6 habits to keep mental health in quarantine

During a quarantine it is normal for a person to feel isolated, anxious and frustrated, especially if they do not have friends or family around, which ultimately affects their mental health.

Creating routines, trying new activities, having a healthy diet or practicing physical activities regularly are some of the habits that can be carried out on a daily basis to ensure better mental health. In addition, carrying out these activities gives the feeling that time is passing faster, which also helps to reduce the common negative feelings of quarantine.

Some habits that should be included in any quarantine are:

1. Create routines

Creating a routine similar to what was done before, especially when in quarantine it is still necessary to study or work, is essential. This is because, due to the fact of being constantly at home, it is common for the person to end up not having so much desire to perform these activities.

Thus, it is interesting to set the alarm clock for the time you used to wake up and get dressed as if you were going to work or study. It is also important that the environment in which this activity takes place is organized and does not have too many distractions, as this makes it easier to concentrate on the task.

In addition, if in the previous routine there was time dedicated to the practice of physical activity or rest, for example, it is also interesting to continue with this routine at home. Therefore, when “leaving” work or study, you can put on training clothes and do physical activity, preferably in a different environment from the one where you did the work or study.

2. Put your plans on paper

It is common for there to be plans and ideas that never went out of mind and, therefore, quarantine can be a good time for these plans to be put on paper and, if possible, also put into practice. This is because even if the person has to work during the day, there is no time spent traveling, for example, and this “extra” time can be used to start a new project or resume one that is stopped.

This keeps the person occupied and entertained with new projects, in addition to stimulating creativity and bringing a sense of well-being.

3. Try new activities

Quarantine is also a good time to try activities that you have always wanted to do but that never had availability, like learning a new language, taking an online course, learning an instrument, writing, painting and gardening, for example.

In addition, trying new recipes in the kitchen is an opportunity to, in addition to stimulating creativity, unite the family, making the kitchen also fun. On the other hand, if in the quarantine the person is alone, it is possible to make a video call with family or friends and suggest that they also make the same recipe, so that it is possible to maintain communication and relationship and make the kitchen also fun.

4. Maintain a healthy diet

Healthy and balanced food is essential in quarantine, as it helps to be more willing to carry out daily activities and strengthen the immune system. So, although it may seem easier, it is important to avoid ready-made foods and excess sweets during this period, investing in whole foods that help strengthen immunity such as salmon, sardines, chestnuts, beef and chicken, seeds, spinach and carrots, for example. Check out other foods that help the immune system .

In addition, as the recommendation in the quarantine is to avoid leaving the house as much as possible, it is important to have at home foods that can be preserved for a long period, such as canned goods, pasta, rice, chickpeas, beans, peanuts, nuts, UHT milk, frozen vegetables and dehydrated fruits, for example. It is also recommended that before leaving home, a list is made of what will actually be needed to avoid wasting food and to ensure that everyone has access to food.

Check out more tips on quarantined feeding:

5. Practice physical exercise daily

The practice of physical activity is very important during quarantine, as it stimulates the production of serotonin, which is the hormone responsible for the feeling of well-being, in addition to helping to combat negative thoughts about the period in which we are living, keeping the body active , increase mood, decrease stress and strengthen the immune system.

Although there are restrictions in the quarantine on the practice of exercise at the gym, it is possible to perform physical activity at home and have the same benefits. A home training option is:

  • Running in placeto warm up: in this exercise the person must simulate a run, but in the same place and lifting the knees. You can do this run 3 times for about 30 seconds, always trying to keep pace;
  • Jumpsquats: do 3 sets of 10 to 12 jump squats. The difference between this squat and the simple squat is that when returning to the starting position, standing, the person makes a little jump and immediately afterwards squat again;
  • Alternating lunge: do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. In this exercise, the person should step forward and flex the knees so that the thigh is parallel to the floor and the knee is bent at a 90º angle. Then, return to the starting position with your feet together, and move forward with the other leg;
  • Push-up: do 3 sets of 10 to 12 push-ups;
  • Burpee: do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions or perform the movement for about 30 seconds. This exercise corresponds to the movement of lying down and getting up quickly and, to be done, the person must first stand and then lay down, resting their hands on the floor and throwing their feet back. In order to lift, the opposite movement must be made, passing through the board before lifting off the floor.
  • Sit-up and board: do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions of sit-ups and then stay on the board for 15 to 30 seconds.

In addition, you can also choose to take dance, pilates and zumba classes, for example. In the case of older people, it is also interesting to perform stretching exercises to maintain joint mobility and also promote health. Check out more body care tips in quarantine.

6. Do relaxing activities

Although quarantine is considered a time of isolation and introspection, it is also necessary to include activities that help you relax in your daily life, especially if the work you do is directly related to information. So it is interesting at the end of the day to practice meditation or yoga, for example, to help relax and calm the mind. Check out a step-by-step guide for meditation.

Other options for relaxing activities are watching a movie or series, listening to music, doing a beauty ritual, taking a relaxing bath, reading, completing a puzzle, making board games, or simply sleeping, which is also essential to decrease the stress, improve your mood, recharge your batteries and ensure you are ready to carry out the next day’s activities.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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