The 7 advantages of being a Nursing Technician

With the lack of qualified workers in the health area, the technical nursing course has become highly sought after

So what are the  advantages of taking a technical course ? and keeps asking: what does nursing technician do? Stay with us and see why it is worth playing in this highly sought after profession and how it works. Good reading!

1. Versatility of the areas of operation

The area of ​​expertise of a nursing technician is not restricted to hospitals only. This professional can work in several sectors, developing medium and high complexity jobs.

He is qualified to perform his duties in various health segments, such as clinics, SPAs, nursing homes, offices, hospitals, outpatient clinics, posts, laboratories and even with “home care” – home care.

It is important to note that according to  Decree N ° 94.406 / 87 , which regulates Law N ° 7.498 / 86, it is the responsibility of the nursing technician:

I – assisting the Nurse:

  • in the planning, programming, guidance and supervision of nursing care activities;
  • in the prevention and control of communicable diseases in general in epidemiological surveillance programs;
  • in providing direct nursing care to critically ill patients;
  • in the prevention and systematic control of nosocomial infection;
  • participation in comprehensive health care programs and activities for individual and specific groups, particularly those with high risk and priority;
  • in the prevention and systematic control of physical damage that may be caused to patients during health care;
  • participation in occupational health and safety programs and in the prevention of accidents and occupational and occupational diseases.

II – perform nursing care activities, with the exception of nurses’ private activities or performed by obstetrics professionals;

III – integrate the health team.

2. Faster training

Technical courses last less than a degree and prepare the student to quickly enter the market. The average time to complete a technician is between 18 to 24 months – 1 year and a half to 2 years.

Considering that there is a lot of demand for professionals with a technical nursing course, this becomes a huge advantage for those who wish to finish their studies and guarantee a good job opportunity.

Best of all, this is not only a benefit for young people who  recently graduated from  high school and are looking for their first job, but also for those who already have a profession and are looking for a career change.

According to studies carried out by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI),  70% of students trained in technical courses get a job vacancy in the first year  after completing the course. This means that most of the students are already employed and have a chance to progress in the area.

3. More affordable monthly fees

Values ​​vary depending on the technical course and educational institution chosen. However, tuition is always cheaper than undergraduate courses.

In addition to paying less for training, professionals who are lacking in the  market  – as is the case with the nursing technician – earn more for their service when they have technical development. This means that you don’t have to invest a lot to receive a good financial return after graduation. Incredible, isn’t it ?!

4. Great acceptance in the job market

If, in the past, the job market was looking for professionals from university. Currently, the story is different, since the demand for technicians grows significantly.

People who graduated from the technical nursing course  , for example, are already more in demand than the doctors themselves, since there are many jobs available in Brazil.

In the nursing area, therefore, the professional will always be in high demand, especially since people of this generation are increasingly concerned with health and well-being.

5. Opportunity to help others

Another great reason to choose this branch are the types of rewards that are earned: the positive feeling of helping people in emotionally vulnerable situations and the opportunity to do work that helps save lives.

Taking care of the other and dealing with the most difficult situations of a patient is what makes a nursing technician to humanize while performing a job.

Therefore, it is common to hear that this is a profession aimed at people who are willing to work as true human beings, not just as professionals.

In this field, the worker learns to put himself in the other’s place and to develop some fundamental attributes, such as patience, which is so necessary and relevant to the health area.

Being important for the maintenance or recovery of patients’ well-being and health brings joy to those who work in the health area.

It is no wonder that, even if they live busy and stressful days, practically all the technicians you talk to will say that they are passionate about the career they have chosen and that they are happy and grateful to follow it.

This different look in relation to work also needs to be considered when  choosing a profession .

6. Emotional maturation

In addition to the opportunity to  care for people  and help others, the maturity caused by the profession’s daily life is another advantage of those who choose the nursing area.

In addition to technical knowledge, the professional will get to know closely and deal with strong emotions, such as healing relief and suffering due to accidents and delicate diseases, such as cancer. This will result in personal development, which is not always possible in other professions.

Therefore, it is clear that the worker will act with ethics, maturity and, above all, respect for human beings, regardless of their personal history. Thus, what a nursing technician does is to work assisting people in the most vulnerable moments of their lives.

7. Time flexibility

Unlike other professionals, the nursing technician can control his own workload, in addition to working in different jobs. This is because these professionals work 12-hour shifts or work for 6 hours, depending on the place of work.

This flexible schedule is great for those who need to have more than one job and increase earnings. Of course, this implies longer and sometimes exhausting working hours, but the earnings tend to pay off a lot.

In addition, there is also the possibility of working on night shifts, which is ideal for parents who need to take care of their children during the day and for those who need to  reconcile work and studies .

[EXTRA TIP] Good remuneration

Nursing technicians earn well for their level of education, which is a decisive factor in choosing the profession. To give you an idea, the average salary for recent graduates is R $ 1,900 reais for 6 hours a day.

The remuneration can be even higher  if the professional is willing to leave the big cities, because while the majority of the professionals of the health area is allocated in the metropolises, the small cities suffer shortages, leading managers to offer better wages to attract workers.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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