7 Examples of Cross-Cultural Communication in Business

Business is an activity related to selling goods and services to make a profit. Increasingly, the human population is increasing and needs are increasing so that the market for conducting business is wider.

However, along with this, competitors and new business people are also appearing faster. So, inevitably business people need to improve quality and strategy settings so that their business is increasing.

Businessman must be smart and take advantage of every opportunity to develop his business. And with the development of technology that facilitates information and mobilization, it would be a pity if the opportunity for development is not maximized.

Therefore, business people need to have an open mind and want to learn. And this will encourage every businessman who wants to expand their business to connect with the outside world, where they will naturally be faced with cross-cultural communication.

In this article, we will provide examples of business activities related to cross-cultural communication. Following are examples of cross-cultural communication in business, including:

  1. Communication to find out the conditions in the field

Before exporting goods to other countries, business people must know the economic situation and condition of the destination country. These economic conditions include trends in goods / services, products that are in demand in the market, preferred goods, product prices, quality of a product, and so on. This is to be considered for products to be sold, prices to be set, how is the competition, and other facts in the field. So the businessman can predict the likelihood that happens if he markets his product in the country.

  1. Negotiation

When conducting business cooperation with other countries, activities such as negotiation cannot be avoided. Negotiation is an activity that is closely related to communication. So to conduct cross-cultural negotiations requires the ability in cross-cultural communication.

In the theory of negotiation , several parties who collaborate will negotiate and discuss something that will be a mutual agreement. Where the agreement chosen is sought it will benefit all parties. Those who will conduct cross-cultural negotiations are very important to recognize each background , point of view, perception and character of business partners so they can negotiate well.

  1. Communication to find support

Sometimes, to cover a broad market, business people cannot work alone because of limited time and space. So that its products are known to the wider community, of course the businessman needs to promote it. The most effective way is to collaborate with other parties to promote their products.

These parties will work in areas that businesses want to reach. The wider, the more diverse the culture will be. So in a business relationship, a person is not only required to be clever in managing the marketing process, but also how to communicate and collaborate with other parties.

  1. Communication in international trade

One example of cross-cultural communication in the business world is trade relations between Japan and Indonesia. Japan and Indonesia have long cooperated and become partners in exports and imports. Indonesia imports goods from Japan including machinery, electrical equipment, electronic equipment, transportation equipment, and many more.

While goods exported by Indonesia to Japan include mining products, liquefied natural gas, coal, textile products, and other products such as agricultural products. In this trade relationship, of course each party needs abilities in the context of cross-cultural communication in the business world, such as negotiation, bargaining, and the like.

  1. Looking for sponsors

To start a large project, capital is needed in financial terms. Sometimes an organization has limited funds that require it to seek support from other parties. One way is to seek sponsorship .

The greater the funds needed, the organization will target well-known companies that can provide large funds as well. And of course, this is not easy to do. Those who offer sponsorship must be good at communicating to convince the company.

  1. Persuasive communication

The next example of cross-cultural business communication is persuasive communication to persuade potential business partners to cooperate with projects that will be run.

In looking for business partners, business people cannot play games and need to consider the abilities of the person. He needs to know the background and achievements. Therefore, the businessman will look for the best candidate.

And this is usually not only limited to one area, business partners can be outside the city, outside the province, or even abroad. So he needs networks and connections that are not limited to places with various parties and various different cultures.

  1. Increase knowledge

To hone the ability to do business, new business people must learn a lot from the experiences of business people who have developed. In addition, they also need to increase knowledge and learn about the business that they will do.

With adequate cross-cultural communication skills, business people will be facilitated in exploring knowledge and increasing relationships with other business people.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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