7 Benefits of Administrative Communication

Communication is related to human life because humans always present communication in their activities. Communication is useful as a solution to problems in people’s lives, including in an organization. Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages carried out by communicators and communicants. (Also read: Business Communication )

Effective communication is communication that gets feedback or feedback from the communicant. One communication that is often used in a company is administrative communication. Administrative communication is a communication process carried out by company officials relating to a series of work plan activities to establish cooperation with other companies. (Also read: Business Communication According to Expert )

Administrative communication has elements which include communication itself, management, staffing, organization, finance, administration, public relations, and other elements related to the company.

Administrative communication will run well if it meets the following factors such as reliable communication sources, communication must be brief and clear, and communication involves the people in the company. (Also read: Effect of Business Communication in Companies )

Administrative communication is classified into organizational communication because it has the same type of communication as horizontal communication, vertical communication, communication to superiors and communication to subordinates. This communication is done so that company officials will feel confident in giving control to their subordinates to achieve mutual success. (Also read: Forms of Business Communication )

Administrative communication has several benefits including the following:

  1. Create social interactions

Administrative communication can be carried out to realize social interaction. Administrative communication is often used by various companies. Therefore, this communication is very necessary because every company has employees who come from different cultural backgrounds.

Social interaction with administrative communication is recommended to improve the ongoing communication process in the company.

This social interaction as well as an adaptation process to adjust to the company environment. An employee needs a process of adaptation that is useful for understanding one’s character and criteria, so as to avoid communication problems such as misunderstanding. (Also read: Business Communication Model )

  1. Information exchange

Administrative communication is useful for providing information about the company. Exchange of information can be in the form of communication with fellow employees, communication between subordinates and superiors, and communication between parties of the company.

This communication has a purpose, especially to achieve success in a company. The benefits of administrative communication in this case are categorized as interactive administrative communication. (Also read: Types of Business Communication )

  1. Increase motivation

A person who uses administrative communication in an organization can certainly increase motivation to himself and to the people around him. This communication can be done by all people in a company that serves as feedback or feedback whether an employee understands what has been ordered by his superiors.

Administrative communication can also affect the work performance of employees in a company. A true employer will establish effective communication with subordinates and can create motivations so that the employee can work well. (Also read: Language Functions in Business Communication )

  1. Add administrative insight

Administrative communication is communication related to the world of work. Good administrative communication is communication that meets the requirements such as communication carried out clearly, briefly, completely, and precisely. In addition, administrative communication has a function as a means to add insight into terms in the world of work such as terms in administration.

This communication can be in the form of information such as notifications, reports, requests, statements, and so forth. All forms of administrative communication will add insight in the field of administration to a person. (Also read: Business Communication Obstacles )

  1. Achieve business productivity

With this administrative communication process a company can feel its benefits such as achieving targets in the company well realized.

The company’s success is of course influenced by internal and external factors. Administrative communication is very helpful in achieving productivity in a business.

This relates to the benefits of administrative communication that can motivate the company because the more positive motivations, an employee will feel excited to improve work performance and the faster a company will achieve targeted productivity levels. (Also read: Effects of Technology in Business Communication )

  1. As evidence in the documentation

Communication is indeed important for the success of an activity including the activities that exist within an organization. Good communication is effective communication. Every company has different rules and these regulations must be obeyed by its employees.

The function of this administrative communication is as documentation or proof in black and white when someone receives a message. This documentation is in the form of paper that can be duplicated for safekeeping to both parties. (Also read: Impact of Ineffective Communication in Business Communication )

  1. As a surveillance

The last benefit of administrative communication is that it is monitored during the communication process. Administrative communication is generally used in activities in the company. As social control in the process of interaction between employees and leaders.

The control holder in an organization is a leader who will lead his subordinates in achieving the agreed goals. (Also read: Business Communication Function in Management )

Such an explanation is related to some of the benefits of administrative communication.


by Abdullah Sam
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