spice considered a thermogenic food , that is, a few pinches are enough to speed up the metabolism. Therefore, this recipe for green juice with ginger is a great choice for those looking to lose some calories.

To do this, gather 2 oranges, 3 kale leaves, 1 ginger and 1 liter of water. Peel the oranges and cut them into pieces, and remove the seeds. Put the washed cabbage leaves in a blender with a stalk, add a small piece of ginger and fill with a liter of water. Beat everything. Then strain, add sweetener to your liking and serve with lots of ice.


3. Cabbage and watermelon juice

This is a recipe for anti-inflammatory juice, good for consumption after and during infectious diseases, flu and colds, great for lowering blood pressure and strengthening nails and bones.

To prepare, use 800 grams of watermelon, 40 grams of sliced ​​kale, 20 grams of fresh ginger and 6 tablespoons of natural lemon juice. Wash the watermelon, kale (2 leaves), lemon (I used 2 lemons) and ginger. Then, peel the watermelon, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. Extract the juice from the lemon and peel the ginger. Beat the watermelon in a blender and add the remaining ingredients.

4. Passion fruit juice with cabbage

Combining cabbage leaves with passion fruit does not seem very pleasant, but the juice of these ingredients is a great inhibitor of menopausal symptoms. Just beat in a blender 2 kale leaves, pulp of 1 passion fruit, 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 glasses of water. Drink a 200ml glass three times a day.

5. Kale and pineapple

Pineapple has purifying and detoxifying properties. Helps the body to get rid of toxins. Never use pineapple in syrup, but fresh fruit.

For this recipe, separate 4 or 5 slices of pineapple, 1 bunch of spinach, 1 handful of cabbage leaves, 2 green apples and 4 mint leaves. Beat all ingredients in the centrifuge or blender and drink well chilled.

6. Cabbage, carrot, apple and celery juice

In addition to being a great recipe for weight loss, the preparation below promises to fight insomnia too.

Use 3 kale leaves, 4 carrots, 1/2 apple and 1 handful of parsley. After washing the apples, carrots and cabbage, cut the carrots lengthwise to fit your juicer, as well as the apples. Centrifuge the cabbage, carrots and apple. In the juice already prepared, add the parsley, stirring with the spoon.

7. Cabbage and berries

This combination has antioxidant and anticarcinogenic action, that is, agents that reduce the frequency or rate of manifestation of spontaneous or induced tumors, regardless of the mechanism involved.


To do this, separate 2 kale leaves, 1 cup of frozen blackberries, 1 cup of frozen raspberries, 400 ml of water and sweetener to taste. Wash and remove the stems from the cabbage leaves. In a blender, blend all the ingredients until smooth. If you prefer, strain the juice, then serve.

8. Cabbage and chia juice

The chia is a great enabler in weight loss because it controls hunger. This is because seeds, when in contact with water, form a gel in the stomach, slowing digestion. Chia is also rich in fibers that regulate intestinal transit, reduces cholesterol, is rich in omega-3, fights inflammation, prevents aging and boosts immunity.

Imagine combining all this power of chia with kale, and other healthy and tasty ingredients, in a detoxifying juice for the body!

To prepare, cut 1/2 carrot, 1 apple, 1/2 cucumber, 1 tablespoon of Chia, 200 ml of coconut water and mint to taste. Beat everything in a blender and drink without straining. You can choose the form of chia that best suits your taste: in grain or flour.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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