7 tips on how to save money

We live in a capitalist society, where saving money can be almost impossible, especially with all the possibilities of shopping, such as clothes, shoes and other expenses that are not necessary at that moment.

You make several plans in an attempt to make a small saving, you try to save and you get to the end of the month, you realize that you were unable to save anything! I believe you need a little help to save money and save money.

But before talking about the tips we’ve put together to help you on this mission, let’s start by separating into three broad categories, so you can start the organization process:

  1. Organization
  2. Understand your income
  3. Reduce your spending

In this separation process, you can see the real value you have throughout the month (earnings), then you will have a dimension of all your expenses and what are the expenses that need to be reduced.

Because we know that there are expenses that are not necessary at that moment, it is just to fuel a consumerist impulse.

How to organize your financial life to save money

The first step we talked about above is organization, so you need to understand how to start organizing your financial life:

  1. Record all expenses that have been incurred: In order for you to be able to control your money, you need to know where it is being spent. You can accomplish this task in two ways:
    1. Keeping all the notes;
    2. Choosing an appor spreadsheet so that you can record all expenses;
  2. Set goals for your monthly spending: Now that you have all your spending detailed and know exactly where your money is going, it’s time for you to create your own spending goals. You can reduce the purchase of a certain amount of clothes, that gourmet afternoon coffee. You separate your spending into large groups and determine% for each of your spending, such as:
    1. 50% of your net income for the necessary expenses: rent, food, transportation;
    2. 15% of your net income for your financial expenses: this point will be important for you to be able to settle your debts. If you are not in debt, this is where you can invest your money;
    3. 35% of your net income for your lifestyle expenses: Here you determine how much you can devote from your budget to personal expenses, such as gym, shopping and more.

When setting your goals, round expenses upwards, but your income always downwards, that way you get a margin of error, which in the end is all balanced.

Understanding your income

If you have a fixed income, as a monthly salary it is simpler for you to be able to understand all your earnings.

If you are self-employed or work as a freelancer, your income is a little more complicated to measure, so it is important that you detail all your sources of income for the past 12 months, so that you can average your earnings.

For fixed salary, if you receive in one month, it will be very simple for you to be able to understand all the gains, if it is two days, you can organize a due date for the payment of essential bills and the second due date for the rest of the expenses.

How to reduce your expenses

In the process of reducing your expenses that you can start saving to be able to save money, know some actions for you to reduce all your expenses:

Make purchases with cash in cash

If you don’t want to spend more than you planned, take only the money you need to make a particular purchase.

If it is the market, take enough to buy the items that are needed, if it is a purchase at a mall, take only the amount you need to buy that item.

When the money is counted, we are more concerned because we do not want the purchase to exceed the amount we actually have in our wallet.

Swap brand stores for department stores

If you are one of those people who love branded clothing and don’t even go near a department store, it’s time for you to rethink your concepts.

Department stores do not mean buying a low quality product, on the contrary, there are many quality products at a very interesting price.

Assess whether repairing is no better than buying a new one

When an appliance or furniture has a defect or is not in good condition, the first thought is to buy a new one, but you have already stopped to think that fixing is the best idea, both for the economy and for the item in question. .

Sometimes, the cost to buy a new one of a lower quality is not worth it, the repair can be much more interesting.

Tips to save money and save money

To be able to save and add money, it is necessary to control all consumption impulses, especially in places that are conducive to this, such as shopping, check out some tips below:

  1. Credit card needs to be put aside: The credit card is the villain of a healthy financial life if it is not used wisely. It allows us to think that we have more money than we actually have, so we use it more than we can, generating a snowball. Use the credit card in situations where it is really necessary, such as high-value purchases that require installment payments, for example.
  2. Pay your bills on time: When your bills are not being paid on time, this can generate interest for the next month, increasing expenses and preventing savings.
  3. Have clear goals outlined and create a goal to save money: From your clearly defined goals, you can separate a monthly% so that you can save an amount, which can be set according to your earnings, for example, 5% of the amounts that have been set aside to settle debts and save the other party. If you have no debt, you can increase this percentage to save a little more.
  4. Choose how to save your money: There are several methods on the market for you to save your money, such as direct treasury, CDI, and even savings, where you need to evaluate each individual’s income comparatively.
  5. Understand that saving is different from saving: The act of saving is that you are reserving a certain amount for an end, while the act of saving is that you avoid spending so that you can save.
  6. Challenge of 1% per month: How about you each month increase 1% of your stipulated amount to save, that way, you will always be saving a little more.
  7. 52 week challenge: This is an interesting challenge that also has a gradual character, you have goals to obey so that you save money, and if you are interested you can still invest that amount. The challenge lasts 1 year, and at the end, you will have a predetermined amount to redeem.  .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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