51 Tips for Living a Better Life

I had been thinking about the idea of ​​making an article with 51 tips for a long time and, finally, here we have it fresh from the oven and smelling great indeed.

Whether your life is a paradigm of happiness or if you find yourself plunged into the deepest of wells, this article will be of great interest and usefulness. I am completely sure of it. Such is my security in its usefulness that if after reading it you are not completely satisfied, I will refund your money: D.

Seriously, I think the effort put into condensing the best teachings of my life to date has been worth it. I encourage you to add your own tips in the comments below. It would be great if all the visitors shared at least one tip for living a better life.

Without further ado, here is the list of 51 tips for living a better life :

  1. Know yourself well

A major cause of frustration is not knowing yourself properly. We lie to ourselves either out of ignorance of the truth or because we resist it. Do you feel trapped in a life that doesn’t make you feel 100% happy? Take the red pill and wake up at once from that nightmare in which you have been immersed for so many years. You have to rethink whether the foundations that sustain your life are correct or not. Why? Because if the foundations are not adequate, the whole building will wobble and, in time, it will eventually collapse.

You should ask yourself a series of questions and try to answer them honestly. If you could be reborn, what profession would you choose? What activity would you be willing to do without charging a penny in return? Doing what activity do you feel happy? What capabilities do I have? What skills or talents do I have that set me apart from most? What things do I do better and faster than most? Do I want to do that because I really like it or because I want to earn someone else’s recognition? Do I want such a thing because I like it or because it is well seen by society? What is my definition of a successful life? And of a happy life?

To answer these questions you need to take time to reflect and have a lot of courage, because some answer can dismantle your whole life from top to bottom. But lying to yourself and living a sham is never going to bring you happiness, and if you’re not happy, what the hell does the rest matter to you. I personally wouldn’t want to be on my deathbed saying to myself: “What the hell have I done with my life! What the hell did I care what other people thought of me or what society considered a successful life ”. Think about it, because here lies the heart of the matter.

By the way, I have a book on this topic that will help you get to know yourself better and what you want to do with your life, it is this: Discover Your Path: How to Find Your Vocation in Life (Before It’s Too Late) . Follow the link or find it in your Amazon store.

  1. Be yourself without caring what others think of you

We only live once and the life we ​​live is ours and no one else’s. Live your life your way and don’t let others tell you how to live it. It is your special personality that distinguishes you from others. Being different is not a bad thing but, on the contrary, it is your treasure. Don’t let social pressure mold you to its will. Preserve your identity because it is your greatest asset. Your essence is your charm. When you show who you are openly, in a sincere and totally transparent way, you generate in others a trust that brings you closer to them. It is the key that opens the door to their hearts.

  1. Nothing, absolutely nothing, deserves to put your health at risk

Your health comes first, it goes above all other things. Obviously, you can say put other things before your health, but it must be your conscious decision. Without health, although you can still taste life, it does not taste so sweet. So next time you are going to do something crazy think if it is really worth the risk. Imagine a scale and put on each side the best and worst that could happen to you from doing the activity. What weighs more? Now you are aware of the pros and cons of what you are going to do, now you decide.

  1. Every day when you wake up, show gratitude for what you have.

Say hello to the sun when it leans out the window. Get up with a smile and think about the beautiful and valuable things you have in your life. That gratitude will put you in a positive frame of mind that will help you face the new day. Think of your little daughter, your mother, your friends, your lived experiences and, ultimately, anything that makes you feel proud and want to fight for it. Before going to sleep look at the stars and say goodbye to the moon until the next day.

  1. Spend time each day thinking about death

I don’t want to be sinister but this really is one of the best advice I can give you, let me explain it to you. Death is a natural process of life that we have to get used to, we have to make it part of us. We must always keep it in mind. Why? Because it is a reminder that we are here just passing through and that, therefore, we must do everything possible to extract all its juice from life. It will be the push you will need when fear keeps you from doing what you want and fighting for what you want. In addition, it will help you prepare for death. Better to die with a smile of peace and satisfaction than with a scared face. Do not you think? The samurai knew this secret, I learned it from them and now I share it with you.

  1. Always aim high in your aspirations

If you aim high in life you may not get everything you aspire to but surely you will achieve much more than if you aim low. Conformity is the loser’s drug. Don’t let yourself be crushed by failure, as success may be right at the next stop. Be clear about what you want and work hard to achieve it, it is the only thing you need to reach the top in any sphere of life.

