7 steps of the effective personalized selling process

It is no secret to anyone that money is very important for companies . That is why every company or business is always looking to increase its sales . Although, it is a process that cannot be achieved overnight. The effort to achieve this is worth it for the company.

That is why over time, many people have provided sales systems based on their studies and analysis. Many of them have already been discarded for not adapting to the constant changes related to technologies and the influence that these have on the modern customer.

However, there are still sales systems that continue to be successful. Such is the case with the seven steps of the personalized selling process . In this article we are going to explain what these seven steps are about and everything you need to know about them.

What is the sale process?

The sales process refers to the process from the first interaction with the client until a financial agreement is made and a product or service is sold. As we hear it, it sounds pretty straightforward. Well, thinking that it is only about greeting the customer by offering what we sell and waiting for him to make a decision.

In reality, this process is much more delicate than we think. Well, it is about applying different techniques and strategies to achieve our goal, sell the product. It is about assuring the customer that they are making a safe purchase .

This is where sales systems are born, these structures divide the sales process in order to focus specifically on each of the areas that comprise it.

Of course, there are companies whose products and services are considered essential and therefore do not care much about the sales strategy they handle. In this case, we could find a hospitals, clinics, and funeral service companies. As they are essential services, they do not require personalized sales processes.

However, for those cases in which the products can be expendable is where companies seek to apply the best sales process . These can be companies dedicated to the sale of cars, internet services, insurance companies, and even companies dedicated to promoting tourism.

The Seven Steps of the Effective Personalized Selling Process

Below we explain in detail each of the seven steps that comprise the process of an effective sale :

The first step is advertising. It is the first contact with the client, you must be very careful with this first step as it is responsible for generating the first impression on the client . This step includes calls, brochures, and even online advertising.

The second step is the approach. When arousing interest or obtaining the customer’s attention it is necessary to establish an approach to personalize the process. Therefore, being eloquent is the main thing to take into account and this is achieved by promoting the socialization of employees .

After the approach, it is necessary to establish a more personal contact with the client. In this way, you must know their needs and their financial availability. To do this, you must choose the appropriate questions, we do not want to lose the customer in this step.

Once the needs and availability of the client are known, a business is offered. In this way, it is expected that the customer has been properly studied in order to offer a product that suits their needs. In addition, to have as support several alternatives that are within the mentioned requirements.

In some cases, clients are not satisfied with our hard-won arguments. They expect something more demonstrative than what we offer. For this, it is necessary to carry out a demonstration or offer some proof of the service. To do this, you must have the optimal tools to meet customer requirements . Usually the clients who demand a demonstration are people who are knowledgeable about the product or service being offered. Therefore we must measure up.

Finally, to finalize the personalized sales process, a negotiation is necessary. This process is the simplest. However, being so close to completing the sale, it is often considered the most delicate . If it is an online sale, it is necessary to track the package .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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