56 Examples Of Formative Assessment

Examples Of Formative Assessment.Here are 10 examples of formative assessments across various subjects:

Examples Of Formative Assessment

  1. Exit Tickets: Quick questions students answer before leaving class.
  2. One-Minute Papers: Students summarize the main points of a lesson in one minute.
  3. Think-Pair-Share: Students think about a question, discuss it with a partner, and then share with the class.
  4. Concept Mapping: Students create visual representations of how concepts are connected.
  5. Peer Feedback: Students provide constructive feedback on a peer’s work.
  6. Journals: Reflective writing about what students have learned or found challenging.
  7. Observations: Teachers observe students during class activities to assess understanding.
  8. Quiz Games: Using games like Kahoot! to make quizzes engaging.
  9. Class Discussions: Open discussions to gauge understanding and address misconceptions.
  10. Muddiest Point: Students identify the most confusing or unclear part of a lesson.
  11. Graphic Organizers: Tools like mind maps or charts to organize information.
  12. Quick Polls: Instant polls to gauge student opinions or understanding.
  13. Peer Teaching: Students teach a concept to their peers.
  14. Ticket to Leave: Similar to exit tickets, but students must answer a question before leaving.
  15. Role Play: Act out a scenario related to the lesson to demonstrate understanding.
  16. 4-3-2-1 Exit Slip: Students write four things they learned, three things they found interesting, two questions, and one thing they want to learn more about.
  17. Gallery Walk: Students analyze and provide feedback on each other’s work displayed around the room.
  18. Interactive Notebooks: Students organize and summarize information in a personalized notebook.
  19. Interviews: Students interview each other on a topic to showcase understanding.
  20. Prediction Activities: Students predict outcomes before reading or learning new material.
  21. Self-Assessment: Students reflect on their own understanding and set goals.
  22. Socratic Seminars: Student-led discussions with open-ended questions.
  23. Peer Grading: Students grade each other’s work using a rubric.
  24. Response Boards: Students write or draw their responses on personal whiteboards.
  25. Teach the Teacher: Students take on the role of the teacher to explain a concept to the class.
  26. KWL Charts: What students Know, Want to know, and Learned about a topic.
  27. Role Reversal: Students take on the role of the teacher and explain a concept to their peers.
  28. Observation Checklists: Teachers use checklists to observe specific behaviors or understanding.
  29. Digital Quizzes: Online quizzes with immediate feedback.
  30. Peer Editing: Students review and provide feedback on each other’s written work.
  31. Conceptual Understanding Questions: Questions that delve into the deeper understanding of a concept.
  32. Group Investigations: Collaborative projects where students explore a topic together.
  33. Quickwrites: Brief, ungraded writing responses to a prompt.
  34. Student Surveys: Gathering feedback on teaching methods and materials.
  35. Interactive Simulations: Using online simulations for science or math concepts.
  36. Learning Stations: Different stations with activities to reinforce learning.
  37. Reflection Prompts: Questions that encourage students to reflect on their learning.
  38. Interactive Whiteboard Activities: Engaging activities on interactive whiteboards.
  39. Digital Mind Maps: Creating digital mind maps to represent knowledge.
  40. Concept Sorts: Students categorize information into different concepts or categories.
  41. Mnemonic Devices: Creating memory aids to remember information.
  42. Quick Concept Checks: Brief questions to check for understanding during a lesson.
  43. Peer Conferencing: Students discuss their work with a peer for feedback.
  44. Mastery Quizzes: Assessing mastery of specific skills or concepts.
  45. Role Rotation: Students rotate roles within a group to ensure everyone participates.
  46. Performance Tasks: Real-world tasks that demonstrate understanding.
  47. Conceptual Interviews: One-on-one interviews to assess understanding.
  48. Mindset Reflections: Reflecting on growth mindset and learning strategies.
  49. Digital Portfolios: Students compile digital portfolios showcasing their work.
  50. Constructive Feedback Sessions: Providing specific, constructive feedback on student work.
  51. Comparative Analysis: Comparing and contrasting different concepts or ideas.
  52. Questioning Techniques: Using effective questioning to prompt student thinking.
  53. Response Journals: Students write responses to prompts throughout a unit.
  54. Storyboarding: Creating visual stories to demonstrate understanding.
  55. Collaborative Problem-Solving: Working together to solve complex problems.
  56. Role-Playing Scenarios: Acting out scenarios related to the lesson content.

Feel free to adapt these examples to suit your classroom and students!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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