  1. Get used to doing things that you dislike

It’s the best way I know of telling your lazy “me” that here you are the boss. Make the bed after getting up; clean dishes after eating; study half an hour more; pedal a kilometer more, and a long etc. They are just a few examples of how you can train yourself to reduce the resistance to doing those tasks that you will have to face in your day to day. It is what I call developing the capacity for suffering.

  1. Face your fears

Our fears keep us from doing what we want, they prevent us from achieving the best of ourselves and, with this, they close the door to the true path of happiness. Success is for the brave. The best way to drive away our media is by looking directly at them (imagine it is a wolf) and running towards them with determination. Believe me, it will run away like the devil’s soul. Only free of fears (or keeping them at bay) can you give 100% of your abilities.

  1. Get used to the inevitable

Sometimes things don’t come as you expect. Because I? It doesn’t matter why, because the reality is that “that” is already here and it is to stay. Get used to the evil that afflicts you, live with it and don’t give up. Keep looking for ways to liberate yourself but face with serenity the possibility that you will never get rid of whatever ails you. Consistent resistance will do nothing more than deepen your emotional wound. Now more than ever you have to greet the day with a smile and live life the best you can. The tips that follow will be of great help to you.

  1. Never lose hope

The hope to achieve what we want is the engine of our lives. It is the wick that allows our flame to follow its path. As soon as you lose hope, your life will be meaningless and it will be the end. There is always light for hope. Put all your efforts to achieve what you want step by step and, if you cannot achieve it, at least you will have been a worthy representative of the human race. Ultimately, there is always room for a miracle. So look ahead, keep going and don’t lose hope.

  1. Implement good habits in your life and practice them day in and day out.

It is the habits that will make the difference throughout your life. There is no use doing an activity obsessively for two weeks if then it is no longer practiced. Habits are created by practicing them every day, if it can be in similar circumstances (time and place), and for a not too long time, since otherwise exhausts and what exhausts annoying, so it will be more difficult for us to implement the habit. My advice to implement a good habit is to do it every day and start by dedicating a short space of time to it. Little by little the time you dedicate should increase until you are satisfied with the results you get from it. Implementing a habit will make it easier for you to implement new habits in your life.

  1. Step by step you go further

I’m sure you already know the story of the tortoise and the hare. Well, be a turtle and forget about running fast, because things that are worthwhile take a lot of effort and running fast also tire you fast. Step by step is how you will one day get to your desired destination. It’s like someone who wants to lift 50 kilos without ever having trained before. What will happen? Well, not only will it not lift them but it will also break in half. The same goes for any sphere of life. Do not try to run more than necessary if you do not want to end up badly.

  1. Wake up earlier

To this day I wake up at 6:30 am. It’s not that it’s too soon, but I don’t need more either. For me the ideal is to wake up when the sun starts to rise. This is how it is written in our genes after hundreds of thousands of years of life without electricity. It is not natural, or good for our health, to stay awake for many hours at night. But not only for health, which is not a little, but also for the productivity that is gained. Wake up earlier (not before 5 am, because that is not written in our genes either) and at 10 am, when people just start working, you will have already done a large part of the tasks that you were assigned. In addition, the tranquility of the first hours of the day is perfect for meditating, reflecting and working.

  1. Go to sleep at a reasonable time

Try to avoid above all taking away hours of sleep. If you wake up soon go to sleep soon. Get your body used to a schedule and stick to it. Your body is like a watch that if you don’t touch it a lot it won’t need the adjustments of a watchmaker (and who says watchmaker says doctor). Each person is a world in terms of the hours they need to have adequate rest. You will know which is yours. Mine, for now, is 6 hours and a half. Exactly, I go to sleep at 12 pm. Although that does not mean that from time to time you lengthen the time to go to sleep. We all have the right to go out at night to have fun from time to time: D.

  1. Set aside some time each day to think

Computer, television, work, partner, children, and other hobbies or obligations fill our busy lives. These activities and tasks take over our time and without realizing it happens without us stopping for a moment to think, plan and reflect. The best time to do this is either first thing in the morning just after waking up or late at night before going to bed. Silence will be the ideal companion for our thoughts. You will see how spending only half an hour a day (an hour would be better) to plan and think about the things that interest you, you will soon get results. Clarity of ideas will translate into knowing better who you are and what it is you want from life. When the lighthouse shines the fog on the road disappears, it will also happen with the path you have to travel to get what you want. Once you know who you are and what you want, plan how to get it.

