7 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Partner

Where there is emotional closeness, there is also physical closeness – ask a man these questions to strengthen the connection with him and take your relationship to the next level. The answers may surprise you, be prepared to accept them without judgment.

Is there anything you would like to try with me?

This question will at least demonstrate that you are open to new experiences. It gives you an opportunity to have a frank conversation, where both can honestly express their desires. In addition, it is quite harmless: you cannot know in advance whether your partner wants to go hiking with you or experiment with sex. The main thing is that any answer will bring you closer.

What don’t your parents know about you?

This question is much more personal than it may seem. The answer will allow you to better understand your partner, you will learn a lot about his moral principles and values: what was he not ready to tell his loved ones in childhood, and maybe he is not ready now? And most importantly, there is a chance to find out the reason why he cannot open up to his relatives, and try not to make this mistake in your relationship.

What are you proud of and what do you regret?

These questions are extremely simple, but you probably haven’t asked your loved one many times. Everyone likes to share their experiences with someone who understands. And choosing specific stories to tell will reveal your partner’s priorities, because what they remember is not accidental and is really important to them.

Is there anything you want to change about yourself?

Admitting your shortcomings is a demonstration of exceptional trust. But this is also a trick question. In addition to the opportunity to get acquainted with the hidden complexes of your beloved, you will be able to track how sensibly he is able to look at himself from the outside, in general, you will learn everything about his self-esteem. And at the same time about his goals, in the achievement of which you can participate, which will bring you even closer.

What did you like to do as a child?

Some people have difficulty remembering scenes from their childhood, and yet, if your partner has not lost his memory, he will be able to remember something. The question will not only make him go back in time and reveal his inner child to you. Understanding the environment in which your chosen one grew up will help you get to know him better in the present.

What secret would you like to tell me?

Sharing your deepest secrets is a great way to build trust and grow as a couple. But first, make sure you are willing to accept what is said without judgment. The point is not to reveal something scary or repulsive. This question is aimed at reducing the distance between you, demonstrating trust.

Do you believe in destiny?

Don’t worry if your partner’s answer doesn’t match yours. The question will be a great conversation starter and is suitable for both a first date and for breaking the ice in a long-term relationship. Don’t be shy about reasoning and philosophizing: this is a great opportunity to exchange beliefs without a hint of conflict. At the same time, you will be able to understand whether your chosen one is inclined to take responsibility or blames the universe for all failures.