Every day there are people who decide to become a businessman or entrepreneur by setting up their small business. Every day, the number of business people both in offline (traditional) and online will increase. The consequences? Competition is getting tougher and more sophisticated strategies are needed so that every businessman can compete with other business people.


If a product seller is not aware of this intense competition, and does not care about all the innovations that occur in the business world, hmm … I think his business will not last long.


From the many marketing options available, we want our Career Advice colleagues to remain calm and confident . Because in this article, we will provide a grid of 7 ways for marketing products that fellow readers have to become more successful. Come on, soon we see the explanation below.


1. Trying to Continue to Focus on the Solution.

Business is not just about looking for profits from customers, but looking for effective solutions for customers. This shows that business is not only an economic activity, but also an activity to help each other between traders and buyers. Try to think carefully about what is most sought after from market demand, can customers have difficulties we can solve correctly?


If we have bright ideas to solve them, then don’t hesitate to bring out products or services that are right for them. It may be that there are indeed many manufacturers engaged in the same industry as our business.


However, that is not a barrier to being able to market products and services that are more prominent than others. Make the impression that the products and services that your fellow readers offer are “problem solvers or solutions” from all customer distractions. Focusing on solutions will help marketing our products become more successful.


2. Having the Right Target Market.

Unfortunately, even though we have created products and services that are the solutions of our customers, there is still a possibility for marketing products that do not reach predetermined targets. Even more so if the business that your fellow readers have is focused on producing products. Thus, products that are not successfully marketed can be classified as waste. In other words, the marketing of the products is inefficient.


So, how do I make the products and services we offer can be marketed effectively, so that no funding is wasted? We need to have the right target market. When we issue a product or service, make sure that what we produce will be of interest to one or several categories of the target market. For example, we put out aids to hear better. So, the target market that is owned by this product is most likely the elderly parents.


So, make sure what we offer to customers has a clear target market, so that it can attract their attention.


3. Don’t Forget the Title and Subtitles that Striking Customer Attention.

When we want to market our products and services to customers, we can do it by making news, advertisements (television, radio, flyers and so on). Now make sure in this marketing, we really choose the title and subtitles (content) that are striking, so customers want to read more or find out more about what is offered from our customers’ products and services.


For example, one of the credit counter near my house is marketing a product that is truly unique and impressive. The seller is very understanding that the competition between one credit counter with another counter is very tight. So, he wrote “DO NOT LOOK AT LEFT!” on the front banner of the pulse counter. After that there is a writing that displays a list of what products are sold, such as beautiful numbers, electrical pulses, starter cards, and others in front of the counter.


The phrase “do not look left” in the banner will attract the attention of prospective customers who pass in front of his credit counter. Automatically, people will even be curious to look left and finally can see a list of what products are offered. Unique right?


4. Not Just Creative, but also Informative.

Although we need to create creative product marketing content in order to get more attention from customers, that doesn’t mean we leave many questions in the minds of customers. “What do you mean by the ad? How come I’m confused? ” or “What’s with this ad, how come it’s not clear huh?”


NO! don’t let this happen. A good advertisement is filled with creativity to be different from other product and service advertisements, but clear information is also needed so that potential buyers actually buy our products and services with confidence, because that is what they are looking for.


5. Give Attractive Offers!

Another way to make our product marketing more successful is to offer attractive offers to prospective buyers. Examples can be as follows:

– Buy today and get a promo 20% cheaper!

– Buy 1 unit apartment, free 1 fridge! , and so forth.


Try to associate the marketing of our products with prospects that are of value to potential customers. Don’t forget to pay attention to the response we get from the offer. If the response that comes is still minimal, then we need to think of other, more attractive offers.


6. Using Unusual Properties.

Property here can be interpreted as goods, shapes and sizes. If the color of food products is usually dominated by orange, yellow or red. We can make it more different from the others. For example, making a food product logo from a mixture of green and red, or yellow and black.


Make something different from other products and services. So, when we do product marketing, we can display the advantages and characteristics of what we offer.


7. Convey “What’s the Benefit for Prospective Customers?”

Prospective customers will not only look for products and services that can solve their problems, but they will also compare one product to another to consider “which product or service is most beneficial for them?”.


This is important! No one wants to get a loss, especially if the prices of these products and services are quite expensive. So for marketing our products to be successful, we need to list the benefits that will be gained by potential customers. For example, by registering our online course, you can access free various interesting videos related to management and leadership themes. Or, by buying our product, you will get a 5% discount for 3 months.



by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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