  1. Everything in its own time and in its place

The work is done on the job site and during working hours. Getting used to taking work home is a serious mistake. The house is to rest and spend time with your family, not to lock yourself in your room working until the wee hours of the morning. How to solve this? You have to be productive at work, otherwise you will always have pending tasks to do. In this same blog you will find many and very good personal productivity tips but, without a doubt, I recommend you read it and apply day in and day out what is explained in the article: The Two Great Laws of Productivity. Those who work at home have to establish a clear work schedule and stay true to it. Also, you should only use a room for work. The less work and life outside of work mix, the better. In short, when you finish your workday you must completely disconnect from work, otherwise your physical and mental health will suffer.

  1. Go on a nature excursion

Once a week or every two, you should go on an excursion, alone or with someone, to a place where you are in direct contact with nature. Whether to the mountains or the beach, excursions help us disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle. You breathe fresh air, brighten your eyes and tone your muscles. What more could you want? Some of the most beautiful memories of my life took place on one of those excursions. The human being lived for millennia in contact with nature, it is our natural habitat, and we have it written in our genes. Every time I am in contact with nature I perceive a special connection with the deepest part of me. The sounds of seagulls, the scent of the sea, the touch of sand between my fingers, etc. What are images that awaken your senses? Well imagine the good it does to be there from time to time. It is an excellent natural therapy against stress.

  1. Exercise every day

Moderate but consistent exercise is the best natural medicine there is. Get a little exercise every day, if it can be before 4 pm, and your batteries will be charged with the energy you need to face the day. Your well-being will improve significantly, you will sleep better, you will be able to increase your circle of friends and, as if all this were not enough, your appearance will be the envy of your friends. The key to not giving up after a month of starting is to develop the habit of training from day one, without missing any day (with exceptions), for not long and at a moderate pace. Today I try to go every day, for 1h-1h 30min, and my training basically consists of 15 min of cycling at a moderate pace, 20 min of stretching and 40 min of weights. Remember, moderation and perseverance are the key to healthy training.

  1. Less is more

Apply this rule to almost everything you have doubts about in relation to the ideal amount. A shorter and clearer exposure the better. Choose to eat like an ascetic rather than like a king. A short book that condenses his doctrine better than a long one that only does is go around the same issue. Eliminate everything that does not add anything of value and leave the essence.

  1. Follow a healthy diet

Today we have enough information to know what is healthy and what is not. You do not have to be luminaries to have a balanced diet. The benefits? Countless compared to the harm that eating garbage would do to us. In your diet there should be (1) legumes, (2) vegetables, (3) fruits, (4) fish, (5) meats and (6) pasta. Having to consume more of the former than the latter. Breakfast should be substantial, have a snack mid-morning, eat in moderation, have a snack if you are hungry (not pastries but fruits) and have vegetables, fish or fruits for dinner. This is at least how I do it and it works for me. Forget vitamin supplements, they are a killer, unless a blood test shows a significant lack of some parameter.

  1. Everything changes

Are you having a bad time? Do not despair or fall into a deep depression because of it because everything changes, nothing is permanent. Today you are down but tomorrow you can be up. Look back and think about the turns that life has taken for you. Who would have told you back then that things would go the way they finally did? The cells of our body are constantly changing, our skin falls off and grows back, our emotions change, circumstances constantly change, everything, in short, changes. Think of the snake that leaves its old skin to cover itself in the new one. If you are at the top be alert not to fall with the change. If you are in the hole be prepared to climb the ladder when it appears. But beware, don’t rest on your laurels because luck is for those who seek it.

  1. Be positive

Life is like a mirror that reflects what it perceives in you. If you are a positive person good things will happen to you and if you are negative bad things. As simple as that. It is your perception of things that says if something is good or bad. What some see as a problem others call a challenge. Life can be hell or heaven, it all depends on what eyes you look at them with.

  1. Avoid toxic people

I mean those people who only know how to complain and see things from their negative side. If you are not careful, they will drag you into the mud with them. Surround yourself as much as possible with people with aspirations, dreams, and who radiate positivity. Moods are contagious. Select very much who you let enter your inner circle of friends but do not become hermetic to meet new people.

