6 Unusual Facts About the Female Orgasm

The elusive and incomprehensible female orgasm has long been of interest to researchers, who are constantly discovering new sides to it. We have collected the most unusual facts about the “little death” (and at the same time found out whether the G-spot that everyone is so feverishly looking for exists).

Women experience orgasm less often than men

In 2020, the Pornhub platform decided to celebrate International Female Orgasm Day, which takes place on August 8, in an unusual way. The service selected the most popular porn videos among men and interrupted them at 40% during playback – this is how many women, according to statistics, do not achieve orgasm during penetrative sex with a partner. In this way, the Pornhub platform wanted to draw attention to the problem of the orgasm gap – the difference in the speed of achieving orgasm in men and women.

40% is not an exact figure. All studies on this topic have their own results, but they do not speak in favor of women. Thus, if you believe one of the largest statistics , 30-60% of women get an orgasm, while men reach a discharge in 70-100%.

The reasons for this imbalance are a topic for separate studies. Many scientists are inclined to believe that the gap was influenced by scientific sexism, according to which the vagina is considered the main erogenous zone of a woman. In academic works of the past, the clitoris, its structure and role in achieving orgasm were omitted or described in the most concise way, hence the ignorance of female anatomy and the reverent awe of men before the organ.

Another reason is the global porn culture, where the man is the center of the universe, and all content revolves around his pleasure. In adult videos, actresses routinely have orgasms (or fake them) from penetration, which creates a false impression of the process. So men fall victim to unrealistic expectations, thinking that porn techniques will work in real life.

Women can experience 3 types of orgasm

Scientists from Charles University in Prague decided to classify orgasms. They conducted a study with the support of the Lioness sex device brand: 54 participants were given vibrators, after which physiological changes in their bodies were monitored using sensors. As a result, the scientists came to the conclusion that, depending on the degree of tension in the pelvic floor, women experience three types of orgasm: “wave”, “volcano” and “avalanche”.

During a “volcano” the muscles are completely relaxed and suddenly tense up during orgasm, during an “avalanche” they are very tense but then relax, and in the case of a “wave” they alternately contract and relax. According to the study, a woman can experience one specific type of orgasm: most often it is a “wave”, which was noted by 26 respondents.

Scientists still don’t know why women orgasm

With men, everything is clear: their orgasm is directly related to procreation, so its presence is easy to explain. And what about women? At first glance, the female orgasm does not perform any important functions, but it did not “fall off” in the process of evolution, but remained as a pleasant bonus. Researchers have several theories on this matter, and some of them are related to reproduction.

According to scientists Robin Baker and Mark Bellis, at the moment of orgasm, the muscles of the pelvic floor and uterus contract, which creates the effect of suction of male sperm. Baker and Bellis claimed that this is how spermatozoa enter the female reproductive tract, but their version was met with no enthusiasm in the professional community.

Another theory says that women inherited orgasm from their ancestors from the genus Homo, who needed stimulation of the genitals for ovulation. It triggered all the necessary processes, and as a bonus, researchers believe, it gave a short-term feeling of euphoria. Over hundreds of years of evolution, the need for it disappeared, but the orgasm itself remained.

The G-spot may not exist

The mysterious G-spot was named after the gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg. In 1950, he was the first to suggest the existence of an erogenous zone, the stimulation of which causes a woman to have a strong orgasm, and even indicated its coordinates: the front wall of the vagina, 5-8 centimeters from the entrance. The matter never moved beyond speculation, but in the 1980s, after Grafenberg’s death, his case was picked up by other scientists. Thus, the concept of “spot G” appeared in the sex dictionary, which the whole world then began to search for.

Dozens of studies have been conducted on this topic, but none have confirmed the existence of the G-spot. Scientists have not yet been able to find a zone common to all women, the stimulation of which would provide an unforgettable orgasm – everyone has different erogenous zones.

It is very difficult to understand that a woman is experiencing an orgasm.

Many people believe it when their partner simulates pleasure with loud moans, or check the checklists of “N signs that she came.” But everything is much more complicated: as the authors of the book “Sex. From the neurobiology of libido to virtual porn” write, there are two ways to reliably determine that a woman has experienced an orgasm.

Firstly, with the help of a positron emission tomograph, which will scan the partner’s head (and the changes occurring in it), and secondly, thanks to a special anal plug, which measures the contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. If you get such devices, no simulation will fool you!

Orgasm quality improves with age

Age-related changes can negatively affect health, but not sex life – and this has been confirmed by several studies. For example, the Natural Cycles app surveyed 2,600 women, who were divided into three groups: younger (under 23), middle (aged 23-36) and older (over 36). The survey showed that representatives of the latter group achieved orgasm more often and felt sexier compared to other respondents.

According to scientists, the result may be related to the fact that women become more experienced and self-confident with age, both in real life and in bed. This affects the regularity and quality of orgasms.