7 Reasons Why You’re Afraid of Being Successful

For those wondering how you can be afraid of something that everyone dreams of, we answer: the fear of success can be unconscious. You are not afraid of the fact of winning the lottery or getting a promotion, but of what it is fraught with. Here are the seven main reasons why people are afraid of success. By any chance, this is not about you?

Misunderstanding of loved ones

Even if your life has been without major dramas, you have already lost friends — and more than once. For example, when you graduated from school. The life path of even the closest people cannot be parallel to yours. Not only personal and professional growth, but also many other factors, including new interests, work, family circumstances, lead to weakening of ties. There is certainly a risk that a friend will turn away from you if you are successful. But true friendship will easily pass this test, because there is no room for envy in it.

Possible criticism

Consciously or not, many people are so afraid of criticism that they prefer to keep a low profile. However, success is somehow connected with the recognition of your merits by other people – to achieve it, sooner or later you will have to demonstrate what you are capable of. The situation is even more difficult for those who believe that putting yourself on display is shameful and reprehensible. This belief is false. There is no shame in being the center of attention, especially when you have earned your place in the sun.

Losing yourself

The stereotype that money changes people is not new, but was it ever true? While one person boasts about his earnings, dresses in the most expensive clothes and convinces others that he leads a luxurious life, another anonymously donates huge sums to charity projects. A third combines both. Success, including financial success, does not change people, but reveals their inner selves. Money is only a tool. Regardless of how big your monthly budget is, you remain yourself and dispose of the fruits of your labor at your own will.

New commitments

The higher the level (and authority) in any field, the more responsibility. And most likely, with its growth, you will have to work more. On the other hand, new opportunities for rest will appear. It is pointless to be afraid of responsibility, which you still need to grow up to. On the way to the goal, you will become wiser and more experienced, and the power to set boundaries is in your hands. You can always quit everything and start over.

Body reaction

Excitement and nervousness are very similar in their sensations. The heart suddenly starts beating faster not only from anxiety, but also from positive excitement. And over time, you may catch yourself thinking that you avoid all situations that cause such a response in the body. Obviously, there is no need to be afraid of such manifestations, this is an inevitable departure from the routine, without which success is simply impossible.

Gender stereotypes

Research has shown that women tend to associate success with more serious negative consequences than men. This fear is associated with risks to relationships and concerns about how a woman leader will be perceived by society. However, women should not shy away from success simply because it does not fit into outdated ideas about gender roles. How success affects your family is up to you and your family members.

Low self-esteem

Imposter syndrome is common to almost everyone: until you get used to your new status and prove your authority, you may feel like you’re not as good as other professionals in your field. In particularly severe cases, no diplomas or awards can help you overcome low self-esteem. Instead of chalking up your triumph to luck, think about why you were “lucky.” You probably did a lot to make it happen.