  1. Be as sociable as you can

Shyness will not bring you anything good. Meet new people, talk to them, discover their hobbies and aspirations. Share experiences that inspire you with positivity and joy. How to meet new people? The easiest way is to do group activities or be in one place with other people for a set amount of time. For example: discos, pubs, team sports, at work, at university, in workshops, on organized trips and, of course, on social networks. And, most importantly, don’t wait for the other person to take the first step, be the one to take it. Don’t think about what he will think or whether he will reject you or something like that. Just say hello, the rest will flow. With practice it will become easier and easier to meet new people. Do not close in on yourself, open yourself to the world. Life gains a whole lot if it is shared with excellent people. This is an ideal time to expand your circle of friends by saying “Hello” viaTwitter or Facebook .

  1. Find a new hobby

I like to say that hobbies are the spice of life. This is what gives white pasta its taste. What would you be willing to do even if no one knew? That is a hobby, no matter what others think, you do it with pleasure. The possibilities are many, try several until you find the one that fulfills you the most: sports such as tennis, drawing or painting, cinema, good reading, playing the piano, writing a blog, cooking, yoga and, ultimately , anything you can think of that makes the time you spend with it the most entertaining of the day. There was a time when I became obsessed with drawing. He read as much as he could and, above all, he practiced like a maniac all day. My obsession reached such a point that I began to look at everyone around me with the eyes of a cartoonist. I would pay attention to the smallest detail of things and then put them on paper. Today I have left that hobby parked for others, but from him I take the memory of one of the most wonderful times of my life and. of course, the skill and knowledge of a decent draftsman.

Here is a color drawing that I did at the time.

  1. Create a blog

Have you found your hobby? Do you already know what that topic is that you could talk about for hours without getting bored? Well. Create a blog and write about it. It will help you clarify your ideas; it will force you to create things of value useful to others; you will help other people with what you write; you will contribute your grain of sand to the world; It will be your little legacy to the blogosphere. And, as if all this were not enough, you will delve into your subject and become an expert. Little by little your name will be recognized in the field on which you write and they will ask you to advise them. Thanks to the blog you will meet people with the same interests and it will make it easier for you to expand your circle of friends and contacts. And who knows, if you are a good blogger you may be able to live off your new hobby.

Here are my best tips for you to reach the top of the blogosphere: The 10 Commandments of a Good Blogger

  1. Change jobs

If you are burned out from your job or it just doesn’t fill you up like it used to, change jobs. “Yes, as if it were so easy to change jobs.” Yes, it is, and I’ll tell you how: just never stop looking for work. This means that even if you have a job and you are comfortable in it, do not stop sniffing out other job opportunities that may be more advantageous or attractive than the one you have now. There is a very good book on the subject, which I read a lot of years ago, entitled: “ Who has taken my cheese”. It is about two mice, one is satisfied with the cheese he has and does not worry about the uncertainty of the future and, the other, who even and having enough cheese for a good season decides to go out in search of more rooms with cheese. I recommend reading it, especially for those who feel happy and calm with the work they have.

Therefore, always look for work and, either because difficult times are coming or because you feel like it, choose the job that you like the most or, at least, have the search work done that will surely save you a lot of time. It’s a great way to take the skillet of your career by the handle.

  1. Create your own business

Today it is easier than ever to create your own business. The costs have been significantly reduced and the options are many. If you don’t want to depend on the decisions of your superiors, this is the best way to take charge of your financial health. Economic cycles and the situation of the markets influence but, ultimately, the determining factor of the success or failure of your business will be your contribution, your dedication and your ability to motivate others (if there are more people working with you) . The waves make navigation difficult, but a good captain can save even the wildest of waves. So take the helm and full sail buccaneer

  1. Make your passion your business and not the other way around

If what you like to do the most, that you would do even if nobody gave you a penny for your work, you turn it into your business, the chances of success and being happy with your work are very high. Ask yourself what you like to spend your free time on; what are you willing to do even if you don’t charge for it; what are the books you like to read; what would you like to do if you didn’t work from what you do; and a long etc. Find your passion and then find ways to get money from it. Trust me, I’m sure that in any case (or at least 90% of the cases) you can find ways to earn money from your passion. For this you only need business acumen and perseverance to show the world that you are an expert in the field (good marketing helps).

