7 simple social skills That makes you ‘Impressed’ of anyone

To be socially appreciated or not They’re all under your control. All it takes is a few social skills to enhance your EQ.

As a personalization aid to make you more admired by your peers, Quora asked a question. “What skills can be really helpful in transforming you?” To give website users the opportunity to answer each other. We’ve put together some of the best answers for you to read.Here are 7 ways to help you build your precious personality and become a loved one.

1. Make eye contact

“It’s very easy to forget, but it’s very necessary for life,” said Brad Porter, one of the users of Quora.

“Our most charismatic feature is confidence, but directing someone to show their confidence isn’t always right. So which is the best way? Find a way to express it indirectly through interaction, that is, eye contact. ”

Porter suggested that Better start building this habit right now. Because it doesn’t require a lot of training or special skills You just have to try to look into the other person’s eyes.

2. Put your phone down and pay attention to the person in front of you.


Stop playing your mobile phone until the end of the conversation. Basil Kiason can easily summarize it: “Pay attention, look at the other person, stop doing other things. And don’t interrupt. ” This is another method that can be easily done and it works without waiting for anyone. And doesn’t need any special abilities

3. Calling the name of the interlocutor

Do you remember how good you felt? When someone greets you by calling out or mentioning your name during a conversation. If you are someone who doesn’t remember the names of people Try using a method to find a book to write down the name. Or remember by picture or whatever conveys that person’s name

Additionally, Howard Lee suggests repeating the other person’s name the first time you are known. And repeat it two more times in the head to better remember.

4. Smile

Never underestimate the power of a smile. Another user, Craig Fraser, suggested that Besides a smile There is still laughter and telling jokes that can help you. Most people unconsciously imitate the body language of the interlocutor. That means If you want to be a favorite Using positive body language And those around you will respond the same way.

5. Handshake

“You should not shake hands and greet others with force. Or bring the other party too But it must not be weak either, ”  said one user, Toni Vincent.

Research has shown that just meeting with each other once or twice can create feelings of detachment or not. Therefore, shaking hands Including gestures, graceful and friendly body language, is another important way to enhance the impression of your interlocutor on you.

6. Listening

Mark Bridgeman, one of the Quora users, said: “Listen rather than talk. Remember that you have two ears and only one mouth. So this ratio is a very good indication of what you should use more. ”

7. Not just passing through But must listen carefully

People who are favored by others listen with full heart and care. Intent hearing must consist of four steps following Chiasson’s advice: listening, interpretation, assessment, and response.

The first step, listening, you must first put aside what you were doing. Then turned to listen to the speaker with the utmost care

Second step, Interpretation:  “Transcribe the words of the other party. And ask questions to clarify, “ she advises.

The third step, the evaluation here is the check. They avoid judging and summarizing the information they hear too quickly. “You have to make sure you have all the correct information. Evaluate what is received. Before commenting out “

The final step is to respond to what she recommends. “Don’t forget to respond. To let the interlocutor know that you are really listening to what they have to say. “


by Abdullah Sam
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