8 Functions of Artistic Order in Film

The best artistic layout is one of the categories in national and international film awards. At the Oscars, several films such as Titanic (1997), The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), Avatar (2009), La La Land (2016), and Black Panther (2018) were Academy Award winners for Best Production Design namely the award for the best artistic layout of the film.

In Indonesia alone, films that won the best artistic order awards include Soekarno: Indonesia Merdeka (2014), Teacher of the Nation: Tjokroaminoto (2015), Athirah (2016), Devotees of Satan (2017), and Marlina: The Murderer in the Four Rounds ( 2018).

What is meant by artistic order in film?

Artistic layout is a broad concept, which includes several visual elements of film production such as design and construction of sets, locations, decorations, properties, facial makeup, and costumes. As part of the preproduction of the film, artistic order plays an important role in giving a kind of appearance or face to the film itself.

The appearance or face of the film is not only related to the creation of the style but also the opportunity to explore further about how all elements can be used to strengthen the visual image of a film and the story presented. Therefore, the artistic order has several functions, including the following.

  1. Form the context of the story

The function of the artistic order in the first film is to shape the context of the story. This is done by combining several visual elements such as design and construction of sets, locations, decorations, properties, face makeup, and costumes so that what is presented on the screen is a unified whole story. (Also read: Duties of Film Producers )

  1. Display characters

The artistic function function in the next film is to display the characters in the film. This is usually related to the artist’s makeup and costumes used. One of the functions of cosmetology is to display characters related to age, race, face shape, and body to fit the script. In addition to cosmetology, the character’s appearance can be filmed can also be strengthened through costumes worn according to the script. (Also read: Crew Duty in Film )

  1. Add a dramatic effect

The artistic arrangement in the film also serves to add dramatic effects. This relates to face makeup, costumes, and property used. For example, a character who is depicted shot in the chest will be made so according to needs such as clothes pierced by bullets, blood drawn out of the body, and so forth. The dramatic effects of film can also be added to the background music used. (Also read: Backsound Function in Filming )

  1. Tell the story visually

The function of the artistic order in the next film is to tell the story visually. This is usually related to decorating the decoration used in the film according to the script. Which includes decoration here includes a variety of properties (both primary and supporting property) furniture, and accessories used on the set.

The various decoration items used in films generally refer to the time background of the story’s script whether past, present, or future. Each requires in-depth research so that the film will be able to tell the story visually. (Also read: Manuscript Role in a Film )

  1. Form the atmosphere and atmosphere of the film

The artistic arrangement in film also functions to shape the atmosphere and atmosphere of the film to the public. This is usually related to the color and texture used. Both the color and texture can reflect the character of the character. Color can reflect the social and cultural background of the character of the character.

In addition, color can also be used to emphasize the theme or atmosphere of the film’s story. In addition to color, texture can also form the atmosphere and atmosphere of the film. For example, a room filled with various soft and bright objects such as mirrors reflects an open and cheerful personality. (Also read:  Composition in Cinematography )

  1. Creating certain feelings

The function of the artistic order in the next film is to create certain feelings. This is related to various architectural elements such as shape, volume, scale, and depth used. For example, the scale can be used to arouse certain feelings about a room such as a large palace room showing the power possessed by a king. (Also read: Stuntman Function in Film )

  1. Facilitating camera movement and lighting

Each set or location must be able to accommodate changes in the three-dimensional view of the camera by moving the camera or changing the framing. Therefore, a good production designer will consider how the set or shooting location will appear from different angles and distances and under different lighting conditions as desired in the script. (Also read: Indonesian Film History )

  1. Create a set of shooting locations

This function is related to storyboards. Often the existing shooting location does not support the story script. Therefore the film crew built a set of shooting locations to suit the script and storyboard requirements that had been made.

Usually the production designer will refer to the storyboard to use very detailed sketches when creating the set of the set. This sketch was then converted into a blueprint and given to the construction to be followed up on. (Also read: Storyboard Function in Filming )

Thus a brief review of the artistic function in film. Hopefully it can add to our insights and knowledge about the artistic order and its functions in the film.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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