On the other hand, if you intend to force your business or job to be your passion, that will do nothing more than damage you mentally and make you miserable. Why? Because you will dedicate your life (yes your life, if we take into account the huge number of hours we spend working) to something that you really do not like. I don’t know about you, but on my deathbed I don’t want to look back and think: my God what the hell have I done with my life! Mind you, I’m not saying quit your job. What I’m saying is, do your best to associate your true passion with your work. One option is to look for another job more in line with your passion and when you find it, switch to this one. You can also work in a business based on your passion during hours outside of work (from 8 to 11 for example, or on weekends). Do it, but with your head.

Here is a good article that can help you: How to be a Good Entrepreneur on the Net

  1. Sell your by-products

Do you need to generate a new inflow of money? For this, nothing better than selling the by-products of your activity. Have you thought about the amount of knowledge you have that someone might be interested in paying for it? You can offer workshops both online and offline; be a private consultant in your field; create a blog and earn some money with it or make yourself known (indirect benefits); write and sell ebooks or books; Give particular classes; create videos and sell a course online; and, come on, whatever you can think of. Think about it, are you wasting your activity or your knowledge? I say that the safest thing is that you can get a little extra money and, if you mount it well, maybe you will make your by-products your main source of income.

Here is an article that will surely help you: How to Generate an Alternative Source of Income from your Business Activity

  1. Take care of your workers and they will take care of your business

If one part of the gear fails, the whole mechanism will malfunction until it breaks completely. Your employees, from the first to the last, are part of the gear of your business. Put people ahead of everything else. Prioritize your desires ahead of results. Make them feel comfortable in their job. Treat your employees well and they will treat your customers well, they will speak well of you and your products, but not because you asked them, but because they really want to. How to make your workers feel loved? (1) Please tell them when you ask them for something. It is a sign of respect. (2) Thank them sincerely. They will see that you appreciate them. (3) Know their dreams and goals and help them achieve them.(4) Take an interest in them and their lives. (5) Share experiences inside and outside of work. But remember, do all of this for them and not for yourself. When you give do not expect to receive anything in return. Giving to receive is being a manipulator. To give to help from the heart is to be a good person. When the day comes, who do you think your employees are going to support? A manipulator or a good person who day after day looks out for their good?

If you liked this advice and want to delve deeper into what I am explaining in this article, the following article will be very interesting: The Secrets of True Motivation Deciphered

  1. Live a frugal life

More goods, more possessions, more of everything is only going to cause you more discomfort, more headaches and more frustration. Once you enter the spiral of consumerism, leaving the power of its attractive force is almost impossible. You always want something more, something that such a person has, something that will make me look what I really deserve, something that will finally make me enjoy life. Everything is wrong. Covering the basic needs, everything else is superfluous. Get used to living in frugal conditions, eliminating everything that is expendable from your life. With this you will simplify your life, you will stifle the desire for compulsive consumerism and you will begin to enjoy the most mundane things, which are generally the cheapest if not free.

  1. It’s the little things that make life a pleasant trip

Forget about Ferraris and yachts. Do not torment yourself by the size of your floor or by its views. Stop obsessing over which business school is going to accept you for an MBA. All that does not matter, because that is not going to give you the satisfaction that the little things in life give you: watching a game with friends; eat with your glass of wine; go on a hike in the mountains; take a dip in the sea; enjoy the company of your children; read you the latest novel by your favorite writer; sit down to write your book; go to the movies with your partner, have a romantic dinner and have desserts together. None of this is expensive or luxurious or at least there is no need for it to be. You will agree with me that it is these last things and not the first that make life worth living.

  1. Fight for something that is really worth it

You must be very clear about why you fight every day of your life. Without an ultimate goal that guides each and every one of your actions, your motivation can fail at any moment. Without a true motivation that burns inside you every morning when you wake up, you run the risk of surrendering to the blows that life gives. The road is full of obstacles and the only way to get to the right destination is to know where you want to go. Likewise, when you are clear about the reason for your life you can inspire others to follow you, your passion will be your flag and your finger, like Columbus’s, will point to the promised land. Don’t be an automaton. Follow the path that your heart marks. And what are you fighting for?

