7 things you might not know about fuel filters

Whatever engine is installed in a car – gasoline or diesel – it cannot do without a fuel filter. A small but important motor element.


The fuel filter is an integral part of any internal combustion engine. This simple element plays an important role in the operation of the engine.

As the name implies, the main task of the filter is not to let all kinds of impurities in the fuel into the engine that can affect the operation of the power unit. It is for this purpose that an element is built into the fuel line, which cleans the fuel entering the combustion chamber.

  • 90 years old. In 2020, the fuel filter turns 90 years old – the first such element appeared in 1930 through the efforts of Bosch, who proposed an effective method for cleaning fuel.
  • In 1936, the same Bosch company for the first time used specially processed paper in the design of a fuel filter – this solution turned out to be so effective that it is still used with certain modifications to this day.
  • Desert dust. Less than 0.001 mm – particles of this size are able to trap quality fuel filters, and they are tested using Arizona Desert dust, which in its composition and size meets the SAE J726 test standards.



  • The purpose of the fuel filter is to separate and retain not only dirt, but also water. In 1998, the Bosch fuel filter with water separation for diesel engines was introduced.
  • This inert gas has atoms so small that it is helium that is used to test fuel filters for leaks by pumping the gas into the filter housing.
  • The filter paper is impregnated with a special resin, which makes it possible to simultaneously increase its mechanical strength, and filtration efficiency, and moisture resistance.
  • Multi-pointed star. This form of paper inside the filter was not chosen by chance – it provides the maximum filter surface area with a minimum installation area, increases strength and improves the ability to separate water.

These days, regardless of the cost and make of the car, there is not a single model that does not use fuel filters. Moreover, fuel filters are used on most devices that use internal combustion engines.


by Abdullah Sam
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