7 Amazing And Handy Gadgets For Long Distance Couples

Without technology, it would be infinitely harder to live in a long-distance relationship.

How would we manage to share a common life despite the kilometers?

How would we communicate, share or interact together from afar?

Si on y réfléchit, il y a encore quelques décennies seulement, envoyer des lettres d’amour et attendre une éternité pour recevoir une réponse était la seule méthode qu’avaient les couples en relation à distance pour communiquer, ce qui est certainement très laborieux.

De nos jours, il est difficile d’imaginer une telle situation. Ce serait un vrai enfer.

Recent technological advancements are quite simply a blessing that allows any couple today to envision a long-lasting and healthy long-distance relationship .

Aujourd’hui, nous sommes très chanceux d’avoir toutes les choses importantes dont nous avons besoin pour rester en contact avec nos proches, que ce soit les médias sociaux, les applications de texte ou les logiciels de chat vidéo. Mais cela ne s’arrête pas là.

And since we never stop progress, each year dozens of new startups are created to help couples like yours to flourish despite geographic separation.

Sometimes the product is revolutionary (like Lovense and teledildonic toys) .

Sometimes it is primarily a WTF gadget (like Kissenger).

So, in this article we are going to discover together 7 amazing and practical gadgets for couples in long distance relationship , whichpourrait bien vous aider à rendre votre vie de couple plus excitante !

Remarque : Gardez à l’esprit que tous les gadgets mentionnés ici ne sont pas disponibles à la vente. Certains le sont, mais d’autres ne sont encore qu’à l’état de prototype et ont besoin de plus de développement avant d’être commercialisés.


1. Pillowtalk (connected pillow)

Sleeping alone is probably the most frustrating thing for someone in a long distance relationship.

Pillowtalk lets you experience the heartbeat and movement of your loved one in real time at night, as if you were sleeping together .

Your special bracelet connects to a box placed under your partner’s pillow in order to transmit your pulsations and vice versa.

Result: you have the illusion of being together in the same bed… What could be more romantic than that?

More information: Full Pillow Talk test or Pillow Talk crowdfunding campaign

2. Teledildonics (connected sextoys)

There is a time for romance and a time for intimacy.

Fortunately these days, a long-distance relationship no longer rhymes with a platonic relationship . And for that, you don’t have to go through sexting or naughty calls!

Stop with the imagination and take action! The connected Lovense toys allow you to share real-time privacy, even though tens of kilometers separate you!

To absolutely discover.

More information: Lovense , Max and Nora test and Lush test

3. Kissenger


As strange as it may sound, Kissenger is a device that takes care of transmitting your kiss if your partner kisses theirs at the same time .

Indeed, these gadgets allow you to feel the lips of your other half wherever you are in the world.

Intriguing, isn’t it?

More information: Kissenger website

4. Hug Shirt

Sending kisses is good, but how far can you go?

Well, Cutecircuit isn’t afraid to innovate and invented the first T-shirt to send and receive hugs from a distance.

Sensors are located all along the garment and detect touch, body temperature and heartbeat in order to transmit it all to your partner, thanks to the Bluetooth connection of your phones.

Unfortunately, it looks like the product is no longer available at this time.

More information: Cutecircuit website

5. Special “remote relationship” applications

Attention, here is a must.

How would you like to have your own private social network reserved for your couple? It’s possible thanks to Avocado, Between or even Couple!

These applications offer you all the classic features of a social network (photos, videos, event, chat) and much more: lists, 0 advertisements, meetings, games, etc.

If you have a smartphone, then don’t hesitate a second to add this gadget to your arsenal. You will feel much more connected to each other.

More Info: The Best Apps for Long Distance Relationships

6. Kalain

What if you could feel your partner’s presence around you despite the distance?

The concept of Kalain is to allow you to fill the absence by transcribing the smell of your loved one as faithfully as possible .

It’s quite expensive (€ 560.00 with delivery), but it is after all a high-end and totally personalized box.

More information: Kalain website

7. Connected bracelets

Finally, here are some connected bracelets that will allow you to communicate remotely with your partner without having to use your phone or computer .

The interest? Be within easy reach of the other. Simply configure your bracelets and go!

More information: website Leap Touch


De la communication (applis), à l’étreinte amoureuse (Hug shirt ou Kissenger), en passant par le fait de coucher/dormir ensemble à distance (Pillow Talk et Lovense), beaucoup de ces gadgets connectés visent à offrir une expérience de plus en plus intime et intense aux amoureux en relation longue distance à travers le monde.

Qui sait, peut-être que dans la prochaine décennie nous aurons de vraies applications et combinaisons de réalité virtuelle pour interagir dans un monde parallèle avec notre partenaire, où que nous soyons !

Pour l’instant, parmi tous ces produits étranges mais amusants qui sont disponibles à la vente, je vous recommande particulièrement les sextoys télédildoniques de chez Kiiroo ou Lovense, ainsi que le Pillow Talk.

Ils valent vraiment le coup pour votre couple, car ils vous apportent plus d’intimité et de plaisir dans votre relation amoureuse à distance, ce qui fait trop souvent défaut.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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