  1. Clearly determine your priorities in life

What are the 5 things that you have or want to have most important to you? Focus most of your time on doing activities that are aimed at conserving or achieving each of these priorities. Everything else is superfluous, remove it from your life or allocate a residual part of your time. For example, one of my priorities is to become a writer. Therefore, every day I dedicate a part of my time to the achievement of this priority. Another of my priorities is to help my family to be happy as much as possible. Therefore, part of my daily efforts is to promote the conditions necessary for your happiness to be possible. Another of my priorities is my health. For this reason, I follow a healthy diet and every day I spend a certain amount of time exercising. Some tasks that I have eliminated from my life, To buy time for what really matters to me are: television consumption (except for the Simpsons and some football games); reading magazines; I have reduced my nights out; Alcohol consumption; use of Messenger; etc. Set the priorities of your life, eliminate or reduce everything else and, with this, you will establish the habits of success and happiness.

  1. Simplify your economy

Spend less than what you enter. Keep your personal accounting for a month. Mark your income and expenses in a notebook or sheet. Look at the list of expenses and ask yourself the following question: Which of these expenses is expendable? What expenses can I remove from the list? Begin to eliminate everything that you don’t really need or that contributes very little to obtain your priorities or to make your life happier. Don’t confuse whim with necessary expense. Don’t ever spend money getting crossed out on the list.

  1. Simplify your work

Start working before everyone else. But not a little before but long before. While the others are hitting the wet and having their morning coffee, you will already be involved in relevant work (not low-value tasks like checking your email or tweeting). Don’t be interrupted by your colleagues. Say No to interruptions. Make a list of your most important tasks (no more than three). Spend your work time doing them. If you finish them, you can dedicate the time that you have left to less relevant tasks. Set a clear limit for finishing those important tasks. The limit must be less than your working day. Clean your table of everything that is unnecessary. Put a tray on your table and place one on top of the other all the pending tasks and all those that come to you. Sort the pending tasks in the tray according to their urgency and importance. Until you finish one task, don’t move on to the other.

If you liked this advice, I recommend that you read this article: The Two Great Laws of Productivity

  1. Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket

Never put all your eggs in one basket. Who doesn’t tell you that tomorrow things will have changed? The only immutable thing is that there is nothing immutable, what is white today can be black tomorrow and what is black tomorrow the day after tomorrow can be white again. Always explore other business opportunities; diversify your investments; look for work even if you already have one; expand your circle of friends; and other similar measures in any sphere of your life. Don’t let change catch you with your pants down. When it arrives you must have a choice or rest easy knowing that you are covered.

  1. Generate new income streams

Making your entire economy based on a single income route is putting your well-being and that of yours at risk. What would happen if the tap was turned off? I already tell you: you would become dehydrated and you may eventually perish of thirst. Don’t let that happen to you. How to generate new ways of income? Ask yourself the following questions: What by-products does my activity generate that I can sell? Do I have knowledge that people would be willing to pay for? How can I profit financially from these by-products and knowledge? We all know things that have value for others, you just have to sort that knowledge and make it available to others for a reasonable price. Today, with the use of the Internet, it is easier and cheaper than ever to distribute content.

Would you like to know more about generating alternative income streams? Read this article: How to Generate an Alternative Source of Income

  1. Build ties with your close friends

El ser humano es un animal social. Los amigos son pieza fundamental de nuestras vidas y, por ende, de nuestra felicidad. El ajetreo de nuestras vidas, la pereza, la dejadez, las obligaciones y, en definitiva, cualquier obstáculo que nos distancie de nuestros amigos cercanos hay que superarlo a toda costa. No dejes que las relaciones con la gente que quieres se enfríen demasiado. Cada día que pasa te será más difícil recuperar esa amistad. Hay que luchar por lo que vale la pena y, créeme, esto la vale. Estar con los buenos amigos nunca es tiempo perdido. Como diría el bueno de Lois L. Kaufman: “si plantas una semilla de amistad recogerás un ramo de felicidad”. Y yo continuaría diciendo: “si no riegas las flores que brotan de las semillas plantadas corres el riesgo de que se mueran por falta de amor”. No pierdas más tiempo, da el primer paso tú y envía un mensaje a aquellos buenos amigos con los que hace tiempo que no hablas y, si vivís cerca, queda con ellos tan pronto te sea posible. No hay excusas.

