6-key steps to create an irresistible Newsletter

These are simple steps to get started creating messages that stand out in the online world for advertising the product or service.

It is said that by 2018 there will be over 5.2 billion active email accounts worldwide and that 91% of consumers check their email at least once daily.

Definitely a scenario that more than promises to encourage you to polish your skills in the art of Email Marketing so you need to know how to train well in planning and developing newsletters and / or effective submissions that help get the attention of your message recipients, and that your mail is not lost in the ocean of electronic mail, which are sent day by day.

newsletter or newsletter is the content sent by email when sending to a group of contacts, which can be composed of images, texts, links, buttons and short codes.

That’s why we show you 6 simple steps to follow when starting to develop an O- mail strategy and show you some details that can make your email marketing tactics even more effective and powerful.

Step 1: Set goals

Already the great philosopher Seneca has said that ” When you do not know where you are going, there is a useful path.” This is a reflection that shows that without planning ahead, you can achieve many parts but not accomplish your goals.

Therefore, before starting this, the following questions arise: What do you want to achieve with the Newsletter / Email ?

Answering these questions will always help to remember what you want to achieve in defining the actions and guidelines that need to be developed, as it will be much easier to create tactical actions that favor the attainment of all goals.

Step 2: Create and segment the Law List

Have a database of emails They will increase the message’s scope and if it is well segmented it can give optimal performance to your strategy. The best practice is to create this list gradually, without trying to absorb subscriber quantities in a very short period of time. You need to start by entering the customer database that the company already has.

To win subscribers, it is best to create a registration form on the webpage, To feed this list with people who are interested in its content and then, when sending a massive email, know that what is coming to them is useful and you like it.

And when you launch a newsletter, it’s best to use tools like Mailchimp, emBlue, Mail relay or Benchmark, to segment that list, by age, location, and interests, based on the goals given above.

It may be of interest to you: Email is a key strategy for generating customers

Step 3: Heal the content

Now you have to select the content you want to send in the Newsletter intended to achieve the goals set out in the planning and with the audience it is intended for. Choosing your content correctly will enable you to engage your audience and achieve the goals you set out to achieve.

On the other hand, if what you want is to send a much more creative Email, you need to start writing and building your message, trying to be very creative and eye-catching and especially remember that nobody wants to be invaded by salespeople. Make your message 90% instructive and 10% dedicated to selling your product.

Step 4: Draw and chart the message

Newsletter template o Mail designed correctly can be the difference that allows you to reach and exceed the proposed goals. Keep in mind that filling out an email with information and pictures can be more cumbersome and can affect the results and even the number of people registered in your mailing list. «Less is more».

Step 5: Create a creative, eye-catching and interesting “Theme” line

Once the target audience has a well-known and interesting message built in, it is time to build the shortest and most important part of the message, the “Subject” line. This is the only part of the message that is displayed in the mailbox information and is the first point of contact with the user, so it should be eye-catching and interesting for subscribers to open the mail.

Step 6: Monitor and test

It may sound a little obvious, but many times you forget the importance of constant monitoring of the results and test and modifications that can be made to the message to improve the results. You need to test different publication times, topic lines, content topics, etc., and gauge whether what you do works best for your audience.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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