7 ways to boost immunity against the cocov-19 virus

Lung disease is a common disease in Thailand and is also one of the top 5 diseases that cause the loss of many health resources. The lung disease is divided into lung diseases that are not caused by infections such as asthma, emphysema and lung infection. The most important thing is pneumonia and tuberculosis, which is currently being watched and are very concerned about is ” COVID-19 pneumonia ” because it causes the COVID-19 people in the group The risk is very high.

Group of patients with COVID-19 that have a high chance of death.

If infected with a new species of coronary virus (COVID-19), the group of people who are more likely to die is the elderly, patients with chronic illnesses. And may include males as well Found that diabetic patients Disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, emphysema Or have problems with breathing Will be at least 5 times more likely to die than a normal person! (The mortality rate in the elderly in China is 10 times higher than in middle-aged people)

Pneumonia caused the death of COVID-19.

The death of most COVID-19 patients comes from patients with pneumonia. Because the lungs have alveoli to be replaced by substances that cause inflammation. Which, if in normal people, when breathing, the air will enter the arterial system and air exchange via the alveoli system can be done But when inflammation occurs Inflammatory cells become a barrier that prevents air and oxygen from passing through, resulting in death.

In addition to the infection, COVID-19 causes most damage to the lungs. There are other organs that have been destroyed as well as causing death. Especially at the heart According to a study published in the JAMA Cardiology Medical Journal, patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, in Wuhan, China, with heart damage, as many as 1 in 5 of all patients at Many people experience heart failure or acute myocardial infarction even without a history of heart disease. In which the doctor assumed Heart failure due to hard work by pumping blood to a body that is lacking in oxygen. Or may be caused by a virus directly damaging the heart cells Or the immune system reacts violently to the heart, destroying the heart cells themselves

But there is a nutrient that may help strengthen immunity in the elderly and at-risk patients with this chronic disease, which is ” fish oil ” because fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA. And EPA, which has various anti-inflammatory properties, helps to maintain heart health. Reducing blood lipid type triglyceride Reduce the risk of coronary and cardiovascular diseases Lower blood pressure Nourish the brain cells, nerves and retina. And may help prevent depression and Alzheimer’s disease as well.

As for the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil from COVID-19 infections, research has been published in the journal Cancer and Metastasis Reviews ( https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10555-020-09889-4. ) Found that Resolvins in fish oil have properties that act as an inhibitor of inflammation that normally occurs naturally in the body. (Fish oil, which contains EPA, DHA fatty acids, when it enters the body, it is converted into Resolvins before they can act as an anti-inflammatory for the body. This means that Resolvins is actually the active ingredient of fish oil.)

“Data for COVID-19 patients with pneumonia in Thailand Found that most of the elderly 70 years or more, people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, or people who have received drugs that suppress the immune system. Including those who smoke and electric cigarettes “

Fish oil with anti-inflammatory effects

Body inflammation occurs when the immune system operates. Such as foreign bodies that enter the body such as bacteria, viruses (including COVID-19), chemicals, bodily injuries And chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, etc.

There is research indicating that Omega-3 fatty acids Contained in fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties and may help treat conditions or illness associated with chronic inflammation. It also helps to reduce the production and expression of the secretion of cytokine, an inflammatory-related molecule.

Therefore, obtaining Omega-3 The right amount Along with following the recommendations in the sections below. (Advising the landscape enhancement of patients at risk) will also help reduce lung organ damage and death when infected with COVID-19 in patients at risk.


Other benefits of fish oil

Because fish oil contains Omega-3 That is important for the work of the various systems in the body, so it is believed that the consumption of fish oil may have health benefits in many ways. In addition to having the anti-inflammatory effects mentioned Fish oil also has other benefits related to high risk patients, such as

  • Nourishing heart health Consuming fish oil may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Helps to increase the level of good cholesterol in the body. Reduce triglyceride levels And helps reduce blood pressure
  • Treatment of mental conditions or symptoms Research has shown that consuming fish oil may help prevent certain mental disorders. And may help alleviate the symptoms of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
  • Weight loss Some studies have shown that consuming fish oil in combination with exercise and diet control can help you lose weight. In addition, obesity is a condition that may increase the risk of heart disease. Type 2 diabetes and cancer. Consuming fish oil may also help reduce the risk of heart disease in obese patients.
  • Other benefits In addition to the main benefits mentioned Fish oil also has other health benefits, such as helping to reduce fat accumulation in the liver. Relieve symptoms of depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children Helps to nourish the skin, maintain eyesight, nourish the bones, as well as help promote healthy pregnancy in pregnant women.

Read more reviews and summaries for buying fish oil in the Top 10 Fish Oil Reviews & Real Use Reviews! (2020)

Recommendations for enhancing the landscape of high-risk patients

In addition to eating fish oil to enhance immunity. The elderly and people with certain medical conditions must also follow the following guidelines in order to strengthen their immune system.

  1. Control disease There is data indicating that diseases that weaken immunity, such as chronic diabetes. Including groups of patients with obesity problems There is a greater risk of serious illness from COVID-19 infections than any other group.
  2. Vaccine by age Especially the influenza vaccine and pneumonia vaccine Because it is found that patients with COVID-19 can develop viral and other bacterial complications. Which may result in the patient’s pneumonia becoming worse
  3. Light exercise every day,at least 30 minutes a day, probably by walking. Stationary cycling Air condoms, no bumps, joints, yoga, dance, tai chi etc. and should get enough sleep at least 7-9 hours per night.
  4. Eat healthy and constantly cooked food. Eat colorful fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants. Reduce consumption of fat, sugar, processed food and lean meat. Or you may consult a doctor for additional vitamins or supplements. This is to help strengthen the immune system to fight the virus better.
  5. Reduce stressby finding activities that are relaxing and fun to do. Because chronic stress will weaken the immune system
  6. Quit smoking Because the toxins in cigarettes will damage lung tissue Makes the lungs weak and more vulnerable to infection If infected with COVID-19, this increases the risk of severe pneumonia and acute respiratory failure.
  7. Take supplements Aside from supplements like fish oil There are also other supplements that have immunosuppressive effects. Although many have not yet conducted studies on COVID-19, they have been found to be good antioxidants. Has immune-stimulating effects Inhibiting pathogenic virus infections Anti-inflammatory And may help reduce the duration and severity of the disease caused by the virus. Read more in the article16 Vitamins and Herbs, COVID-19 Immune Booster!


by Abdullah Sam
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