  1. Be detailed with those who love you

There is nothing easier and more rewarding, for you and for the other person, than having little details with those who love you. You do not have to spend a single cent of a euro to have a detail, although if you want you can spend it, with a simple poem, a love letter, a drawing, the book she has been talking about for weeks, a dinner. that I leave to your responsibility. Not only do I mean with your partner, but also with the members of your family (parents, siblings, grandparents, children, etc.). A good detail will strike a chord with the other person and not only show them how much you appreciate them but also open the doors to their heart. The detail has to connect with your feelings. Find out what tastes the other person has, what would make them feel special, and do it. Can you imagine the face your father will make when you give him a little detail? Or your mother when you read her a poem written in her honor? Her smile is priceless.

  1. Treat others as you would like to be treated

Respect and you will be respected. Hate and you will be hated. Hate and you will be hated. This is that simple. Life is like a mirror that will reflect what you show it. Show him a warm and sincere smile and that’s what you will get in return. I remember a study being done a few years ago that said that when people were close and, even more so when they interacted, moods were transferred. It is like a body mechanism that captures the vibrations of the other and adapts the reaction according to them. Therefore, if you want others to treat you with kindness, do not unload on them your bitterness or frustration. Don’t address someone with a scowl, clenched fists, and more serious than a stick. Well, that is what you are going to receive. Instead, approach people with a sincere smile, relax your body, soften your voice,

  1. It is not the amount of time you spend with your family that matters but the quality

Would you like to spend more time with your family but your obligations prevent it? I’d say do your best to reduce the time spent on your duties. Maybe looking for a job where you have to dedicate fewer hours (even if they pay you less), or delegate tasks of your business that you now do to someone else. If for whatever that is not possible, you will have to squeeze the orange to the maximum to get all the juice. The time you spend with your family should be authentic, do not miss the little time you spend together watching things on TV or discussing stupid things. Time is money and tomorrow, contrary to what the title of the James Bond film says, does die.

  1. The illusion of time

This is a little trick that I am going to share with you. How to make the other person’s sense of the time you’ve spent with them warp and seem more than it actually was. Well, very easy, instead of being with the person 3 hours in a single period of time, connect with them several times throughout the day. You don’t have to always interact physically. For example, a little message here, a tweet there, a half hour with her on the other side and an hour at the end of the day. In total: 1 hour and 35 real minutes dedicated to that person. Sensation of the other person: at least 3-4 hours. If you look at it, this is what many couples do. The grace is to apply this little trick with everyone that you want to have the feeling that you spend a lot of time with them.

  1. The true value of things

Things are things and people are people. Never put the first before the second. What I mean by this? Don’t slap your child on a historical dustbin because he dropped something on the new couch. The correct formation of the personality is not built on the basis of scavenging. The same goes for anyone else. Also, by this I mean that it is not worth martyrdom for wanting something and not being able to get it; or wanting to preserve intact an asset that is highly valued to us; or to kill ourselves at work not because we love our work or because we really need it, but to obtain material goods that we believe will make our life the just merit of our person. Remember, things are things and nothing more. Achieving them not only does not bring true happiness but, as Buddha would say, your desire is often the cause of unhappiness. And as you should already know, once you get what you want … surprise! Now you want something else a little better. Therefore, do not fall into the trap of consumerism, live a life as frugal as you can and enjoy the small pleasures of life.

  1. ​​Travel with the time machine

There is a time in the history of mankind in which we all would have liked to live or that attracts our attention. It can be both back and forth in time. I am fascinated by the time of ancient Greece and the future (3 or 4 generations after me). For this reason, everything that has to do with the great philosophers of the Ancient Age, as well as with the great battles of that time and the biographies of their illustrious characters, their learning gives me immense satisfaction. It is like living a life parallel to the present but in another time. Reading books about and from the time has not only helped build my character and develop my reasoning and writing skills, but it has also been some of the best times I have ever had in my life. Trust me, there is nothing boring to know how was the conquest of Persia by Alexander, or the trial that ended the life of Socrates, or the speeches of Demosthenes, for some the best speaker of all time. Do the same, discover what or which are your favorite times and immerse yourself in them. Read books, watch movies, write your own stories, and the like. You will not only learn like a sponge but you will enjoy like a child.

  1. The art of knowing what to read and how to read it

What to read Throughout my life I have “wasted” a lot of time reading things of questionable quality. The time we have to read is not unlimited. Select carefully what you read. My recommendation is that you play it safe. Be guided by advice from people you trust, or from your reading of reviews or opinions, as these rarely fail. Now, do not stop reading new things that, although they are not considered masterpieces, may be useful or entertaining. Be guided by your interest and by the usefulness that you think you can extract from the book or e-book.

