The 6 definitive tips to get rid of lice without infection

September returns, and the lice return . With the return to school, these parasites populate the head of school-age children, with parents worried about the fear of contagion from these insects.

The lack of knowledge about this pathology – pediculosis – sometimes exacerbates the risk in minors who begin to flood the classrooms during the ninth month of the year. An ideal breeding ground for contagion, since the smallest share the same space and personal objects. So it is also important to take steps to prevent next month.

“Contrary to popular belief, lice cannot jump, fly or swim and can only be acquired by direct head-to-head contact,” says Reme Navarro, Co-founder, CEO of Mifarma. These insects live next to the scalp and feed on blood, which can cause itching. “They are looking for a hot and humid environment , which is why they prefer long hair, and children who are between 4 and 12 years old are the most affected by this epidemic,” he added.

Finish off the lice in a few easy steps

The main problem with these parasites is that they grow and multiply very quickly. A female lays 5 to 10 eggs a day (nits), which hatch and become lice within 7 days. For this reason, it is essential to be aware of the signs of itching that appear. To avoid contagion of the smallest of the house during these months, the company recommends following the following tips:

1. Prevent contagion. There are natural remedies that work as lice repellents, such as tea tree oil, coconut, ylang-ylang, neem, and other aromatic plants. A few droplets behind the ears will help prevent infection. Also the use of gums, lacquers and conditioners can be effective, since it makes it difficult to catch these parasites. Another great option is for the little ones to have their hair tied up or tied up.

  1. Disinfectall objects that can transport this type of insects, such as combs, hats or towels, with very hot wateror alcohol, and avoid, as far as possible, the child sharing them on their next return to the classroom.
  2. Frequently wash towels, clothing, bedding (pillows, sheets and bedspreads) and sofa covers and cushions.
  3. Check the hair. If the child scratches his head a lot, a careful inspection should be done. The lendrera, the traditional lice comb, is a very effective element for this review. If evidence is found, the environment must be notified to prevent the spread and all those who have been in contact with the infected child should be checked.
  4. Apply a pediculicide treatment. Only if you have found live lice should a product be applied for removal. Nowadays, these products have evolved a lot, and in a few minutes you can eliminate parasites and nits without having to endure bad odors or abrasions on the scalp. However, all treatments must be repeated after 7-10 days, as this is the period in which the new eggs take time to hatch.
  5. Employ a grocer two or three times a week. On a white towel, comb wet hair for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the length of the hair. To help nits shed more easily, hair can be moistened with a mixture of white vinegar and water.

All these recommendations will not only help to combat lice these last days of summer but will prepare the hair of the little ones for back to school. Navarro stresses that “the school year is very long and parents and children must be prevented and made aware”. In addition, it reminds us that parents play a very important role , since they should be the ones who advise the youngest, without putting pressure on them, to take the appropriate precautions and inform them if they think that any of their friends may be infected


by Abdullah Sam
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