Have you been getting the same amount for years? We tell you how to achieve fair pay and increase your income in the foreseeable future.
Get alternative offers
To study the demand for specialists in your field and the average salary level, it is enough to register on job aggregators. And if you manage to get a job offer from another company, your position in negotiations with the management will be much more stable. Do not rush to tell how you studied the market, let it seem that they are trying to lure you away. However, if they are happy to see you in another company on better terms, perhaps it is time to change something.
Become more visible
Assess the reality objectively: how valuable are you and how are things with your personal brand. Does anyone besides you know what you do and what benefit you bring every day? Sometimes, careless employees appropriate the glory and achievements of the team, or the position does not require reporting. It is important that your benefit and contribution to the common cause are obvious. Stop keeping silent at meetings, do not be afraid to cite real statistics in problem discussions and send rational proposals to your boss by email.
Agree on new responsibilities
It often happens that the number of tasks and responsibilities grow, but the salary does not. It is important to remember what conditions you initially agreed to. It is even better if there is a job description for your position. Make a list of tasks that you perform on a regular basis or that you are ready to take on. More work means more money. There is no shame in asking for extra pay for the increased amount of work.
Learn about vacancies in your company
At a large enterprise, it is easier to change positions without unnecessary stress. You already know how everything works, you do not take risks, as in the case of a probationary period. And most importantly, the management is more loyal to you than to an outside candidate. Use this opportunity to painlessly change your professional trajectory.
Sometimes the potential for salary growth lies in combining several jobs. There are two strategies here: either consider the part-time job as an additional load (it is also an opportunity to try yourself in something new), or take care of yourself and try to combine two things at the same time. There is no need to deceive employers. For example, one job requires physical presence and nothing more, and another requires creative abilities. As if you combine the position of, say, a concierge and a scriptwriter.
Education is a great opportunity to gain additional value in the eyes of the employer and an extra reason to make a name for yourself. It is important that your development is related to the profession. Courses for tarot readers are unlikely to help an accountant win the sympathy of the boss. The easiest and most pleasant way is to ask for time off to go to a professional conference. Don’t forget to discuss the latest industry news with your boss. By the way, even expensive advanced training courses can be paid for by the employer. Have you already taken advantage of this opportunity?
Receive bonuses
Want a bonus? Ask your friendly colleagues how to get one. If you haven’t received a clear answer, feel free to ask your superiors. A bonus can also be a compromise if they are not ready to raise your salary, but agree to pay you extra if the organization receives a certain profit.
Ask for a raise
Sometimes it is enough to ask for a raise directly to get a salary increase or clear instructions on how to increase your income level in the future. Without hints and pretense. The main thing is to stock up on reasonable positive arguments. “I want to earn more” and “I have a mortgage” do not characterize you as a valuable specialist. Focus on your achievements or ask what you should additionally take on to get a raise.