How to read? “But hey, are you now going to tell me that I can’t read?” You know, I just want to share with you a few tips: (1) always when reading you have to have a pencil in hand to underline and make annotations in the margins. (2) stop reading too fast, you won’t find out about anything. Allow time to digest what you read. If it is necessary to reread it is reread. If you need to stop for a few seconds to reflect, stop. Reading more than 2000 words per minute is bullshit. What a stress OMG. (3) re-reading books that are jewels some time after having read them for the first time is highly recommended. You will fix concepts in the mind and deepen its teachings.

  1. Interact with the world around you

This advice is a little different from the rest but I think it is worth it for you to know it. People are so focused on ourselves that we believe that everything else is an inanimate setting. The world around you has life, it breathes just like you or I only we are not aware of it. This tip is about just that: getting back in tune with the world. Here are some tips to get it:

  • Meditation:Once a day (ideal) or once a week (minimum) we must dedicate at least 15 minutes to meditate. How to meditate? Just sit in a quiet place, be aware of how the air enters your nose and leaves at a constant speed and tries to keep your mind quiet, without thoughts. Be your own meditation teacher. An idea that I like to feel when I meditate is the following: “I am part of the Universe and the Universe is part of me”; Or put another way, “I am the Universe and the Universe is me.” This idea helps me get into the state of consciousness that I need to meditate.
  • Use all your senses with the elements that surround you:The senses help us to enhance the experiences we have. We have to rediscover the use of our senses. Here are some examples: walk barefoot on the sand; touches the bark of trees as it passes by; smell the aroma of bread before eating it; hug your partner and smell his neck (don’t bite him, or yes: D); touch your dog and feel his interior move, feel his life in the palm of your hand; sit for a long time next to a cactus and let yourself be seized by its stillness; play with the pigeons; listen carefully to the song of the seagulls; watch your flight; lie down to rest in a forest. What does it smell like? Do you feel the air on your skin? What sounds do you identify ?; and many other things like that that make you feel that the world around you is alive and, more importantly, that you are too.
  • Start drawing, painting, making movies or taking pictures as a hobby:One of the most beautiful stages that I remember in my life was when I became fond of drawing. I remember that in the morning I was studying Law and in the afternoon I was pretending to be a student of Fine Arts. Here is one of my sketches (self-portrait) from that time. By the way, now I have a lot less hair: D. I also love the world of photography, here you can see some of my best photos .

What do these hobbies have to do with interacting with the world around you?

These hobbies that I have listed will help you see the world through the eyes of an artist. Your gaze will analyze any image, color and shape down to the smallest detail, and little by little you will begin to detect beautiful compositions that you can immortalize with your pencil, brush or camera. Apart from developing your creative thinking, which is unfortunately often quite neglected, you will also gain a keen sense of aesthetics over time. These two new skills will make a difference in your work for the rest of your life.

  1. Live in the now

Forget about the past. Don’t think about the future. The only thing that really matters is now. If you look back there is frustration for not being able to change past events or nostalgia for happy moments that will or will return. If you look to the future there is concern for uncertainty. In short, living in the past or in the future only produces suffering. How to live in the present? Some advice: Try to quiet your mind. Practice absolute mental silence for a few minutes a day; interact with the world around you and feel it; identify when your mind begins to travel to the past or the future and bring it back to the present; meditate; do yoga; etc.

  1. Be water my friend

As the good Bruce Lee would say: “be water my friend.” Flow like water and adapt to the circumstances. It is not the world that must adapt to you, since it was already long before you existed, but you to the world. Now, like water, you must adapt but without losing your essence. You should always be yourself and not what others want or force you to be. Don’t betray your principles.

  1. Take Action – Now it’s your turn

What has been said so far is straw if you don’t put it into practice. Everything you can learn from life is of absolutely no use if you do not apply the teachings to your life day after day after day …

So, print out this article (not without first sharing it with your friends and loved ones) and start reading it from the beginning. Pencil in hand underline everything that is interesting or useful for your day to day and make all those annotations that you consider appropriate. One by one apply those tips that can make a difference in your life and keep a weekly record of the results.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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