7 Signs of True Love at First Sight

Love, or rather infatuation, at first sight is a very real feeling that can develop into something more. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the common signs of romantic interest so as not to miss the opportunity for a promising acquaintance.

He wants to make the best impression.

For example, a guy can preen himself after seeing himself in a nearby mirror (yes, they do that too), or change his pose to a more advantageous one. When men see a spectacular girl, they suddenly remember about their posture. In addition, prolonged touching of your neck and hair can give away his interest in you.

Eye movement

The most reliable sign of flirting is his willingness to listen to you, literally looking into your mouth. The fact that his gaze slides down to your lips and back to your eyes during conversation not only gives away obvious romantic interest, but can also be a harbinger of a kiss if you reciprocate the affection.


Body language experts often discuss the need to mirror someone, that is, to repeat their postures and movements, in order to gain trust. But the truth is that most people do this completely unconsciously. Is a cute stranger mimicking your postures? It seems that this is not an accident, watch him – you will probably catch his eye.

Cat and mouse

The “suspect” is at a considerable distance? Get comfortable and watch. If he is really interested in you, sooner or later he will make eye contact. Don’t be surprised when the intense attention is replaced by feigned indifference. The man began to look around the room, examine the ceiling and, apparently, got bored? He is simply playing cat and mouse.

Smiles with his eyes

Slightly narrowed, as if closed eyes, together with a light blissful smile express total approval – you can not even doubt your own attractiveness. Agree, the state of satisfaction is not often found in the daily hustle and bustle. It seems that someone is ready to fall in love with you at first sight!

Unjustified thirst

Some physiological reactions people simply cannot control, including sudden dry mouth. Is your potential partner speechless and asking for a glass of water? This can be interpreted as a sign of falling in love. Don’t miss the chance to start a casual conversation, giving him time to choose his words.

His pupils dilate.

The pupils expand in the dark, under the influence of some medications, and also when excited. If the room is bright and the pupils clearly change size at the slightest glance at you, you can take this as a compliment and use the guy’s weakness at your discretion.